Do you love France ?

Do you love France ?

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I love how this an*Me has made all weebs butthurt



Yes. Also AOTY

How so?

If I get a french sissy maid, then yes otherwise no

yes mon ami :^)


No, it's shit, the people are shit, wages are shit and there are too many foreigners.

A H Y O U A R E M O T H E R F U C K E R?

Assassin's Creed Unity is a pretty cool game. Probably the only French thing that I like.

nope i hate it it's a poor 3rd world shithole full of niggers and sandniggers
when i finish my studies i will sell my properties and go live somewhere better like eastern europe or south america

No, they fucked my genes more than blacks

oui oui

If you have shit taste it's ok then.

Seemed pleasant when I was there
Countryside was beautiful
Paris was a lot nicer than I was expecting compare to America cities


But France shower Germany which is mate in the EU their love.
And probably France don't need Japanese love... (;_; )


I want to find love in Japan


>And probably France don't need Japanese love... (;_; )

I’m happy to see your post. (^_^
Please come to Japan.

I want a french girlfriend :(

how could you allow shit like popteamepic exist? this is all your fault for what is happening in Sup Forums

What is this picture?! (≧▽≦)
I'm soooooo happy!

Yes. And i'm going to invade it again this summer. Alpe d'Huez kankerlijers.

Yes, unironically best country in the world

Why don't you follow the most ancient tradition from Lithuania and kill yourself?

I don't know the details, but if I hurt your feeling, I'm sorry...

I like France

aux arrrrrrrme citoyen

It's called 政宗くんのリベンジ. Pretty fun stuff, there's an entire story arc that takes place in Paris.
I'm really glad our countries' mutual love for comics and animation brings us closer together.

>le epic pop "culture" references
hope you choke on a guinea pig

Excellent taste in ski stations
Long live the Dutch empire

Is that how you plan to kill yourself?

choke on a guinea pig

If he wanted that comeback he would've scraped it off your mum's teeth


But I can't speak Japanese :DDD

Is that how you plan to kill yourself?


I literally look like this

Thank you!
I don't know that comic, but it looks very funny.

> I'm really glad our countries' mutual love for comics and animation brings us closer together.

I think so too! (*^_^*)
I hope we will be friend with France forever.

That's unfortunate! (´Д⊂

Nice, it's genuinely one of my favorite manga. I used to watch the anime on TV when I was a kid, very fun times!


What makes you think I have shit taste?
tiens pêh

I like this story too.(*^_^*)
The Rose of Versailles is very popular in Japan.
As the rose of Versailles is a very great story, it is often performed in theater.

By the way,
Do French know "ラ・セーヌの星 (Ra・Sēnu no Hoshi)"?
It is a story of France during the French Revolution.
I like this anime very much.

>ラ・セーヌの星 (Ra・Sēnu no Hoshi)
I've heard about it because it used to air in France, but I've never watched it. I think it's called "La Tulipe noire" in French, which means "The Black Tulip".

What anime is it?

merci collègue

"The Black Tulip", he is a man of justice. (^_^
(French nobleman)

He fought against enemies together with the hero of the story, Simone.
(Aristocrats who oppress the people and revolutionists who tried to give a punishment to nobility and royal family after the revolution)