Man shot to death a few hours ago in Sweden

Shooting happened in Rinkeby.
It was in a pizzeria situated at the centrum of the town.

Police arrived at the pizzeria quite fast and found a young man in his 25's who had several bullet holes in his head.

He was taken to hospital but died there in mere minutes.

Eyewitnesses said that one person hold the pizzeria door open to the shooter and looked at him as he was somekind of superior person.
Then the shooter just tooks his gun and shot several times at the victim and not anyone else in the pizzeria. Then he just walks away and vanishes. The shooter disappeared by walking, there was no motorized vehicles involved.

In the hospital where the shot man was, there was soon 10 people demanding to get in to see him but the armed guards of the hospital didnt let anyone in to disturb peace in there.

There have been dozens, maybe even hundred eye witnesses of the shooter. The shooting itself was witnessed by only few people inside the pizzeria but the gunshots must have been heard by almost 100 people nearby. Rinkeby centrum does have lots of people walking there at that time of hour.

Other urls found in this thread:

two persons shot to death in Rinkeby area and several others wounded in less than a week

What the fuck
Is Sweden Russia 1990s edition?

>be Swedish

>be swedish
>get shot


Even Swedes will tell you to stay out of that neighborhood. It’s like saying “a guy got shot in Compton in Los Angeles”


I actually don't feel bad or anything for Sweden.

It's thier choice that they want migrants at the end if the day.

It's one of the worst places obviously, but Compton it is not.

>get American treatment

>Someone gets shot in a ghetto part of town

Is this supposed to be unusual? High crime is part of what makes a ghetto a ghetto.

>another anti-sweden thread

These presumably gang related shootings have become pretty common desu, I am not shocked anymore.

how strong are the swedish gangs?

Having a ghetto is the biggest 3rd world sign there is

not necessarily

look at those useless bums

Do you honestly believe that they held a vote to take in shitloads of migrants?

I'm more interested in Japanese women, why can't swedes just kill off the non-whites.

I have no idea. They seem to have a lot of guns but they're pretty low profile overall, then again I mostly hang out in pretty decent parts of my city.

>tfw swedish gangster rap is gonna start coming around

german/turkish gangster rap
can't wait till KARA BOGA gangs start operating in sw*Den and we start running E*Rope

i meant compared to other gangs in the world

Are you in Rinkeby?

Just another day in the rape capital of Europe.

All I know about gangs is that Finnish gangs are some of the smallest and operate only in Finland

the funny thing is I live in one of the many ghettos in england, and my ghetto while not even having a big name for itself (has a bad rep ofc) is MUCH MUCH worse than this supposed "worst ghetto in sweden"

fucking hilarious, bunch of pussios sw*Des are

The thing is, there has not been ghettos in Nordic countries...that has obviously changed (is changing)

Well I guess they would probably get fucked up pretty hard by your negro street gangs or MS 13, or similar. Gang violence here is mostly these quick and planned execution killings.
No, I live in Malmö.

>living in a ghetto
lmao @ your life

Rinkeby wasn't known as the nicest place in town even before all the african/middle eastern immigration started.

Dutch gangs operate internationally. Selling drugs and weapons. It comes with Amsterdam (drugs and hookers), the biggest harbor of Europe in Rotterdam and very low prison sentences. It attracts mafias from across the world.

the thing is, I am LIVING in a ghetto
I'm not dying in one, you wouldn't even breath near me.

How would you measure their strength?

so whats stopping you guys from ending all of it

>mexican mafia
>18 street and sur13
>crips and bloods
>everything else


why do people in ghettos have a chip on their shoulder...

As long as you arent violent to civilians the police doesnt care. But if you are violent then you become a priority.

How would you measure their intelligence?

The police suck at solving the cases because in these "ghettos" no one wants to snitch even though tons of people probably knew exactly who the killer was. Because people are scared of retaliation. Also we have too few cops in general.

No, I mean how do you actually measure how strong they are? What metrics are you asking for? I can tell you that they're nothing like anything you've mentioned, but that's only my intuition talking. Not something measurable.

