Why do fries w/ mayo trigger Amerilards?

You'd think they of all people would appreciate this combo.

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Americans are weird. You're apparently not allowed to put ketchup inside your hot dog in Chicago.

>trigger Amerilards
At least not me but that doesn't say much since I am originally from Worst Korea

I have to side with Americans on this, it's fucking disgusting

dutch do this with sweet pptatoes, it's disgusting

That's actually a positive sign


i sometimes put mayo on my frites cause a kid from germany i used to work with introduced me, it's not bad

Are you French?


i put mayo on everything. chicken, potatoes, sausage, beef and so on

Are there actually people that eat fries with just some salt? That's Yemen-tier

I actually enjoy the taste of fries with only salt. It depends how they're cooked.

>put it ON the fries
never done this, I usually just dip 'em in it

Mayonnaise and ketchup are both poor people tier

no i just like calling them pomme frites i think it's cute

You've never tasted good mayonnaise.

scandis unironically call them pommes frites ("pom frit")

Oh, that's cute.

This, based Curry Ketchup

Not a fan of chicken menstruations if I'm honest m8

>not using sambal oelek or kecap manis for fries

The true patrician dip is a 50/50 mix of chili hot sauce and regular heinz ketchup.

Frietje oorlog is gebaseerd

I like them.

Because there's a right and wrong way to get yourself diabetes and heart attack. And mayo with fries is the wrong way. Artificial cheese like product and coke is the american way.

what does this taste like?

Mayo is nastier than sin. Of course europoors would eat it

>chili hot sauce
Like sriracha ? Yeah it's a good combination

I like fries best with mustard.

Not real mayonaise, try Zaanse.

>t. only ever ate industrial mayonnaise

We do what?

Fat sugar.
It's horrible.

Isn't that a bit rich coming from an american?

vinegar is the condiment for fries

why make mayo when you can make vastly superior béarnaise? something that actually goes well with pomme de terre frite

Tried it, it was good. You should try this one.

That is fucking disgusting.

It's too white

Fuck off we're full

>not making the superior hollandaise

T.bh chipotle mayo is the superior dip. Just combine regular mayo with lime juice, garlic powder, paprika and chipotle peppers and blend that shit.

Mayonese is comunist and probably islamic too

Looks like you never tasted good potatoes

Mayo is literally just egg yolks, oil and some seasonings (vinegar, lemon, dry mustard, salt, sugar etc.). All it takes is literally just some whipping for less than 15 minutes and you're done.

fries and mayo are good as fuck. If you don't like it, you better check your privileges

Home made fries don't need sauces.


Zaanse mayo is cheaper than the time it takes me to make it myself.

>cheaper than egg and olive oil

Cheaper than the TIME.
A jar like that costs €1,30.
Making it for 15 minutes takes more effort and time than it's worth.

are you looking for trouble?

No, that's why I buy the jar instead of making it.

Each to their own. My favorite dip is a spicy and smoky BBQ sauce with shameful amounts of butter added. Bit weird maybe but I've nonetheless fully embraced it since discovering this sauce of the gods.

It tastes a lot better. If you're ruining your body with unhealthy food it should at the very least be a delight for your senses.

how do you know people don't spit in your mayonnaise?

Because factory workers wouldn't get the chance? Do you make all of your own foodstuffs?

I'm not ruining my body by eating unhealthy, as I do it so little.

Because there are no humans involved in the making of the mayo.

I mix some mustard in with the mayo for my fries.

There is mustard in mayo already

At some point some guy will have a hand in the making process and can spit in your food and even pour in piss or cum he would have kept in a concealed container
Never though about that?

>At some point some guy will have a hand in the making process

Why though?

It'd be national news if that were the case.
>concealed container of piss and wank
Lol what

>I'm not ruining my body by eating unhealthy, as I do it so little.
Are you certain you're not just Germans with a weird accent..?

Germans are Dutch with a weird accent.

this combo is bad

Because machines haven't taken over already and some people are needed in factories

>It'd be national news if that were the case.
*sends contaminated eggs abroad*
Even in 3 stars restaurants people spit in your food, if you think some low class worker won't spit in your mayonnaise let me tell you that you're wrong

>go to work
>everyone giving me weird looks
>realize its bring your piss bottle to work day

>Because machines haven't taken over already and some people are needed in factories
But why do we need people to produce mayonaise?
Seriously, that's a job that's easily replaced by robots.

So is Greek and money loans.

stop changing subject

I just wanna know why you think we have people working in a factory where they actual access to the mayo.

Curry Gewürz + Mayonaise + Peanut sauce + Onions

I think the jars are already automatically sealed before they get into the hands of workers, probably just to prevent that kinda shit.

That's a fucked up Patatje Oorlog, but I like it.

You don't eat fried eggs and literally any of bakery products?


you two dishonest fucks have no idea how processed food is made

Look at this shit made especially for you braindead hollanders and tell me these guys can't put spit, shit, cum or piss in your mayonnaise


It's a soyboy

its good without the peanut sauce too, used to order it all the time as 'patat speciaal' went especially well with frikandel

just curry, mayo and onions

Why are you so obsessed with people defiling your food? Must be a French thing.

I love soybois with funny accents

They're called chips. Hot chips.

still changing goalposts

That's a US factory.
Also they pick companies where they actually use peoples still.

What company has a human weighing out the spices for a several thousand litre batch?

You Dutch?

At this point you seem to want people to cum on your baguette.

Are you also growing olives and pressing your own oil?
Because someone could have spit in the bottle you bought

it's useless talking with you people
you swamp rats are boring, stubborn and unhygienic

>15 min

what the fuck?

>some guy will have a hand in the making process and can spit in your food and even pour in piss or cum he would have kept in a concealed container
What the fuck, mate? Is this how ypu got fired from your last job? These are some oddly specific actions.

Go stick a baguette in your ass, François, and call it a baguette avec nutella.

>keeps ranting on about the high probabilities of factories being full of jizz and cum
>calls us unhygienic
Yeah okay then.

Fuck you

You've got issues, man. Hilarious to read but must be awful to have to live with.

>being a child and wanting to cover up every other flavor with overwhelming sweetness

Maybe he put French cum and piss on it instead.

I do it with mayo and ketchup

Don't patronize me

You brought this upon yourself Guilliame.

*tears up shirt*