This is 10/10 in Poland

this is 10/10 in Poland

More like 2/10

Better than having feminists who wear burkas huh.

would desu

Would not, desu.

Why not?

she is not bad. If you take all this fake tan, redundant makeup and dress her properly... you know.


>tfw no gyaru gf

Gyarus are fun as hell. I groped their ass myself.

Lies, there are no gyarus in cold countries

Yes there are. And they will stick out their asses so you would grope them. You just have to drink more.

Eh, but I don't drink because of my grandad...

You need to go to places where gyarus are. Sitting at home playing games you won't meet gyarus.

I bet she can really suck a dick.

I'm onto you Satan.

she would be treated as a goddess in any nonwhite country

Wait, wait, wait. Stop the fucking presses. Is this Doda? Man, even whores on roksa look better than... that thing.

This is 9/10 in Poland

to be fair Doda was pretty bangable

>is a Polish musical artist
Fuck you poles i thought she was a pornstar, thanks for nothing.

your fault for being a fucking degenerate and not admiring true art that is pop music