
Deleted edition

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Why is the "Singaporean" not wearing a hijab?
Singapore is an Islamic country.

Because that's you in drag

3rd for m'laysia truly asia

laos and philippines rook same

i blame indon cinok for this

Seventh for a very rare appearance of a gas chamber in not only Philippine television but also /asean/ television (non-news)

That's some serious false advertising

God damn I love Feby Febiola

just ads from a period tv show

> Let's blame Cina
That's all that tiko can do

Is south asia safe for travels? I imagine it's scary as fuck for some reason.

no pajeets will break into your house and turn it into a designated shitting location

haha got one cinok

>Is south asia safe for travels?

South Asia = Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
Southeast Asia = Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Philippines

hello czech

just go to malaysia,it is truly asia
some fuck might recommend singapore but that place is boring as hell,literally just one city

Okay I meant southeast asia. I definitely won't go to india with all the diesases


Don't you mean Raos

if you don't bother visiting every southeast asian countries, just go to malaysia. I think it's southeast asia in a single country.

You take that seriously?
Tak perlu dihiraukan

why is singapore participating in the shitshow for poorfaggots?

no we're full
go to Philippines instead for a good experience

hey man,india is more than just the slumposting you see in this site,they have plenty of clean cities and they have a space program,a military that is no joke and do plenty of innovation and breakthroughs,they must be doing something right over there


What is /asean/ listening to?

Guys, i'm not chinese but 100% javanese master race

go to the philippines instead

For first timer, go to Singapore & Malaysia. You can get by with only English and relatively modern you won't have too much of a culture shock. Thailand is very tourist friendly and cheap but with less English proficiency. You can add Cambodia and Vietnam too if you're feeling adventurous but again, their English is limited.

Indonesia has very interesting cultures, a lot of beautiful sceneries and delicious food but it can be overwhelming if you're travelling alone and didn't speak Indo/Malay. Find a guide.



my favorite song this season so far

I'm just telling the bulgarian guy. He's going as a tourist anyway, so it'll only benefit your country from his visa money.


>master race
*nahan ketawa
Don't know why but javanese catholics are somewhat "more javanese" than the muslims.

Can it be best hat competition?

To: Jawas
Please keep your cancer in your island
k thx bye

This. Get an official guide, ask your hotel receptionist.

A good majority of Malaysians have jawa in their blood, what are you gonna do now?

Why did Indon OP deleted the thread?


Usually Thailand or Bali are the starterpack of traveling in this region.


I don't think we would qualify

south malaysia is not the whole malaysia

>how long before OP's not able to delete his own thread

my relatives gave me a cowboy hat,it's pretty cool

Send them back and build your wall

>his deputy prime minister is javanese
that aside most javanese there are prolly blue-collar worker, aren't they?

javanese in suriname are ok, but the ones here are sometimes obnoxious

Huh, it gets deleted? probably someone dumped prons.

I just observed the recent influx of Indians flocking in my hometown (Davao city). Why do indians smell like shit?


Selangor and Pahang are Jawa, Johor and Melaka are mixed in with bugis pirates or minangkabau. Southern Perak have a kerinchi majority. I don't know the rest.

And you guys are gonna pay for it ;^)

>blue-collar worker, aren't they?

A majority of them are in Selangor, the state with one of the highest income.

Our previous /asean/ thread, the only thing sexy there was the aspara pic.

tell me about Cotabato. is there anything there?

northern states are melayu jati and WE WUZ true siam n khmers n shiet
While borneo is safe from the jawa menace

Dunno, can confirm though they smell like shit when I visited Little India in Singapore some times ago.

Nah, I don't think any porn got dumped, you can see here:


I think it was due to excessive niggering in the OP.

We are a muslim country.

>melayu jati

tip top kek

Isn't Johor also one of the state with highest number of Javanese? Nasi Ambeng, Kuda Kedang, Tempe semua memang sinonim dengan orang Johor

>tell me bout Cotabato
I dont go /out/ user

The slumposting must have atrracted them to go there in a weird turn of events.

Like I said they're mostly mixed with bugis

answer pls

>jowo praising and serving a bugis king en masse
oh the irony

takbir *implodes*

I'm the culinary guy, yen
2 more years

jngn dilayan mat salleh dari paya tu

>Al-Sin Ga Furi

Just like in Selangor

tell me whats it like being among muslims?
they're growing in numbers over here,setting up shops and building mosques every year and I've only ever known Chistians my whole life up to a few years ago

proud to be 2/28 singaporean

>not spelling it as al singapuri
do you think he knew of the memes?


>whats like to be among with moslems
to be honest, some are really chill to be with although I still dont trust them because of Taqqiya. They literally use jewish tactics which is ironic considering that they hate jews. I'll just say that you should never trust a moslem. Dont let your guard down

Is it just me or does Filipino TV look better than Filipino movies, just image quality wise? The movies always have that weird look to them, like they were filmed under florescent lights.

>tfw roman catholic

hello my muslim kababayan,I am a Christian and I tolerate you

Taqqiya is a shia sect meme, though I doubt you'll believe me

I think it's GMA that looks brighter. I don't know why but for some reason, at least on my local cable provider, ABS's color quality is noticeably dimmer than GMA's, particularly during teleseryes.

But you're not even roman

(((favourable trade deals)))

why tho? An actual moslem "friend" of mine told me about taqqiya and he even said to me that I should be careful to him.

thats where your wrong kiddo

GMA always looks like you're staring at the sun while you're watching it. I have Sky Direct and it looks great on there. I suspect they are sourcing if from the ISDB-T broadcast. Of course ABS-CBN is in HD on there and it's really beautiful. Framerate seems kinda off though for some reason.

Herro Rudi Hartono Liem

>still watching the electrical jew

tell me indo bro, how trace a chinese from indonesia by their name alone?

Ok Valentino Budiarto

Probably because of too much spam niggin.

You are more of a Chinese country.

One if the first 5 founding members.

Yen as in Ayen?

GMA look's flat tho and has no dimension of depth and overall poor quality of production

how does it feel to have a cucked pope?

>yen as in ayen
yeah, i tend to shorten nicknames into just one syllable. picked it up from my school days.

Yeah, wonder why GMA can't seem to improve their TV series. Their news programs and documentaries are pretty good, but their teleseryes are noticeably inferior.

How should I know, different sects think things differently. Just like Catholics and Protestant.

javanigga name/anglo name + chink name
e.g Hartono Lie
some wijaya, sanjaya anf other jayas

Who else lives in a cozy small city/town?
Fuck Manila and Cebu(never been to Davao)

I actually know why and I'm not going to tell

So you're the one with the trip? nice name btw

I don't think the production is that poor really. It's in the editing etc stage where things go haywire. Even though they're shooting in HD (obviously 4:3 protected) it ends up edited and played out on old equipment.

Let's not even talk about the special effects on the fantasy type programs though. The less said the better.

being a decent human being isn't a sign of weakness

>Upin & Ipin dubber will be 18 in 3 months

Feel old yet?

