WW3 when?

WW3 when?

>Turkey not on blue
what did he mean by this

>China giving up it's trade partners
>Turkey giving up it's comfy position in NATO

There's areasion Russia is not a threat rn, it's politically isolated

>switzerland staying neutral
>turkey not at least partly blue
>North Korea only partially red
>moldova not red
>bosnia not blue
>serbia not choosing a side
>most of Africa/LA/Brazil staying neutral
Horrendous map

>Cuba siding with America instead of trying to be neutral to avoid getting invaded
>Venezuela and Libya siding with anyone while being failed states
>Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria getting involved
>Turkey siding with red
>Cambondia and Laos siding with red for some reason
>Taiwan getting involved instead of being neutral
>Mongolia being involved
>the Stans being involved
Absolutely retarded

>Russia and China on a team
>India at war with Russia

Why doesn't US/NATO have any Latin American allies?

>India siding with America over their traditional ally Russia


South Africa and a few others here would side with China desu. It will probably never happen. There's too much money to lose.

'My idea of geopolotics and allignments comes from a Videogame'-the post

>Pakistan and India picking the same side
Their militaries were literally shooting at each other last week

Pakistan doesn't even has full controll over half its territory. If they would go on a full scale war there so called 'country' would tear itself appart bcz of social tensions and religious diversitys.
They wouldn't go to war with no faction and would stay out of the conflict.
Same would be true for a lot of cunts on the map, they would only choose a side when there state integrity is threaten

>Europe teams up on Russia

>India, Japan, S. Korea, Vietnam all team up on China

>America and Israel take care of Iran and Cuba

sounds like no contest

Yeah? Well, suck my penis Hanz!

*grabs pop corn*


China would wipe the floor with all those gooks. Vietnam never threatens China because they’d face the entire PLA alone. No one else colored blue borders China.

>the shitskin alliance vs the kike coalition

wow, what a choice we have

> northeast siding with russia
what did he mean by this?

>japan in the good guys team.

>good goys


>still blue


Canada teams up with Russia to annex Denmark

>Egypt fighting
we will starve if we do
remove us

>China giving up it's trade partners
That's what they said about WW1 sweetie

>Turkey red
>India blue
There's so much wrong with this map