/Sino/ - 中文

ABC edition

Invited: Naturally born American born Chinese
Welcome: Naturalized Americans, Cuban-Americans, Peruvians
Not Invited: Rapists, War crime deniers, Malpractice physicians

The thread for posting in Chinese and discussion about the Chinese-speaking world, culture, life, travel, economics, geopolitics, etc.

Thread theme:

>Learning resources:

>Recommended TV Series:

>Recommended Movies:

>Literal Chinese cartoons:

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first for uyghurs

Response to my post in previous thread would be appreciated

>tfw haven't posted on Sup Forums for so long, I had forgotten how short the threads are

I am doing a Fullbright ETA in Spain. Will visit China this summer as well.

很漂亮 !


Why is he so mean to chinky qt? What's going on

>wants to teach English in china
>Chinese people speak mandarin
you will not be able to communicate jack shit if you cant speak mandarin conversationally. don't take it nige.

Its a TEFL program, the very point is to not speak Mandarin while teaching them English.

that might actually work out, which city is it? Ideally first tier city or at least 2nd tier, but run like hell if it's tier88.

I hate going to China, but its my business.
be refused day after day by the chinese embassy, its energy and time wasting.
my parents can not understand I can do almost everything on the internet, I dont need to eat with a disgusting chinese irl. in fact there are more chances of be scammed when you are near a chinese and with using the internet we are 17000 km far to each other.

They offer you it depending on your level and what is available. So the best of the best go to Shanghai and so on. So I would know when I get my offer.

I'd accept a 2nd tier but no way would I go any further.

peru? do you think the chinks know you really are peru? do you think they monitor your posts from the japan general to here, and that’s why you were denied? peru?

nope, its always the same, year by year it becomes harder.

Fuck, I forgot about those guys.

Okie then you will be fine. Beijing/ Shanghai would be the best, Shenzhen is good for ppl who like modern and don't care about old stuff. As soon as you figure out the subway system you will be golden.

>Starting teacher salary in Shanghai

Get ready to share a flat with 4 russians.

I really hope to find some good product in Vietnam to stop doing business with China.
this is my most wanted wish for the 2018 year.

Well lets she if I actually get the job but hopefully something good does happen here

I'm not obsessed with money but I know the EFL teachers in China earn plenty. Enough, usually, to rent a good enough place in the major cities, let alone in smaller/cheaper places

Just hire a slimy Anglo to do the dirty business for you. Anglos are designed from the ground up to do business with chinks and other such peoples.

>I know the EFL teachers in China earn plenty.

They do, just try and not get ripped off. A lot of inexperienced teachers will jump at $800 a month and not realise that they're getting completely ripped off.

Would you rather be an ABC earning $5,000-$6,000 of residual income from your business (adjusted for variance and other market variables) in the United States or a white monkey English teacher making $2,000 per year teaching children how to English?

Additional information, you are single as an ABC but you get a Chinese GF if you are the white monkey English teacher.

Which do you choose, int?

Are you just trying to bait out racists with this question? Everyone would prefer to earn more money obviously.

>wanting to be an ABC
Ewwwwww. I'd rather die.

Honestly, sometimes I have nightmares about not being a white man. The idea of being a chink gives me cold sweats.

Unfortunately, my incurable and powerful yellow fever will likely mean my children with be chinks. What a horrible man I am.

ABC in the USA are treated like trash
Whites in China are treated like kings.
so in this situation, I would prefer to be the white.

>$800 a month

kek. how fucking stupid would you have to be

Why couldn’t i stop watching this??

I've seen starting teachers fall for the $800 is a lot of money in China meme

Honestly, speaking to one of my friends who teaches in China, a lot of the people who travel there are stupid 18 year olds who don't have a clue about anything and end up leaving in tears after 6 months. So it wouldn't surprise me.

I am the greatest teacher ever. You better shut up.

