

logan paul is either a complete mong or a very smart person



wish the jews would stop putting black people and women in everything

germans are no different to jews when you really think about it

they both have surnames ending with stein and berg


*sneezes right in your dumb fucking faces*

>in a long term straight relationship with partner I love dearly
>gradually my homo/sissy side has developed more and more over years
>never been able to act on it
>girls always comment how my ass is better than theirs (gf included)
>shaven look like perfect twink
>turning 24 soon and time is running out
oh well, maybe next life

dyed hair, piercings, tattoos, all are disgusting

very dignified and respectful post

Sophia Loren lads

Much to think about

the 'fee is brewing


should probably act on it/tell the mrs asap lad, otherwise you'll be one of those mid-life crisis blokes who have to wreck their family to live out the stuff they should have got out their system in their youth

I want to BASH letypol's heads in

Oats with peanut butter, greek yogurt, blueberries, honey, coconut oil, chia seeds and a banana with a mug of french blend cafitiere coffee is the patrician choice of breakfast

hate racists

if schizophrenia was a film

bent af

bran flakes for brekkie

love racists
(i am one)

Been dating the gf for a few months now and no sex yet, not even any fooling around apart from napping together. Cant never find a private place.

Hoping to FUCK her this saturday

I'd be throwing away 6 years with this girl and our future (which is actually genuinely starting to come together). She's very submissive and a traditional girl, wouldn't view me the same way ever again the moment I said something.

why have we never had a fit lady monarch
anne, mary i & ii, elizabeth i & ii, victoria, all munters

dont know what half of this shit is let alone if I can afford it


>dont know what half of this shit is let alone if I can afford it

how you brewing lad?

might buy a 4k HDR TV


Gonna do a hail Mary dip in for a kiss on the oneitis next week. Terrified she'll move away but even more terrified of living a life knowing i never tried.

I've got some magic beans you might be interested in, they're uk 4K too!

not even that attractive.
hate gays who literally just see pecs and think that's hot.
they're as bad as straight people who only need to see big fake tits to cum

actually fucking revolting our anne was

would you rather be; welsh, or dead?


dead no question

Those tits look soooo heavy

not even sure what this means

D'win carad gymru pobol

i would knock your teeth out with that runtboard if i encountered you in person

Welsh definitely. Love welsh accents on girls



4k content doesnt exist

lmao this woman on 5live talking about how she put an ad in a paper just for any random guy to get her pregnant because she was 35 and time was running out, and talked about another woman she knew who went on a series of one night stands just to get pregnant
the utter state of the modern woman

been in a semi-similar position lad, told myself to ignore it and get on with things. it will absolutely fuck you up further down the line. mid-30s divorced now, wasted years trying to stick it out.

vile slattern

Loving the Black and British programming on the bbc, really interesting commentary on the legacy of our nation and its reflection as a demographic microcosm of the commonwealth in the contemporary age

don't like that there person because they were born in a different country

my mom was 29 when she had me

got a telephone interview later, cant stand the things

dont actually think he's hot
just saw the thread by chance

reminder drumpf became president for federal immunity like vic mackey

get off the proxy yank

nice proxy yank bender

do you love japan?

same. dad was 1 year older

come on lads, if this bird were wearing a sainsburys jumper instaed of a crown none of us would wed just call her a slag and fuck off

I certainly enjoyed my visit

mine was in her 30s
explains the autism

any negroni man in?

im a yank living in the UK
my dad was 34

go home yankeedoodle

thoughts on the GTX 1080ti?

my dad was 42 and my mum was 19 when they had me

Rather have no dad and the dna of some bar Chad than whatever gormless cuck a 35+ London slag human resources manager could land

but then i've got scottish ancestry so anything is an improvement

the inbred family

foy foy foy

had one but i sold it and bought a regular 1080, too powerful for 1440p and should only be used at 4K

all these kids look like 50yr old office managers

All wypipo are inbred

But what if it turns out to be pure fantasy and I've thrown away everything for nothing

are you the one in stoke


no im in London

what does a black person with down syndrome look like

some yank is utterly losing it over at Sup Forums

needs a "choose your character" edit

only george looks cute

where in london
and prove it otherwise youre a proxy

Why would a Yank live in Stoke

You ever talk to dumb people just so you can feel smart

Doing some really flavourful farts and listenin to Beck lads


why i post here 2bh



>woke up too late and missed mcdonalds breakfast

why is her maj doing the virgin hunch

this is a legitimate issue

ah yes, the one post i made about race gets replies

Reading and lifting are the neetmans riches

Kingston upon Thames

nah i always feel guilty if what i'm saying is going right over someone's head.
unless they're someone who isn't stupid - just wrong - in which case i want them to feel like they're a care in the community case that slipped under the radar

used to be in a guild that was mostly americans and all day the chat was filled with them going on about fast food, their favourite places, what sandwiches/buckets/meal deals they liked, where was still open etc. they live on that stuff day in day out it's mental

Ray off of Undateables