/cum/ Canada USA Mexico

Kot Edition

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Please post in this one ;_;

pls Canada..

cute kot

Okay, post your cats

opioid epidemic could've been prevented by more bathsalts

El Canada kot

That is such a cute cat


You're probably right.

but bathsalts come from canada

Example of a good poster.

Put I hadn't posted yet

This is an example of a BAD poster.


It's your cat?


still better than lain

Amen to that



>tfw black eye from seizing and hitting your head on something
wish i knew wtf i hit
think it might have been my tv

It was me hahahaha

think i hit something a bit sharper than you....

My dick...... how do you feel about that?....

I still have the screaming shits from yesterday. Oh my god.

dab on empathy

I wonder what is Justin Trudeau doing right now? :3 No homo.


watching trump fuck his wife

Frankly it would not surprise me he whored out his wife the way he has his country.

The tree master race


thread theme

im back from work you guys

I'm at work you guys

im at home you guys

NEED a french gf, you guys

2018 is year of the chad

hope the pats get smoked you guys

>hope the pats get smoked you guys

…where is lain…

>take NE's up and coming QB
>go on 5 game win streak
>have a new franchise qb and can get defensive pieces instead of wasting a pick on a qb from a shitty draft class
>or trade for future earlier round picks
>division rivals get booted out before the playoffs even start

It's our thank you for giving us Brady

tfw no bbc inside you

>have to have landlord connect me to apartment wifi through my mac address
>messaged his helper 2 days ago and agreed to do it yesterday or today
>almost 5 PM and the cunt is still nowhere to be seen


physically assault him

not a good idea to do dumb shit in Italy

hasnt stopped me yet

Couple of snags in my youtube channel schedule

1. I have no artistic talent and coming up with a banner is the hardest part for me so far

2. I'm enjoying reading so much that I don't want to play video games to gain footage and examples

Lads why can't I get a gf

I have an appointment with a mortgage broker later today. I hate dealing with financial shit, so that's gonna suck. The guy seems nice enough, at least.

Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Oh Constantinople
Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night

Every gal in Constantinople
Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
So if you've a date in Constantinople
She'll be waiting in Istanbul

Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it I can't say
People just liked it better that way

So, Take me back to Constantinople
No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Oh Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks

>Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
I actually didn't know this until just now even though I've heard this song before

>Dutch Governor Peter Stuyvesant surrenders New Amsterdam, the capital of New Netherland, to an English naval squadron under Colonel Richard Nicolls. Stuyvesant had hoped to resist the English, but he was an unpopular ruler, and his Dutch subjects refused to rally around him. Following its capture, New Amsterdam’s name was changed to New York, in honor of the Duke of York, who organized the mission.

Thanks for reading

Are you fat? I've never met a person into fitness that couldn't attract people of the opposite sex.

I'm not the guy on the pic

I'm skinnyfat, which is worse than being fat or skinny

Weight and height? Being skinnyfat is also a result of lack of physical activity. Try doing push-ups and sit-ups in the morning with the addition of walking for about 40 minutes a day. That alone can make you look and feel a lot better if you're not doing any exercise at the moment.

>tfw two intellijint to knot bee a twig

Just how are you planning to celebrate the 100th birthday of the greatest American to have ever lived?

1.83m / 6 ft

probably around 150 pounds and 17%

Do you love New Hampshire?

uhhhh, thats not Joseph Mccarthy

they have a pretty cool university



these threads are the worst

>the greatest American to have ever lived?
Um he was born like 160~ years ago bud


thank you mexico you are my greatest friend

What happens here? is it comfy?

That's the 2nd greatest American to have ever lived, eclipsed only by based commander Rockwell
That's the 4th greatest American to have ever lived

shut up

outhern oregon is super comfy and full of beautiful nature. The willammete valley is shit but Eugene is a nice city. Portland is comfy as fuck to bike around in and a neat metropolis thats unfortunately got a bad homeless problem. The eastern part of the state is full of rednecks

also rightful Californian clay


Why haven't you gotten yourself a Russian Mail Order Bride, /cum/?

dont want cooties

please participate

maybe i should go see a dermatologist

figured out i did hit my tv when i seized earlier
its slight off kilter

beautiful Oregon leaves

who wants to play old school runescape with me

run escape sucks

t. meanie

I had a revelation: sideburns are a form of facial hair that are more humble than a beard (only grow a beard if it looks good AND you deserve it) while also demonstrating that you're not a baby faced bitch and they also look pretty okay.

what is he expert in?

bad posts

>tfw shitskins bring the average height down
>tfw white and average height

slaying danes

Shitskins have made our lives impossible, everything we try to do is weighed down by them. They are a ball and chain

adding that kid on my hit list..... right next to your name...

*steals your vodka*

Why do normies think they have to clear snow from everything? Noone uses the fucking sidewalk here, especially in winter. And now it'll get icy so if someone did walk on it they'd be likely to slip.

It snowed yesterday, and my building decided to clear the snow today. Only thing is, the new super doesn't give anywhere near enough notice. He posted the notice at 10am on the front door, and they started at 11am.

So now I have to dig out my car AGAIN, because they can't bother putting a note up the night before.

WHERE'S MY VODKA???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha fuck normies right

Cute kot.

That bottle was found btw, empty in a construction site. It's value comes from the bottle so they are just going to fill it up with the same kind of vodka it had originally and carry on.

heroin needles are nice


druggies out

im like two really strong norwegian men in one package

how do we keep /cum/ alive?

we need to come up with a plan, buds

ddos the discord

>people still use the discord

what a bunch of cucks