Why do we have to be Amerimum's kids?

Why do we have to be Amerimum's kids?

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It's either America or China's dick. We already suck both.


i can understand for Japan, we attacked America and lost it, but gooks....

they didn't comfort us enough so we can defeat america

gooks got cucked by our jewish owned religion


You don't. wtf do you even need us for now? everybody knows we won't die for you anyway even if the north did invade

kick out the yankee dogs, kill the yankee sons of bitches who raped your country and burned your people

(besides they have real nukes now lmao. they win, you lose, we go home)

c u c k s

t. kim

Kim Jong Un- and I want to be clear I'm only speaking only about geopolitics right now-

Kim Jong Un is right about everything.

You need us more than we need you

You would be blown to bits by Kim without U.S. protection and economic assistance

La creatura...

That's bullshit.

what's mean cucked ?
I have recently seen the word often used on twitch chat.
I was curious but ashamed to ask it

You don’t.

Don’t worry, people are working on fixing this :^)



ohhh, you're in for big surprise

Not blown to bits. There are fates worse than that...

wife fucks another man

hell yeah

fuck us up, senpai. step on our nuts


o. I see. Thanks.
I am not related to other Koreans who wrote here btw

The USA is literally evil and it's actually gay of you to support them just because they're your country. That's fucking weird of you in a very gay way. At least when my country is evil I don't present by boypussy for it the way you do.

Fucked up man

Many of the citizens of South Korea and Japan believe that they will be invaded by North Korea or China without US influence and US troops. They are fairly cucks.

>t. michael the english teacher

All the non-cucked south koreans got free membership in the Bodo League. sry
