/Cali/ general

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this shithole?

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far better than the state of asspain you seem to be in

3rd best place to live in the US after NH and NYC

best education, technology, weather, cultural powerhouse, bretty good. i take it you are from alabama?

One of the examples of american success which only edgy teenagers from reddi/pol/ seems to dislike


only good part of clapistan

not him but,

>best education
It's hit or miss. Schools get much of their funding at a local level, so rich areas have great schools while poor ones get less. Universities are top notch, but also full of crazy SJWs.
>best technology
>best weather
only if you hate precipitation
>cultural powerhouse
for better or worse
>bretty good
yep, but you forgot best nature

t. californian

If California is so awesome, then why are so many of them moving to Oregon?


it has more mexicans than mexico and for that reason I'm out.

to dominate oregonian puci

I hate being stuck here

San Diego reporting in. Currently filling out an internship application.

I'd nuke it into oblivion.

California exports its shit to the flyovers while the best from around the country come to California.
>Every year from 2000 through 2015, more people left California than moved in from other states. This migration was not spread evenly across all income groups, a Sacramento Bee review of U.S. Census Bureau data found. The people leaving tend to be relatively poor, and many lack college degrees. Move higher up the income spectrum, and slightly more people are coming than going.

>About 2.5 million people living close to the official poverty line left California for other states from 2005 through 2015, while 1.7 million people at that income level moved in from other states – for a net loss of 800,000. During the same period, the state experienced a net gain of about 20,000 residents earning at least five times the poverty rate – or $100,000 for a family of three.

>mfw California has higher GDP than all of Russia
You're country is pathetic

Russia is being nice, stop bullying.


>"Ha, I don't care if you have 18x as much resources as me. It means nothing. I win again"
The absolute state of vodkastan

>i have 18x more paper

>18x as much resources
Russia probably has more resources than any other cunt in the world by far

s t a y m a d

>Tfw you live in the comfiest most beautiful, relevant state in the entire US that triggers gringos on a daily basis

The state is literally crap outside of silicon valley

>The state is literally crap outside of silicon valley

3rd best state

t. got californicated

As much as everyone shits on Cali I've lived here my whole life and think it's pretty great. Norcal btw.

not a shithole, probs best part of america. this and oregon

I guess that would explain why so many Oregonians hate Californians. Honestly, both are pretty terrible in their own way.

Kill it with fire and then nuke it from orbit just to be sure.

Best place in US

I think you mean New York

People from Oregon are fucking human trash. Just look at them crying on the internet because they have to pump their own gas now

>Gas is expensive as fuck
>Housing is expensive as fuck
>lots of tax
>Hot as shit most of the year
>no water
>full of annoying libs
>Shit gun laws
>Lots of gang violence
>overcrowded cities
>insane leftist policy
>worst politicians who try to undermine the 1st and 2nd amendment come from cali
California has become a tumor to America. The sooner removed the better

BASED cali

I couldn't agree more. I can't wait to get out of this hell-hole. There's only so much of the Pacific Northwest I can take

I grew up raising cattle in NorCal. I couldn't have dreamed of a better childhood.

What is it like there? I might be moving to Raleigh soon.

You take the good with the bad because there's plenty of both.

Disregard my post, I'm a retard. Thought it said Carolina, not California