Name 1 (one) famous Australian from the 21st century. Steve Irwin doesn't count

Name 1 (one) famous Australian from the 21st century. Steve Irwin doesn't count.

Margot Robbie.

Crocodile Dundee

Russel Crowe, Nicole Kidman, Kylie Minogue

Steve Irwin

one of the best actresses in 21st century, Nicole Kidman

Steve Irwin


Rupert Murdoch
Mel Gibson
Hugh Jackson

Nathan Lyon

Tony "Sink the Boats" Abbott

Big Damos

me on the right


By birth, true, but he's a true blue by heart.

My dad.
I remember he visited me and my mom and went to one of my parent teacher conferences and yelled at my teacher for 10 minutes straight
Good times

tfw no low IQ, thuggish, violent BBC bf

>he visited me and my mom

He and my mom split up so he went back to Australia

gross a hybrid

Barry Marshall. I think he discovered H. pylori and so

Hugh Jackson

the fella that died wanking in inxs
shane warne
nate lyon
brett lee
tim minchin
brody dalle
fellas from silverchair


Hugh Jackman