Teaching can be one of the highest salaries for a foreigner in china if you do it right 2bh

Don't forget to dress up in your monkey costume or you're fired, Nigel.

Asian guys can keep white women 2bh

>full-time science teaching job in Shenzhen for up to 10k RMB/month

Holy fuck, I feel sorry for anyone who applies for this job.

When did she become ugly?

>Asians calling Whites monkeys

Why is this so funny to me?

Because you're an idiot

When she hit 27 like all white women.
Here is 29 year old Korean for comparison.

Emma with her Chinese boyfriend

If he wasn't just bullshitting he probably opened his own school.

>Emma with her Chinese boyfriend

He is a half Jap

He can keep the uggo

>>Emma with her Chinese boyfriend
It is amazing how many females in Hollywood have Asian boyfriends.

wtf im better looking than this guy. and I'm white

Why would you want her?

because she used to be smoking hot? she wasted her prime on that lanky chink

But if you were with her she'd be an uggo now.

Lol that's like the starting salary for undergrad in Tier 1 cities nowadays. People actually believe memes
It's like trying to survive in NYC with 20~30k income

Hopefully he will negotiate for at least double that.

Could you rec me some chinese dramas who don't suck dick, thx


Don't know why but Asia seem to attract all the idiots from NA. The rich ones are the over the top Jvlogger type, and working ppl are the grumpy English teacher type.
Saw some video where serpentza was complaining about how all the temples and palaces in movies don't exist. Dude lives in Shenzhen where the city was a fishing village 50 years ago.


The classic

The kinda don't though. There's temples. But the temples with kung fu monks are just hollywood makebelieve.

But it does...? Fairly sure the temple is too small to actually host all the martial arts students inside, not the temple is there and literally surrounded by martial schools.

Martial arts are fake though. Those martial arts schools are created to take advantage of stupid tourists. Hollywood created the whole china martial arts hype.

If you say so.

My point is there are plenty of old cities with tons of sites he can visit. Yet he chose to film some beat up old shine in a village and claim that's all there is to it.

I've been to 灵隐寺 and it's just full of tourists and people selling stuff. I get what he means. The temples have lost all their char,

Tourists ruin everything, which is why people go to incredible lengths to visit places without them. Which eventually causes tourists to visit said places, ruining them also.

Its a cycle.

Also you really wonder how much of this is original and how much of it is just fake shit for the tourists.

Pic related, picture I took there.

Isn't that the same deal with japan tho? Some of the most popular attractions are literally malls. Temples are swarmed by tourists and yet you will be crucified if you talk shit about it on youtube.

Like how real is all this?

how real is anything in London? Weren't most things rebuilt after WW2? How real is anything in Tokyo? Didn't everything get fire bombed in WW2? Go to Xi'an/ Da Li if you want to see original stuff, but then people will just complain about how the walls need to be fixed up.

At least China is highly photogenic.

For someone from a third world country like myself the $800 teaching position is actually a pretty well paid one. Fyi, my first ever salary for a full time job (something like auditor at a warehouse) was around $150-200 a month so I would gladly accept anything above $500.

Well the mystery of why there's so many Russians in China is solved.

>Weren't most things rebuilt after WW2
Most of central London was built between 1850-1930, its biggest time of expansion. Greater London was mostly built post-war though.

All the stuff, actually considered historic, is historic though.

It's mostly concrete jungles now

is everybody in this general white?

>TFW 56% gf.

peru wishes

What do Chinese think of Romanians?

I had my first speaking exam recently and fugged up something serious

>Kept getting 早饭 and 做饭 confused
>Pretty sure I said something dumb like 我觉得中文很好意思但是很好难
>Said fucking 先生 when I meant 学生
>Whole 考试 I was shaking like a leaf

this is after three months of daily study

Why do I have to be so nervous speaking chinese god damn it

Peru? If you fly to Korea, wear a gopro and record yourself confessing your undying love to cindy at her apartment, I will give you 10 bitcoin peru, I mean it peru.

