
Southern US & Friends edition

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This leftypol wacky bruce is one sad bastard

>he requested that picture from us in our thread just so that he could make a /brit/ thread with it at 4 in the morning US eastern time
what a madman

started HOWLING lads

looked at the time and saw it was nearly 9am

just imagining all the RUNTS appearing at their daily toil right now really got me going

ROARING tbqh lads

dont think ill ever toil in my life cant fathom the though of ever toiling

>tfw no inbred southern gf

College starts soon, but I'm not going even though my parents want me too, just going to say I'm going then drive to an empty parking lot

Need an Emma Watson braap hog gf.

Arrogant NEET fuck off

How will you afford to live?

I've been at toil for 2 hours already


i get money for my depression

>tfw morman

>southern US edition
>no talk of the GEORGIA v ALABAMA National Championship Game tonight



Feel like pure shite just want feudalism back

Are you lads feeling /comfy/ today?

Any Brits here could get a hot American gf, but only if you have the SE English accent.

I reckon serfs had it better then we do.

NZ English is the most desirable male accent actually
Then Mancunian and Glaswegian, in that order


the room is fucking freezing because there's no insulation and it costs an arm and a leg to use my air conditioner which doesn't properly warm the room up

need a rich posh geordie accent gf


I have a mongrel English accent and everyone in America asked if I was Australian

Just warm yourself off the flaming car crash outside your house chang

were just serfs with the freedom to move to another noble anyway

so basically Vicky Pattison

Good god these guys are go smash the hottest pussy in the world for weeks

I haven't seen a car crash to go and warm myself by in WEEKS

met taylor swift outside the local spoons yesterday offered her a fag but she said she was straight

What about a SW accent that isn't chavvy?

Yeah ok bud. Kek.

Cornish people talk like pirates.


Im from Cheltenham


business idea: go to yank land and impress rich yank birds with my accent so they get their dad to buy me stuff

dumb crossposter

American/Canadian girls would like all western accents too probably, but not midlands, not northern Welsh, and not northern and Scottish period.

They like Irish too obviously because it's le ancestor meme accent. Not sure about northern Irish though.

alri gchq

business idea: go to Britain and be very impressed by everybody's accent

they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Irish and Northern Irish accents


like watching this show

honestly dont consider canadians people

weird lot they are

Yes they would, northern irish sound kind of Scottish. I don't know whether they'd care though my gook friend.

there was an ethnically ambiguous young lady on Blind Date with an Irish accent that did things to my willy

*teleports to the US*

I am Greek (British)

need a gf but know i cant get one

shall be alerting the government about this

free gf's by 2020 need to be mandatory

If your still a student you may have some luck. Otherwise just b yourself

Getting a gf is easy if you're employed and slim. Getting genuine affection is the difficulty

This gives me a very strong urge to read Redwall.

I've never had a gf
I'm 32 years old

>Getting a gf is easy if you're employed and slim

no sweeety.

learn to love the pussy not the bitch it's attached to.

LOVE bullying yanks on imageboards
but I also think yanks are really nice and goos people :)

>learn to love the pussy not the bitch it's attached to.

I want to completely remove myself from the society and culture I live in.



>you arrive in Weimerica


hope jazz doesn't have the surgery


wtf we can actually see england from france
I never knew that


Looks fake

the race realist Chad

Spics BTFO

ofc you can see it you runtoid

the earth is flat

Workmen tooling about downstairs
Too scared to leave my room

Laissez-faire capitalism would push me to do much better than I am currently.

black women have tighter vaginas

walk downstairs with your big fat willy flopping out and ask the lads if they want some tea you utter mong


got loads of corbyn merch for xmas lads
can't describe how awkward it was when i had to explain to the senpai at xmas dinner that i had realised corbyn doesn't represent working class britons and is a proponent of white genocide

wish girls had willies instead of fannies

would make things better

Honestly love being a neet.
Can play video games, Jack off, listen to music, eat delicious food and have no runt factory to go to.

Nobody likes a show off

>Jeremy Corbyn merchandise
ah yes, socialism


Girls can have willies x

Titus negus
He was a console of rome

>ah yes juan has been here 30 years, works a good job, has no criminal record, pays tax, has a family etc etc
>let's kick him out of the country!

actually on further reflection the swede is right






All these links and studies show that their vaginal canal's are smaller, the pelvic muscle strength is stronger than other races. The explanation being black women have more musculature in their PC muscles as well as their vaginal canal's being smaller due to that race naturally giving birth to babies with smaller heads than white or Asian women. Also the rates of incontinence is smallest in black women.

There is definitely a racial difference and also genetic factors which determine the length of vagina. White women give birth to babies with larger heads "on average" so their hips are "on average" broader, and their vaginal opening is also larger. Black women, actually have smaller vagina's. They give birth to babies with smaller heads and have smaller hips. Black women store more body fat on their buttocks, but their hips are actually smaller (men and women). White people also have longer torso's and white women also have longer vagina's. Asian women have shorter vagina's than both black and white women, have wider openings than black women, but not as large as white women. Unlike penis size, the body size/shape of a woman has an influence on vaginal size. Taller women (longer torso) with wider hips will most likely have longer and deeper set vagina. Torso size/length is more significant than actual height. As for men however, a 6' 8" man may have a smaller penis than a 5' 8" man, just like has ears may also be smaller. External organs are not influenced by body size or height, whereas internal organs are.

big vagina?


>autismo yank posts a Sup Forums strawman comic as a serious rebuttal

why is that yank wearing a mexico shirt?

>whiter than you Mohammed

I think he's part spanish?

might be 5o de mayo


hey mark!

get back in here so lindsay can jerk you off!

Bonal Krumpf should deport mexicans and import russians to do the bad jobs

what races/subraces are most compatible with white people to produce babies that don't look like freakish mutts?

obviously not such dramatically different races like subsaharan Africans and east asians, but how about Persians, Arabs, Turks, Indians? those groups are still broadly Caucasoids. Wouldn't a white/Arab baby basically look Mediterranean?

>>ah yes juan has been here 30 years, works a good job, has no criminal record, pays tax, has a family etc etc
>>let's kick him out of the country!

How much does bread cost in your area?
hey sven!

get back in here so you can jerk off ahmed!