Is there a reason why east asians are behind european in history despite having higher iq?

Is there a reason why east asians are behind european in history despite having higher iq?

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Low test + autism

east asians did not colonize other countries to exploit their resources.


smaller standard deviation
chinks are clones

Because humans aren't as simple as iq.

y not tho

Too shy? Too scared?

China was stopped at vietnam and got conquered by mongols, mongols did expand as did central chinks

because asians cheat, their IQ is inflated, their highest contribute to Art are drawings of underaged girls getting fucked by western-like characters.


>t. shitaly

We good at copying
But when it comes creating...

unstoppable, though unfortunately japan isn't asian

>tfw IQ>100

Overpopulation due to rice farming, cluttered bureaucracies and geographical conditions which favored isolationism.

Mainly geographic problems such as deserts oceans and jungles mountains

Because they aren't more intelligent.

IQ is a meme esspissaly the country ones
no shit people who spend their whole lives doing standardised test to avoid being factory workers under constant pressure do better on a test than some western guy that crused through education or some cunt in a village who can't read

why are the portuguese so autistic

They literally aren't, kek

IQ is a flawed metric.
Asians beat their children into memorizing test questions so they perform better at them.
That's it.

There was this Korean student at my university who would constantly drink and get into trouble with the police, but he still did well in class. Maybe he was cheating.

I would think Italy has more room to talk than South Korea, yes.

It was because he is genetically smart

This. Also, IQ ignores others essential abilities like motor coordination, spatial vision, dexterity, quick thinking and etc.

Asians who get adopted by white parents also do better on standardized tests

I think white families with adopted asians are probably far more likely to be higher class which I feel is the explanation there.

Compared to the families that adopt children of other races? Why?

East Asians are characterized by high agreeableness and conscientiousness, as well as low psychoticism and extraversion. These traits predict educational success, but they can also suppress genius and creativity among the population. This is why East Asians always outperform everyone else on PISA tests, but have much less Nobel laureates per capita than Europeans. East Asian societies are calm and stable, but an excess of calmness and stability can create a conformist culture, and conformism leads to a decrease in creativity.

IQ is a meme

Japan and China did to their neighbors

Asians either keeping or straight up aborting their children in western nations are far, far more likely than just giving them up to adoption or having them removed for unfit parenting. Means there are fewer locally available. So those that do probably engage in overseas schemes which the lower classes, if inclined would probably shop locally.

There are studies that look at war orphans from ie Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Iraq, and Korea that also find this result. The Koreans still do better than whites

IQ is pseudoscience because psychology is pseudoscience.

Statistical analysis of academic performance in maths is probably the best way to analyze intelligence between countries.

Link to those studies and not white supremacist blogs?

Conquering was done by poorer populations looking to get resources. Hence why groups like W. Europeans, Arabs, Mongols, Turks etc etc were successful.
Although prior to the expansion of Europe in the 18th century within Asia, Turks and Mongols effectively ruled massive portions of Europe and Asia

Hell, the only reason why Europeans even found the America's is because the Ottomans blocked their trade routes.

No, I think he was cheating. He was very rich and used to go to the toilets a lot. The dude who wrote essays for $300 used to hang out there.

but all the hollywood elites only adopt black children

cuz east asia region is hell

low iq has only defeat or death


i think their adopt is only for showing

"i am not racist, i am SJW"

or thinking black people need to be teached.

Did you misspell all of this ironically?

>psychology is pseudoscience
say it to my face you lil bitch.
psychology is simply a part of humanities.

the score in pisa maths also show east asian out perform Europeans, and Africans at the bottom, exactly like the IQ ranking.

Because As*ans are for Big White Cock.

WTF is this bizzarro world? For most of human history CHINA >>>>>>>>>>>>> EUROPE until the 1500's (which was when Europe went of thier raping/conquering spree using Chinese inventions like the compass & gunpowder) in any measure you want to use

1. Technology
2. Population
3. Military
4. Economy
5. Size

It is hilarious when euros and other westerners who know nothing of the world outside of their little spheres try to talk about East Asian history.

