Did you know we have Wombats?

Did you know we have Wombats?

that wombat is handling that australian too agressively.

You call Australia weak?

of course

Yes, but Russia has tigers.


Outta the way, you fucking shits.

They look docile enough but come feeding time they explode into the night air in a frenzy. There is a large wombat cave near where I live and they look like giant black smudges streaming across the sky a upon twilight.


Can you eat them or you get the rabies?

There is no rabies in australia

Russian tigers are fucking sissies.

The mercury content is dangerous high for human consumption.


Sure you're not thinking of fruit bats?

where are the kiwis, did some rabbits eat them?

The fuck you call me mate?

we have moose

Thats why we conquered them in the first place.

Putin bows to the Koala.


The greatest trick the Koalas ever pulled was convincing everyone the Jews were responsible.

we have pony

The only womb I know about is your mom's womb

