When will we get our money back?

When will we get our money back?

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you got greece instead

>billions of euros vs. a barren, useless landmass filled with lazy and worthless peasants

Yeah, sounds like a fair deal.

cheap holidays hans

>cheap holidays hans

No time for vacation, there's wörk to be done!

work can actually be something to look forward to
>when you choose the right career

can't escape the BGC now, Hans


But I don't like negroes.

too late

your economy already made money on them than they got from you

>britain is a nigger


>Hellenic empire
>first real western civilization not like egyt*an pyramid autism
>romans aka it*lian scum destroy all your art and culture and call it theres
>romans collapse because italicucks are dumb and only cared about conquering random villages and got cucked by cuckianity
>teutonics get out of huts and start stealing roman's shit because all wh*Toids are thieves
>they then force people to join their new cult, christianity with a mix of good ol' paganism
>germans are greedy fucks so they charge people to go to heaven
>germans begin to hate their own religion because it's not pagan enough so they form the chaotic cult of pr*testantism in america
>get mad for no reason and spend all your money on military because killing people is like a sport to sociopathic germanics
>germans begin to hate jews because they are greedier than them out of jealousy
>fail to genocide them while you make an ass out of yourself and cause a global economic collapse
>fourth reich time
>like classic feudalism but you charge countries that have culture more
>ask greece to pay debts while you cuck your own race into extinction
It's always been the krauts. Always.

I'm sorry, guys, I forgot to put up the "No mutts allowed!" sign at the entrance.

My apologies. Won't happen again.

Never you german subhuman


russian rapebaby

britain owes us 60 billion

Shouldn't have allowed the into €-club, Hans.

>Shouldn't have allowed the into €-club, Hans.

We had no way to anticipate the extent of their corruption and capacity for exploiting our selfless generosity.

The betrayal, it hurts.

>We had no way to anticipate the extent of their corruption and capacity for exploiting our selfless generosity.
Shouldn't have been so gullible then. You also should've enforced the rules but if you did, you'd also have to pay for having that giant surplus, wouldn't you? You've been hoist by your own petard.

>Shouldn't have been so gullible then

We Germans generally believe there's good in everyone. Greece has really taught us a lesson here, though.

>We Germans generally believe
Therein lies the problem.

no idea, you should be more pushy with them

Why are Greeks so lazy? Is it the heat?

>We had no way to anticipate the extent of their corruption

germans are like little kids

>germans are like little kids
That's a surprisingly accurate description of the German mentality

>germans are like little kids

"And they were bringing even their babies to Him so that He would touch them, but when the disciples saw it, they began rebuking them. But Jesus called for them, saying, "Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. "Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all." - Luke 18:15-17

Religion is childish too

>godless commie



> a nation that through its bitter rage, duplicity and superiority complex has tried for a 3rd time to ensnare europe and bring her under one rule deserves to be paid back by one of the very nations it has already got it's greasy claws into


>egyt*an pyramid autism
Fuck off

Croatia is closer. And already full of g*rman scum

Unironically this

>if you don't believe in my skydaddy then you're smart!

nice burn there.

i think you won't be able to get your money back not because Greece don't have much money but because Greece don't have no intention of returning the money to the best friend.^-^

How is protestantism closer to paganism than catholicism?

Why are other Europeans so ungrateful to Germany after all we've done to them?

Are they bullies?

>after all we've done to them

Freudian slip. I meant, done FOR them.

Whoopsie :^)

considering their treatment by Germans, they shouldn't have to pay back. Their country is all but a subjugated client state of the EU (germany)

Please fund Transylvanian separatist groups

Motion: granted.

Damn son. It's tuff in that there EU

>for them
Tell me, what have you done for other countries in Europe? What motion you took has actually ended up benefitting somebody else but you?

Giving them huge sums of money to fund their infrastructure/education/healthcare.

Protestantism is an offshoot of the anglican church so it's not pagan or semitic. Just a negrified luciferian cult with 50 denominations every capita. It got amplifed when Joseph Smith started his famous cult Mormonism. Now Americans are willing to die for Israel to travel to the land of Zion.