Are we in business peru?

Where can I find chinese movies and tv shows with english subtitles?

Did you have to think of cute feet and it had you distracted?

I like being white, but I have no interest in 3D pig women.

most chinese movies suck, unless you want to sit through crappy meme films like wolf warrior don't bother.

watch 国语 dubbed hong kong classics instead, I'm very partial to "A Better Tomorrow" myself.

I got stuck in the foot fetish part of bilibili recently and thought of your shitposting

bcb here
i lurk for LANGUAGE questions

>I got stuck in the foot fetish part of bilibili recently and thought of your shitposting

real thread music


2 words
fuck cindy
btw , did you warned Cindy about me stalking her insta?











>Welcome: Cuban Americans
Gosh I feel like a VIP :3

What do you mean by real? That all looks nice to me

Is anyone here even Chinese?

>tfw I've been in my hometown for too long
>no chinese friends to practice chinese with
Gotta get back to DC soon.

>how real is anything in London?
That reminds me. Isn't the British Museum just a bunch of shit the British Empire stole from other countries and collected into their own museum?
The eternal Anglo really is the final boss of humanity.

He's a WMAF hapa

Thank God Europeans stole that shit.
They should've stolen more.
That shit was rotting in the hands of the natives, and considering what ISIS did to some of the shit that was left there, I see no issue in going back for more.
Natives of those regions were stepping on those valuable pieces of history, and it took the white man to unearth it and explain to the niggers their worth. They still don't understand it, they only understand that the white man pays top dollar for it.

>btw , did you warned Cindy about me stalking her insta?

nah I was only joking peru, I'm not that cruel peru, I want to see you succeed peru, you know you were meant to be together peru


That guy is Irish

Confidence is a large part of language learning. The more confident you are the more fluent you can speak. Not necessarily perfect, but fluency makes you sound smarter (maybe even better than you actually are).
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, user. In my early years of studying I know I probably came off as silly or embarrassing when I talked to actual Chinese people. I can spend all day recounting times I said the wrong word or made a faux pas. But making mistakes led me to learn from them. My friends would correct me and then I'd remember their suggestions, and I wouldn't make the same mistake in the future.
So take chances, make mistakes, get messy. It's all part of the process.

My mistake.
But anglos have been making a mess abroad for centuries, this is undeniable.
You know, maybe the artifacts created by specific cultures belong to their respective cultures, and foreign plunderers maybe shouldn't be able to wantonly profit from the works of others.
I could possibly see an argument for it if artifacts are not safe in their place of origin, like a war zone or whatever, but most of these places are safe and stable. Like China and Greece are definitely capable of protecting their relics but the British Museum still holds on to their shit like it belongs to them. It's an entitlement complex of global proportions.

You sound like the Turks with their Kurds

>maybe the artifacts created by specific cultures belong to their respective cultures
If it's being stepped on, and left to ruin, then it clearly is not their culture.
This goes for Greece and China too.
Greece didn't care about "their" shit until the Germans and Brits took an interest.
China and their past cultural revolution justifies it in their case.

If they care now, more power to them, but Brittain, nor anyone for that matter, has to give anything back if it was being left to ruin.

Tbf Irish have their own country unlike k*rds


Me in the background on the computer browsing Sup Forums

It's actually hilarious to me how bad the packages are in Shanghai.

You're either going to have roommates or fork over half your salary on a place that's even remotely relevant.

Shenzhen, for some reason, doesn't have good salaries as well.

>be me
>just found a job in Beijing
>maximum 18 teaching hours per week, no office hours
>free apartment

People still believe Beijing's air is suffocating, but they don't realize that the government just shut down something like 10,000 factories in Hebei so the air is markedly better this year, even better than Shanghai and Shenzhen now.

Where's the Chinese learning resource in the mega link?

Hell yeah, 帝都 is back baby