
keyhole cunt

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*gets raped by a sheed*

>Don't look back in anger! It wasn't thesheeds fault it was my fault for having such a voluptuous arse..

Haha state of leftypol


look mate if you don't want to follow the laws of the country you live in you can fuck off back to nigeria or wherever you came from



Just read about the intel ceo selling half his stock in the company days before the hardware fault reveal
Absolute top lad

Why can't the Muslims stop raping?

>ywn do coke with sophie in fabric
why even bother living

this post goes out to all the yanks who actually make good posts but harvest no (You)s

edgy glass

feeling comfy, might drive about and do a night time delivery in ets2

she did not seem pleased to recieve a text from me haha

he's algerian and doesn't claim to be anything else

love the retarded pepe

>edgy glass

Why exactly is this illegal? Never understood why company workers aren't allowed to use their own insider knowledge with stocks.

who the fuck gets a rodent as a pet
horrible little creatures

isn't that illegal?

what should i text her lads, aint spoke to her since thursday


false flag, 100% a lefty. rorkes are either NEETs, who don't have the money to spend on DLC, or they're wageslaves who hate mr toilberg and big business with all their soul.

HAIM + taytay

informational asymmetries are one of the key inefficiencies in free markets that regulation can help with

sorry i didnt text you back mate ive had alot going on
did you still want to come over tonight

I can't beleive how lacking in analysis some people are in politics. Theresa May is doing a HELL of a fine job holding together a deeply divided country in a deeply divided parliament, media, government. Literally no prime minister for 50 years has had what she's had to do. Brexit is fucking massive. Credit where credit is due, she's still there, she's still doing brexit, we're still on track.

Atos testing automatically sanctions you if you don't turn up (fair enough), yet turning up is used as evidence of mobility against you.

The switch to universal credit is fucking terrible, it leaves people switching to it with no money for 6 weeks and paying housing benefit directly to tennents instead of their landlords means that it can be taken by creditors.

The whole "reform" of the DWP has actually resulted in the department costing far more to run despite benefits being cut.

It's the epitome of false economy.

>lefties don't take all the free shit they can get their grubby little mitts on

t. 59 y o daily mail reader

>implying brexit isn't cancelled

2 euros have been deposited into your account. Keep up the good work, shills.

only a lefty would roleplay as rorke to make him look retarded. only autists and rich cunts care about whether you buy dlc or not. this is universal across the political spectrum

dont know if you got the memo but brexit is cancelled because the brown people dont like it

alri remain

Glad to have seen a transgender contestant on Pointless today

Played FF12 for about 9 hours

>people who don't steal are larping as retarded
seriously lad, fuck off back home if you don't want to follow our laws

gimmick idea: learn the cello and acquire a qt violin playing gf

love how based leo cucked the brits into doing what we want for brexit

get a grip lad

LOVE copyright laws
LOVE Snoopers Charter

HATE niggers
HATE crime
HATE london

simple as

don't really understand the whole "grr benefit scrounging scum" mentality

it almost always comes across as bitter jealous people who hate their jobs and don't want people to receive their "hard earned" money for free
truly people have fallen for the american/tory meme

t. benefit scrounger

>Thatcher and Reagan both deregulate the financial markets (regulations put in place in response to the great depression)
>Subsequent deregulation and lack of oversight in the derivatives market allows the mortgage-backed securities market to balloon, incentivising lending to those with high-risk of forfeiture and directly causing the subprime mortgage crisis
>Labour gets the blame for the resulting financial crisis because of government spending (completely unrelated to the whole thing)

People should have to sit a critical thinking test to be allowed to vote 2bh

love this meme to be honest. but seriously i'm glad you're joking otherwise i'd have had to bring up the fact he bowed to pressure from Brussels to accept alignment rather than his default position being no hard border

feeling bad

had a disappointing birthday

how you gonna do man dirty

What are the proposed merits of open borders?

A consistent failure of The Economist’s articles praising open borders is a reluctance to distinguish between different migrants. If one finds the study, it turns out that 54% of the men and women who expressed a desire to migrate came from Africa and the Middle East —with another 20% being from Central America. Yet the most successful immigrants, in terms of launching businesses and earning wealth, have been found to hail from Asia and Europe. A UCL study found that European immigrants to Britain contribute more to the economy than they take from it while the opposite is true for non European immigrants.