Spent through local construction companies which purchase German machinery so German-owned companies can transport goods to Germany faster and cheaper
So the immigrants who actually go to Germany for work are better trained.
I'm pretty sure this one we pay on our own

It is not giving them but rather investing in them. The larger sums we give them the more likely it is they will struggle to pay it back. The more they struggle to pay it back, the more under our control they become. Greece is the case in point. One thing Germany has is money, money and no shame. Spread it out to the poor cunts, then reap the rewards in a couple of decades

we use that money as leverage in order to bend them to our will for example the eventual forcing of eastern states to accept our refugee quotas etc. They whine now but when the german tit stops spraying money, they'll soon come around

>when the german tit stops spraying money
Careful there, you have a lot of investments here, it would be a shame if anything were to happen to them

you've all but bent the knee to the EU (germany). There is literally no worry of anything going wrong in your cunt

>We had no way to anticipate the extent of their corruption and capacity for exploiting our selfless generosity.
All wog cunts are like that.

What can the civilized world do to defend ourselves against the wog menace?

I'd love to receive a child and enter her kingdom of god.

certainly not let in over 1 million in one year :^)

and i thought germans couldn't joke well.

>There is literally no worry of anything going wrong in your cunt
Wir schaffen does: Electric Boogaloo

prot tip: all germans posting during work time are k*rds

t. Cem ataturk taking a smoke break behind the kebab shop

>I'd love to receive a child and enter her kingdom of god.

It's a bit early to breed exquisite boypucci, but I am willing to make an exception in the spirit of German generosity.

Now, interest rates are still very low in any country.
Where will Germany reinvest the money which is returned to you?

South Africa?

Please stop reinvesting, because Japanese government bonds is a negative interest rate. ( ノω`)

>Protestantism is an offshoot of the anglican church so it's not pagan or semitic
>willing to die for israel and travel to mt zion
Its very semitic and you seem to know it too. Not to mention protestantism is basically a return to the semitic roots, away from rome and many of their unorthodox practices

Yes good goy, hate the ancestors of europe and invite invaders directly into your land.

When will Germany pay denbts and reps?

Fuck off, Nazi scum.


Why do 3rd worlders always feel entitled to free gibs?

Because you're freeloading

>Greece: "You're freeloading!"

That's the joke.

It's true though. Pay denbts and reps.


>mfw no one asks us to repay ww2 debts (except Libya)
lol, we really got away with is one

Pay denbts and reps


pay denbts and reps


What exactly is the difference between Germans and Jews?

Jews are funnier

jews arent getting replaced

Jews don't like it when their people get killed by muslims.

pay denbts and reps

Jews aren't ensuring the continued peace, prosperity, survival and dignity of the EU.

Jews have dignity

I'm not your goyim!

You are so closeminden. By opening the economic area and helping some countries on their feet you continuously bought many of their banks and companies. Then you ruined their domestic economy and infiltrated with your own companies making you billions of Euros while also protecting your own economy. You have it thought throug very well Hans. You helped us but now we are partly your slaves. I still think this is better than being out of EU even though or domestic economy is non existent - we only have foreign companies here.
>Why are other Europeans so ungrateful to Germany after all we've done to them?
So delusional.
Please do not play the vistim card.

only under german terms

only for Germany and those who sell their souls to them

see above

you duplicitous bastards have about as much collective dignity as a cockroach. Don't pretend for a second you even have half the dignity of any other european nation.



hello Ikbey

>Implying it wasn't glorified free gibs

>You helped us but now we are partly your slaves.

We are benevolent masters and shall treat you like family.

who's that?

hello lkbey

hello Ikbey

Maybe what you think is true.
Germany lent Greece money for themselves.
but For whatever reason Greece should thank Germany because Germany saved Greece from the crisis.

"you mustn't return evil for good"
doesn' your school teacher teach you that?
my teacher Ellen taught me that.

Ellen was a good person and I will carry her memory in my heart now and forevermore.

Not nearly good enough

Moving out of the era of American hegemony and in to a new global order I see no better course of action than for the EU to stick together as tightly as possible, and though Macron is in many ways a visionary we all know that Germanys stance on things going forward will be extremely important. I for one welcome our German overlords

You won't give up until we agree to breastfeed you. Is that it? That's it, right? You won't rest until you have juicy, succulent Kraut nipple in your mouth 24/7.


No, we won't give up until we have what you have with no strings attached

Learn to respect personal boundaries, shitlord.

My nipple, my choice.


You steal our money we get paid yours did not you get it?