Question mainly for Iranian posters (if there are any): is it still a safe place to travel...

Question mainly for Iranian posters (if there are any): is it still a safe place to travel? I'd like to visit a middle eastern country on my way to Asia, but due to recent events I'd like to get some insight into this matter.

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it'll be fine for you Finn, it'll probably remind you of home

I've been to Iran around 10 times. Used to study Persian and work there. I would recommend against visiting Iran right now. The Iranian government generally leaves foreigners alone but right now they are on their toes. It will be fine to go again as soon as the protests die down. If the situation doesn't get better and you still decide to go, make sure to stay away from anything that looks like a protest.

I'll be travelling next autumn or a bit earlier. Hopefully it won't escalate. Do you have any acquaintances from there?

Don't go right now a lot of stuff is going down and it isnt dying down like I thought it would. Why not go to turkey (eastern part if the western isnt middile eastern enough for you) or if you dont want to go to turkey go to oman or UAE

finn's ass is dangerous in everywhere

Was there last December.
Still texting with 2 qts, they say that Shiraz is quite calm, but she didn't live downtown so not sure.
Other girl tells me Esfahan is not safe.

Iran was the best country I ever went to and I can really recommend it, but wait till the situation died down like the other anons said.

Iran is my favorite country and I hope they and their proxies destroy Israel and Saudi Arabia.

But why would you travel to a country where you can't buy and drink beer?


Is Persian the GOAT language?
>Descendant of Proto Indo-European
>Written with the aesthetic as fuck Arabic alphabet
>English has lots of loan words from it

Turkey has it's nice parts, but I'd really not bother going there. UAE doesn't interest me in the slighest. Don't know about Oman, have to do little research on that.

Don't mind not drinking for a week or so.

I've only heard amazing things about Tehran, finnanon. I'd love to visit Iran, but I'm not sure about the protests right now, I don't even know how long they will last.

I'm sure you'll have a good time, it's quite safe, and people are kind.

Same, that's why I'd like to visit. Let's hope it doesn't get worse.

Did they mention anything about Tehran?

I fucking love Iran and hope to visit there one day, but can you even hang out with girls on public there? How was your time there? What did you do, did you go to any hidden parties?

I remember there was one American poster who went to Iran, maybe a year ago. He was on a guided tour, because they wouldn't let Brits or Americans travel on their own due to anglo politics, but he said it was really nice and friendly country and would go again.

Hope this all subsides, middle east needs no more turbulense.

Oman is quite nice, some family went there and loved it. Much better than the UAE

Why is Oman better than the UAE?

This might sound pretentious, but the whole point of going to Iran in the first place was to avoid casual and shallow tourist traps, such as UAE, and I don't think Omar falls too far from that.

It's Iran or skipping middle east. I hope it won't escalate.


Rick Steves went to Iran and approved it. Rick Steves is a famous American travel show host, normally he only travels to European countries but he made an exception for Iran. His program “Rick Steves’ Europe” is played on channel 2 everyday throughout the United States. He is very famous amongst upper middle class college educated Americans.

Thanks for this, will check it out.

I watch his shows when im bored.
He also went to isreal and fakestine.
He is a closeted faggot.

I'd recommend staying away from Iran for the time being until things cool off. I doubt you'd want the regime of Iran detaining you for supposedly being a foreign agent of the protests. Although, if you really want to go somewhere in the middle east that doesn't have cheap tourist traps and not have your head blown off, there's always [can't spoiler on Sup Forums]Israel[/spoiler]

lol tricky ricky is a literal DUDE WEED LMAO

but his yuropean christmas episode is infinitely comfortable

Have actually been to Israel before, with a friend who was born in there and whose family lived in a rural area, a hundred kilometers from Tel Aviv, lovely country.

Still I didn't feel like it had that 1001 Night- kind of a feel. And other Arab countries are fucked up due to riches or war, so I'm gonna stay by and see how it goes. I'm not travelling until early autumn anyway.

Yes, I have a bunch of good friends there. I'll also be going in the autumn. Unless things really get out of hand Iran should be calm long before then.