Who is White?

Who is White?

Portuguese or Greeks are white? Syrians who are blonde are white? Kurds are white? Turks are white? Blonde mongolians are white? An American man whose his blood is 2% black is white? An Asian who has light skin is white? The Hispanics who is 52% European are whites? Indians who speak Indo-Aryan languages are white? Iranians and Albanians who praise Allah are white?


An European who praise a Jewish god a.k.a. Yahweh is white?

>An European who praise a Jewish god a.k.a. Yahweh is white?
Well Christians worship the Father/ The Trinity, which isn't a concept in Judaism so I presume you are talking about Jews here.

>Portuguese and Greeks
Not white
>Syrians who are blonde
Depends if dyed or not
Very small minority have blonde hair pale and blue eyes
>blonde Mongolians
>Americans who has 2% black blood
>Iranians and Albanians

>Very small minority have blonde hair pale and blue eyes
That's true for Greeks and Portuguese as well, mehmet.

White was a word used to describe Anglo-Saxon peoples, nothing more. Sage.

They're not fully Portuguese or Greek though, plus dyed hair

His father is Korean, but he looks white.

Is he white while he is 50% European?

>50% Korean
One drop rule

He is whiter than most of Americans.

so what is him? he can never considered as korean or asian here while he is a korean citizen and native koream speaker.


people with more than 50 percent european admixture

The official white chart

>His father is Korean


>One drop rule
A meme followed by a handful of backwater states in the US. I don't see how it would be authoritative on anything.
He looks very White in this picture at least. So much so I doubt he has 50% Korean DNA.

Their mother is Korean but they look whiter than most of americans

this is 50% Korean

They look Russian, no way their father is Korean, either the father is a cuckold or he knows and took the mother in while she was already pregnant and just adopted them.

>80-100% of east asians are lactose intolerant
no wonder they're all short.

What this bong said. We are not wh*teoids.

She is 50% Korean 50% Russian but looks white. She is saying she wants to look Korean in this writing.

That's clearly not a native Brit, mate

50% Korean girl

I wasnt comparing. I was just confirming we are not white.

That's not possible

Polish immigrant please

It's sad that those girls are bullied in your asiatic shithole for not looking asian

What's wrong with it? You whites do the same thing in your "white countries".

Korea and Japan are ethnostates

Looks North African

im white, everyone else is black.


I think only americans have this weird obsession with being white. Here it's divided between european or non-european.

then why is my flag white?

Asians want to be white

Are turks european?

>Who is White?
no one

fucking gooks get out of my country reeee

Fuck no

If ou are not white, then you are not portuguese, why? because all portuguese people are white europeans.

Dude just stop, first of all “white” is a stupid term we should use European or Caucasian instead
And second why the fuck do you care? When someone asks me what I am I don’t say I am white , I am Portuguese and I don’t care if we are “white” or not and neither should you

White means european.

>I don’t say I am white , I am Portuguese

One thing is related to another.

Genetic ancestry isn't a spectrum or something you choose to identify as.. You don't magically wake up one day and decide that you identify as white or Asian or black. It's something you're born with, and whether you choose to identify as white is irrelevant and doesn't change the fact that you are white. Run around calling yourself whatever the fuck you want, you're still white at the end of the day.

Lol I am portuguese and so were all of my great-great-grandparents but I am not white, my skin is brown like pic related

That dude looks fucking North African
I've seen barbosas and they looked like normal iberians ie white.

Sure most portuguese are pale but there are others which you can see they have moorish ancestry like pic related

and who is that guy??
All portuguese are white, if you are not, you are not portuguese.

You are just cluless. José Mourinho is a typicall white west mediterranean, it has nothing to do with moors and i bet he would cluster with us, and far away of moors.
For you, this scottish dude is a moor? you are retarded mate.

Lol delusion , not all Portuguese are “white” and I am Portuguese just like my grand parents

And why are you posting gypsies? like that guy, in one video he even say's that

Dude you gotta be joking, Mourinho has moorish ancestry, is name is literally little moor for christ sake

Source or it never happened

You have no ideia pal. José Mourinho if he did an dna test like those of 23 and me hw would have close to 100% european there, like all portuguese people do.

>Portuguese or Greeks are white?
depends on the person, but most of them are white
>Syrians who are blonde are white?
phenotype=/=genotype, it depends
>Kurds are white?
phenotype=/=genotype, it depends
>Turks are white
depends on the person, most turks aren't white
>An American man whose his blood is 2% black is white?
depends, he could be 40% spic 58% white and 2% negro
>An Asian who has light skin is white?
>The Hispanics who is 52% European are whites?
>Indians who speak Indo-Aryan languages are white?
>Iranians and Albanians who praise Allah are white?
neither are white

Mourinho looks more white atlanto med than west med

they were just lucky in their phenotype and got fair features.
they're mongrels, not whites.

>0.1 sub Saharan African


Mate you know that’s not true, you should know that some of us have moorish ancestry

You are delusional, i have explained you before all portuguese have usually close results, like thisor this (img). In deep ancestry, with thousands of yers old we score some berber, from anciesnt migrations, central europeans score west asian (anatolian) and so on, all anciesnt stuff, not related tomoors or whatever you commie teachers told you.

The guy is gonna tell you that sean connery is not white. LMAO
just don´t turn is low iq head around, he doesn´t know a shit about european phenotypes. Or he is just a immigrant trying to push us to is mutt condition


>East African
Poles score 100%

The portuguese are suebi R1B/I1 masterraces.

The greeks are whatever the fuck turks are aswell

0,1% is called noise, in fact anything under 1% is genetic noise, they even explain that

No you can clearly see that sean connery is just tanned mourinho on the other hand has lots of moor features, I am not an immigrant or leftist I am just saying facts

You just gave your biased opinion, the other dude showed you the facts:

Why don't Northern Europeans score sub saharan african... hm

>2 dna tests
>A chart with european faces
This surely proves that no Portuguese have moorish ancestry

>The greeks are whatever the fuck turks are aswell
So greeks?:^)

Less than 1% is like not scoring a thing, but if you are about to cry because of noise, even there you are wrong.

Already answered, go read again

Remember Iberia ends in Coimbra.

This is what a proud Northern Portuguese looks like.

portuguese and spanish results are ussually the same no diffrence if it is north or south.

You wish. This thread proves that.

I don´t wish it's a fact, i have seen it. dozens of them.