What are some good examples of authentic british beauty?

What are some good examples of authentic british beauty?

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>authentic british beauty
>brown hair and eyes

What did Maradona mean by this?

oh god what went wrong!!!???

britbongs hit the wall earlier


women age like shit, my fucking god

*white women

disgusting poop eyes

Mi novia :)






la abomination....

She's all wrinkly already and she's not even 28.
Poor Emma, having to be born white must be shit.


el goblino anglo...

Love British women. But Rose Leslie and Cara are skunks who don't belong there.

>ywn have a british qtpie gf

Fuck off Andrei, Maisie is a qt

I find her cute.

el diablo...

Are you dumb lmao. She's moving her jaw at the time the picture was taken you silly mong.

i do not give JFs permission to open this webm

There's lots of other Brits from that show you can choose, but you have awful taste lmao.


patrician choice here

the only correct choice

Emma is completely overrated in general. Nerds just like her because muh childhood fantasies.

don't excite me like this pls

it's a weird yank obsession i've never understood it

She used to be really cute in her teens and early twenties.
Then like most white women, age wasn't kind to her.

She was indeed pretty cute

She just looked plain and always acted annoyingly


>She just looked plain
Yeah that was a charm, she looked your plain girl next door. A cute one at that.

I stopped finding her cute when I found out that she was a feminist cunt, circa 2010.
But she will remain my childhood celebrity crush.

>ywn have a gf


isn't she in her 20's, what the fuck is wrong with her skin

correction, isn't she a famous, presumably rich actress in her 20's with access to the best diet and best cosmetics possible? wtf

I can post pics from fb friends if you want?

Yes please



Left is not pretty.
Right is kinda cute but you can tell she does only black guys.




wouldnt be that cocky is she high kicked your filthy kike mug like you deserve with those polished legs

Meanwhile a kike busts a nut on her smug mug everyday


>ywn have a chav gf who is mean to you


maybe(actually not), but that isnt you anyway, virgin-kun

i wish i could hear her degrading me

i have plenty of chav girls



oh no

need any more chav girls?

emma watson is like 75% french though, like Cara Delevigne


show us where ya piss from darln

Pure blooded Anglosaxon girls are the most beautiful women in the world.
Only Sc*ts deny this.

t. dave smith on hols

english girls are ugly
only scots and some irish are decent. no one purely english is good looking.

Is she morphing into Gerard Depardieu?

t. literal british offspring

this is now a slag thread

>with access to the best diet and best cosmetics possible?

She's also a hyper turbo feminist, so the idea of taking care of yourself and looking good as a woman is just sexist brainwashing forced onto women by the patriarchy.

which one is true?

>only scots and some irish are decent. no one purely english is good looking
you have never been to any of those countries, scottish, irish and english women look exactly the same

Tip if it has a Yank flag and it makes a big deal about differentiating between Irish Scots and English it's a virgin post

slags are fine to impregnate




oh I've entered the thread at the right time.

The real Hermione.


does Ozzy count


lived in new zealand. your people are ugly mate sorry

>I lived in new zealand I know everything about Britain and west britain

why arent mutts rangebanned?

Would gf the one on the right

how did you know which ones were english you absolute spanner

Anglo Saxon gold is quite beautiful

the ugly ones were english. simple as

for me, it's lucy boynton

>he doesn't religiously watch MissAlice94

right one is advanced breeding material
mutts shouldnt talk back to their father

circular logic

its dance not darnce

After browsing facebook for two days I can say that Irish and britbong women are equally unattractive. Scottish women are very fond of brown minorities, I don't know why. How do you even live there?

charlotte hope and her hip bones and qt boobs


it's a trial not living in russia mate but we manage

>no hips
>advanced breeding material

more of the one on the right. she is real cute


Overrated slag. Have a nice Yorkshire camslag.