This guy slaps your gf's ass, what would you do?

this guy slaps your gf's ass, what would you do?

rejoice, as I finally have a gf

run, before he brings the combined might of the Bogotá cartel onto me

slapping my gf's ass is a small price for him spawning me a gf in the first place

Wonder why he has a gf and most girls like some kind of assholes. True story.

How can you slap that which is not temporal?

rape his pudgy ass

I cry

>i-i-i have a gf
>make a "we're all going to make it thread" on Sup Forums

pay him a dollar a day to beat himself up

Ask him to slap my ass as well

I'm no one to compete against that fabulous white specimen

vape at him

Beat the shit out of him with my bare hands

Submit to 0n-sama's might.

The fuck he slap the back of my hand for?

nuffin, can't compete with him

The joke's on you, nargentino. I don't have a girlfriend.

inquire as to why i have a gf

My gf kicks his arse. I watch and do nothing.

>on Sup Forums
not gonna make it