>CHINA >>>>>>>>>>>>> EUROPE

"In fact, China was the largest economy for much of recorded history. Until the 15th century, China had the highest income per head and was the technological leader. But then it suddenly turned its back on the world. Its rulers imposed strict limits on international trade and tightened their control on new technology. Measured by GDP per person it was overtaken by Europe by 1500, but it remained the world's biggest economy for long thereafter. In 1820 it still accounted for 30% of world GDP."

Past a certain point of public notice you can no longer express your controversial thoughts, and it is beneficial to act contrary to them to pre-empt a drunken outburst.
They are the tiniest fraction of upper class people.

And everything is level? Age of adoption, enticement to adopt from overseas for the parents, family education opportunities?

Confucianism is the reason East Asians study like crazy and become loyal drones to their superiors. China was ahead of Europe for thousand of years but then they fell behind because of conservative ideologies stemming from Confucianism.

>>CHINA >>>>>>>>>>>>> EUROPE

And even if you didnt know Chinese history, there is this Mongolian guy named Genghis Khan who fundamentally changed European and Middle Eastern history

China was always a colossus. But they were a crippled colossus. Hogtied by their own culture and population density, outside of choice inventions emerging at random due entirely to random chance spread across so many rather than any drive to intentionally innovate. They never expanded outwards or affected others outside of ripples of trade felt down the line.

No notice Vietnam being ranked much higher than Lynn's IQ numbers. Same with Israel being ranked much lower compared to those results.

>there is this Mongolian guy named Genghis Khan who fundamentally changed European and Middle Eastern history

>IQ is a flawed metric.
Every metric is flawed, but IQ still correlates considerably with life success and professional ability. If there were such thing as a platonic ideal of intelligence that we could handily measure we would use that, but there isn't so IQ will have to do.

>Asians beat their children into memorizing test questions so they perform better at them.
Asians adopted by whites also perform better than whites. South Korean children adopted in Sweden perform slightly better than even South Korean children, suggesting Sweden's parenting culture is actually better at getting the most from IQ tests than South Korean. Still the SK average is above Sweden's

Age of adoption makes a huge difference for children from Africa and South Asia (the ones adopted really young within a standard deviation of the Swedish population!) but not for Koreans, who do well regardless

Completely fucked up the middle-east and scratched the furthest borders of Europe. All they affected were the Russians, who were a stagnant mess ruled by an absolute mess of a single ruling family.

Mongols are still based as fuck though, but their legacy didn't really last beyond central asia.

How are East Asians behind?
China has become much better in many places despite memes.

Hong Kong, Beijing, Shangai are all cool as fuck.
inb4 muh ghost cities

South Korea is still a powerhouse whether you like it or not, specially considering their lack of natural resources.

Japan, despite the doom and gloom (which if you're a newfag and don't know, it has been spouted ever since the end of the 80's) is still doing relatively fine.

Also, none of these countries are going to face the problems that Europe is facing and WILL face in the near future.

East Asia is the future, whether people like it or not.


Mongol Empire was garbage and they couldn't govern for shit.

The impacts of the Empire's aftermath were more important than the Empire itself.

>Africans at the bottom

Why are you lying?

Almost no African countries get PISA tested and it's well-known that Asian countries cheat in these tests.

Iceland and Israel being that low and Vietnam being that high also goes against correlation with IQ.

they didn't have meds next to them

The last few centuries which predominately consist of western exploitation. They've regained control of themselves in the last fifty years though, but that isn't really enough of a timespan to observe anything too concrete.

>Ru higher than sandniggers
Does the test mentior knows that they're shitting in the dirt pits(when there's no pit they shitting everywhere, yesterday someone splat shit all over my commieblock elevator wall), and shitting all the surroundings they're living nor resting? Everyone. EVERYWHERE. You see the trash and shit? There was russian. Isn't the first indicator of cultural and intellectual level of people? Can you imagine Einstein thinking about his formulas while defecating under the dark corner of some shabby commieblock? Or Newton, that slipped on a dog shit(we call it Mines over there) and crushed his head up to the asphalt not making himself a retard and keep at least clear mind, not even the gravity formula? I'm not.

