How come finns are so obsessed with swedish language? Every street...

How come finns are so obsessed with swedish language? Every street, even every subway station has both finnish and swedish names, and Finland was in russian empire since like 1800s

they have been part of sweden since their inception and they must learn swedish in school they have a large minority of swedes, they are basically an extension of sweden before the russian interrruption

>16 stations
my sides

Helsinki has population of only 600 000 people. It's impressive actually


kek my city had literally only one line till a few years ago and they still named it
LRT ““““““““metro”””””””” line

Finland isn't even anywhere near my country and even i know that it's because swedes are a minority group in Binlan

fucking idiota

>closed cart on rails underground
you may have some mental disabilities

Not all minority groups are entitled to this. Besides they are like 5% of population


Because they got SWEDED

A picture says more than a hundred words

because they have a swedish minority

Because Finland exist thanks to Swedish Empire they were one who civilized them, Russian Empire only claim to fame is failed attempts at russification.

>Not all minority groups are entitled to this
In normal countries they are. Russia is prison of nations so your ignorance is understandable

>Not all minority groups are entitled to this.
In shitholes like Lithuania maybe.
In Poland all recognised ethnic minorities even as obscure as few dozens people roleplaying as Lemkos and Karaim have the right to use their language in offices.

cna u expelain it pelase ¿

Because we're officially bilingual.

Read a book, Igor

You seem to misunderstand the situation. It's not just a meme regional language there, learning Swedish is mandatory in all Finnish schools as well.

I understand that. And I don't really see the problem. Finland has strong cultural and historical ties to Sweden. That's one. Swedish minority (Fennoswedes whatever) accounts for like 5% of Finnish population and in some regions even more. While I totally get that it may be perceived as somewhat unfair and unilateral agreement since Swedes don't learn Finnish but that's how it is.

In Polish schools polish students learn English and a 2nd modern European language. It's mostly French and German. Some schools teach Spanish. I learned Russian in high school.
And there's no chance a French, German or Russian school teaches Polish since compared to French, German, Russian or Spanish Polish language is just irrelevant.

There's no shame in knowing (or at least being familiar as it is in most cases) more than one language senpai.

I've heard Poland is conservative as fuck nowdays, probably more than Lithuania, and you don't have second national language
There is no point in learning anything but english actually


>I've heard Poland is conservative as fuck nowdays
The monkey in charge changed. Not a biggie.
They're actually more bent on muh historical ethnicities in Poland than the previous government.

>probably more than Lithuania
I was referring to the state of law regarding Polish minority in Lithuania (which has lived there for centuries, Wilno region is 80%+ Polish even though Soviets technically kicked us out a century ago) which doesn't enjoy the same priviledges that the Lithuanian minority in Poland has.

>and you don't have second national language
Gminas with significant minority populations use their national language in government documents.
Pic related, a Belarussian town and a German town in Poland with bilingual signs.

And let's not forget that in Poland there's the "Electoral Community of German Minority" which are exempt from the minimum 5% election threshold which pretty much grants them at least 1 seat in the Sejm (lower house of polish parliament, equivalent of your Duma).

It’s not that he doesn’t know, of course he does. You see; the purpose of this thread is merely to cause shit flinging between us and Swedes because he finds it enjoyable.

+1 for you, Sir.

That's cool. Too bad belorussian is already dead language

Hey Finland, how about we team up together and exterminate the East-Nords?
We could combine your combat expertise with our sea expertise to take them out.
Also autism

No, I just found it strange, again since swedish ruling ended more than 2 hundred years ago

You have population less then some irrelevant small town in Russia and finns have less than St Petersburg's lol

>Too bad belorussian is already dead language
Our government is desperate to keep it alive. We have festivals of Belarussian culture co-funded by the state in Poland

TVP (Polish state-owned TV network) also is the owner of Belsat, a belarussian-language TV channel in Belarus.
Lukashenko was at one point fairly butthurt about it.

Go choke on my CHAUINISTIC RUSSIAN COCK, minority subhuman. "Normal counties" get rid of aboriginals that occupy THAT FUTURE LAND OF THEIR OWN. You have to SUCK RUSSIAN COCKS EVERY DAY FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND MOTHER WERE SPARED AND YOU HAD THE CHANCE TO BE BORN. Fucking nigger scum.

Boston metro. 670k population

DC metro. 690k pop

Boston is the only such city in the US though

Finland. Stay comfy.

Thanks for (YOU)