It is senseless, then, to claim, as authors of Economist articles do, that immigrants are “more likely than the native-born to bring new ideas and start their own businesses”.

Immigrants do not come from “Immigrantland”. Population differences related to entrepreneurial and earning potential are real, and significant, and difficult to bridge.

you've been ousted lad, drop the act

love it how everyone refers to ireland as being part of britain

no, I have a job

but nobody does this?

This Southern Ireland (West Britain) poster needs to fuck off

plenty more ahead so get over it kiddo

>why yes, I do support the conservatives and their plans to regulate the internet

gf watches that yank show "Suits" and it's literally the most repetetive thing ever, literally every single episode is the same. Feel like I'm losing my mind

i do and everyone i know does

alri nonce

labour gets the blame because they had the opportunity to fix it, and yet they didn't

>isn't that illegal?
Yes. Funnily enough though, giving your mates "advice" based on insider information wasn't illegal to pretty recently.

brits are dumb thats why


"they're taking advantage of you" is very effective at rustling jimmies, used by almost every politician

bit sad about this mate
thought it was only immigrants that bent over backwards to explain away breaking the law, but exactly the same arguments are judged acceptable in this specific case

we should regulate the internet before it regulates us

just common sense

bit rude

This is why the whole "Brexit because of immigrants" thing pissed me off

Don't really see how Europeans - even from Poland or Bulgaria - are a bad thing at all.

Unfortunately Daily Mail readers think that the black lads down the road are here because of the EU.

Feel like pure shit lads just want him back

geezers needed excitement

don't see the point in blocking porn for everyone

your internet already comes with adult content filtering on by default, you have to ring them to get them to turn it off

therefore it's the parents fault for turning it off
or if parents don't want their kids accessing ~bad~ content then they shouldn't give them access to the internet

simple as

Daily reminder the government are not regulating free speech. You can still attack the government. You can still attack policies, you can still make memes about Theresa May, you still have free speech.

What you can't do is screech


listening to original pirate material

The tories openly want to control and censor the internet

Diane abbot I'm going to bomb your house lol you fat nigger pig

simple common sense

fuck thatcher

No, they don't retard.

just locked down my ariel

it's a plan by the jews to make us horny all the time and therefore more subservient to women

School tomorrow lads
*puts on a brave face*

The whole regulation thing's a scam. PornHub was actually lobbying for it because their parent company's designed a credit card based verification service and they're looking to get the contract for enforcement.

They had two years to fix a global financial crisis. Doesn't really seem fair. The tories have now had 8 years in power and everything's even shitter than it was then.

Mohammad doesn't like it, simple as


rockwell was no mosley

yes they do you fucking idiot, read their manifesto

came home to find the puppy had done a wee on the newspaper. Gave him a treat for being a good dog then went upstairs to get my laptop.
came back down and the little bastard had taken a shite in the middle of the floor

Just wait till you start toiling son school will be the best years of your life

they watch more porn than most mate

No they don't. I read the manifesto. I know exactly what they're trying to do. You do not have a right to threaten MPs or public servants online with your little anonymoose vendetta mask you fat fuck

can't stand this retard listening to OASIS full volume on her laptop at work every single day

what the FUCK was his problem?

@ eight four zero six zero two three seven

i didnt read your post

Evenin' Standards
Get yer standards 'ere

Don't look back in anger

Possible school shooting threat

ah yes what is currently legal and illegal will stay 100% concrete and shall never waiver or be manipulated and abused by the powers that be


If you still go to school you should not be posting here, no matter what age you are.

>Literally passed a law meaning that you'll have to use a credit card or debit card to verify your age to access pornographic material

Wouldn't be surprised if Sup Forums ended up blocked without it. If that's not censoring the internet then the Jim Crow laws didn't disenfranchise blacks (they could "still vote", just had to sit a literacy test)


everybody should be taught martial arts from birth

i think everyone would have a lot more respect for each other that way