Are you proud of your scores, Singapore

Well Mongolia is also East Asian but they aren't purple??

Behind how?

In multiculturalism, acid attacks. degeneracy, cuckholdry and number of tabbies?

>They never expanded outwards or affected others outside of ripples of trade felt down the line.

China's sphere of influence extends from Northern Siberia to Japan to SE Asia. That sphere of influence >>>>>>>>>>>> European.
influence. Just like Europe was contained by the Middle East, China was contained by the Northern Steppe people / Northern Siberians /

The story of China is about different factions within each trying to conquer China itself. Except it is called the Song, Tang, Han, etc Dynasties while in Europe, you call is the Prussians, Greeks, Romans, etc. There is literally zero difference.

look at the USA pisa results breakdown by race.
Asian Americans have similar score as Asians living in east asia, white americans have similar score as Europeans living in Europe... and black americans score the lowest.

>higher IQ

They don't have a higher IQ. They just mess up the stats to make themselves look good.

>China's sphere of influence extends from Northern Siberia to Japan to SE Asia

Also it is hilarious that people dont know how big that China is.

>I think white families with adopted asians are probably far more likely to be higher class which I feel is the explanation there.
Nurture effects on IQ within the first world are small to negligible. It makes almost no difference if you're adopted by a superwealthy family or an ordinary one, as long as you are taken outside the third world. This also means nurture effects between first world Asian countries like S. Korea or Japan do not have a serious effect on IQ.

There is far more change at the highest levels within Europe, and peoples and land changed hands across great distances. There were those before the Han Chinese, then there were the Han Chinese and from then onwards it was only internal conflict separated on occasion by foreign invasion.

>South Korean children adopted in Sweden perform slightly better than even South Korean children, suggesting Sweden's parenting culture is actually better at getting the most from IQ tests than South Korean. Still the SK average is above Sweden's
Correcting myself: SK children in Sweden did not beat SK's average

OP did say behind in history. There's a lot of reasons why East Asia fell behind (Manchus, Confucius policies etc etc) but being overtaken for a few centuries and then recovering in half of one is nothing to be ashamed about imo.
Especially if you were more advanced than most of the world prior for most of history.

Also, I don't really know why we have to speak about 'East Asia' when we're really just talking about China. Japan has only been advanced for one and a half centuries and Korea even less.

I know it's easier to group regions together to make it more simpler but if there was no Meiji restoration or American investment, they'd be exactly the same as they always were.

No Confucianism

I'll keep silent about everyday drunk fighting and stabbing each other for glass of cheapest booze in the universe(a bath lotion, most popular provintial drink). I say nothing about ancient soviet infrastructure that shattering in the eyes, and noone gives a f untill someone crashes to death because of 1o1 meter pit in the middle of the road, or some random guy going to catch some balcony concrete block with his head(even then there will be only a cosmetic repairs). But the fucking dirt, it's unforgettable and unforgivable.

>Completely fucked up the middle-east and scratched the furthest borders of Europe.
Didnt you know that after the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe entered the 'Dark Ages' where the Middle East >>>> Europe? And if it wasnt for the Mongols, Europe would be Islamic right now?

>Mongol Empire was garbage and they couldn't govern for shit.
Not arguing the Mongols created trade routes from China to Europe (Silk Road) that allowed Chinese inventions to flow into the West like gunpowder, printed press, compass, etc that allowed Europeans to enter thise "Age Of Discovery" which lead to their current lead in the world.

But again, CHINA >>>>>>>>> EUROPE for most human history. You do know that world history didnt just start when Europeans started to dominate in the 1500's when they enslaved/colonized/killed millions in the Americas to enrich themselves?

>to SE Asia
Unless you're talking about Vietnam than not really.

>Song, Tang, Han, etc Dynasties while in Europe, you call is the Prussians, Greeks, Romans, etc. There is literally zero difference.
you are comparing chinese dynasties to entirely different states. You retard.

You could Maybe compare different periods of Rome's history to chinese dynasties, republic, empire, late empire, byzantine period etc. But you would have to be a literal retard to think that a handful of squabbling city states like Greece is comparable to a vast centralised beaurocracy. Yes, I know China had periods where it was fractured, but since China has been unified those have been closer to events like the crisis of the third century than to the situation in Europe before or after the Roman Empire

Wow Mongols created trade routes

Please tell me about how they also destroyed Baghdad

The Byzantines were a sufficient shield against Islam and a beacon of civilization until Dandolo had something to say about it.
The dark ages were a result of the pope almost singularly, and of course western europe fell far behind the middle east. Which themselves rose very far. But eventually the west threw off the papal shackles and rose, and the Muslims got ganked by the Mongols and then the Turks.

Mongols also irreversibly fucked up China and Persia. They helped Europe rise and eventually BTFO Asia though so I guess that's something.

>There is far more change at the highest levels within Europe,

Here is the map of the world. Chinese influence (from Siberia to the Phillipines) >>>>> European influence until the 1500s.

It isnt even a close contest. Nobody arguing what Europeans did from the 1500s (from killing almost 90% of the population in the Americas and stealing / colonizing the world) but eurocentrics like the OP and you ignore world history pre-1500s.

we need to invest in brain power since Singapore have no natural resources.

are you legit retarded or never was taught pre-reformation european history?

>People still reply to this Chink spammer

Every Mongol I have met has been a hotheaded retard. It's funny because I used to think the people and culture were based but now I hate them. If you're ever around a Mongol community then you'll understand exactly what I mean.

they're just not a curious people

Oh, I've heard about how stupid Mongols are.

I do think it's funny how people meme about them being awesome and w/e but they have never actually met a Mongol.

Not sure I agree with that, for most of history China has been the leading civilization. Rome and other such civilizations existed at a time when the Germanic civilization was irrelevant, but it is the Germanic civilization that was the leading force leading to industrialization and modernization. What you are experiencing is the time bias of viewing the age of discovery that was 1600-1900 as isolated from the rest of history and putting it on a pedestal.

No doubt IQ plays a role, but if it was everything we would not have Finns living like Africans until the 18th century and now being the most productive people in Europe.

So? What's there to care about? The Ottomans had a lot of fuckups but even they were more influential in the world post-1500s up until the 19th century where they seriously declined.

Just give it a rest Zhang. Stop wewuzzing

muh compass, muh powder

china's contribution to the world is laughable despite having such a headstart

shame on them.

IQ is not static, perhaps in the past huwhites had the highest IQ

People still reply to the Jap even though he's spammed the exact same fucking threads each day for well over a year now. Sup Forums thinks high of itself but it's really no different to any other board for rising to shitty bait.

If overseas Chinese love China so much why don't they go back to the motherland? Really activates those almonds.

A geographical continent doesn't equate to influence. China had less then than they have now. Their northern border was further south and a lot less safe, their reach west was limited to a couple of risky trade routes and tribal kingdom vassals, and their southern border hasn't changed since the southern part of the South Han was lost.
Eastwardly Formosa wasn't even properly colonized until like 1300 or some shit.

China was a massive trade influence touching the entirety of the old world, and it brought them great riches. Riches that were ALWAYS lost on ceremony, corruption or internal conflict.

The original unification of China is an amazing feat, as is cultural unity under the Han. Beyond these achievements the independent state of China has done practically nothing outside of its borders.

And another bit of East Asian history is that the Huns originated from the Xiongnu who came from themselves were driven out by Chinese from present-day Mongolia.

of course those Huns never affected anything in Europe ... right?

>I do think it's funny how people meme about them being awesome
It's because they used to be ebin hundreds of years ago and the people that meme about them aren't the descendants of the ones that were conquered years ago.

A lot of people are arguing that East Asians are smart or whatever because of Confucianism but Vietnam doesn't do well on IQ tests.