It's a democracy, no?

because this is the concrete jungle and we've had to fend for ourselves, where police wouldn't even venture

the exact same way

Our judical system is a joke anyhow


Yeah, and in "Democracy" citizens can vote on every issue dealing their country, yes?

Yeah, it is pretty retarded.

i don't mean the cops i mean regular people there barely even gangs

that's what happens if you don't order ananas on your za

There were a few interesting proposals a few years back:

1. Military intervention possible if the police requires such aid.
2. Make possible revocation of citizenship (and residency) among those who have obtained by some other way than via jus sanguinis from a non-foreign background citizen.

Both of these proposals were serious and are perfectly viable here, but nobody ever follows through on stuff like this. The reason for that is that people can still stick their heads in the sand and pretend that it's not that bad -- which it really isn't for ordinary people -- so all it amounts to is populism, so far. So then a bunch of secondary considerations take priority: "how will it make us look if we actually have to deal with problems like that?". But it's willful blindness at the end of the day, and that is never a good thing. I don't know how or if we'll ever solve this problem.

Not in that way. We don't have direct democracy. You're thinking of Switzerland. They vote on matters such as these. We don't.

But they can't do anything except inform the police when they see or hear anything suspicious, like I said most people are scared to do that. If you think civilians are going to get guns of their own and start vigilante killing the criminals then thats not going to happen, this is sweden.

Stonia bringing up a important wisdom

>If you think civilians are going to get guns of their own and start vigilante killing the criminals then thats not going to happen, this is sweden.

That doesn't really happen in America either. Or anywhere there's a functioning state apparatus.

I may be misremembering but isn't the reason why we can't use military to aid the police because some guy got shot by soldiers like 100 years ago, so they decided we should never use the military again? It seems in line with swedish autism.

Do we know whether the shooter was a migrant?

>Military intervention possible if the police requires such aid.
We already have that. Our police is trained for low violence situations. So in high violence situations they send in the military police. And in even higher violence situations they send in the army. The military police often handles international drug cartels or hostage situations.

But unless you are a bank robber or the King is on the street you wont encounter the army. Currently the army also helps in some operation against burglaries.

Knew exactly which flag the OP would be

you totally could there isn't much of them it's now or never
thats because it's out of control over here and the gangs are much bigger and theres a lot more of them you guys aren't dealing with the same thing

>Do we know whether the shooter was a migrant?

it's a serious question faggot
stop hopping on the Sup Forums train and pretending there's only one race capable of committing crimes

lol goatfucker

xD le belgium =all mudslimes amirite!!!

>it's a serious question

>dutch armed forces
what a joke

>isn't the reason why we can't use military to aid the police because some guy got shot by soldiers like 100 years ago, so they decided we should never use the military again?

No, that's about using the military in demonstrations. They can't use the military politically like that.

But police and military cooperation is perfectly viable in general, to fight crime. Most typically it's to fight terror crimes. That's why there were soldiers on the streets of Stockholm last spring, for example. That's a typical situation where they'd use the military in a police fashion today.

how does it feel knowing that you will not be taken seriously by anyone in life or in your attempts at getting a job due to your edgy Sup Forums-tier ideas? Or is this unironically the norm in sweden

Compton isn't the meme bad slum in LA, it improved a lot. There's another part of LA that's much worse but I can't recall.

Well somalis and iraqi are two races

They arent a joke desu. We also put marines on Dutch trade ships.

very imbortante :DDD
also fuck sw*Doids. Shit like this is bound to happen until you surrender to the YELLOW finngolian MAN. Stop denying the fact that sw*Debois just can't compete with superior YELLOW genes

It's the norm, especially if its in fucking rinkeby

Actually a majority of Sweden are against taking in any more illegal immigrants.

they elect the people that make the decisions though

aww, so cute :DD

maybe not on sea, but on land and air, the dutch are a joke

>murder in Rinkeby, where 90% of the population is nigger/arab

We take protecting our monies very seriously.

I seriously don't get it. The Swedish military is about 3/4 of the police force. They could seriously put the soldiers to good use.

Where the city has basically abandoned you in everything but name. It gets REALLY bad when it basically sections you off as separate mini-town in regard to policy or don't ask for resident input on various things with a huge impact.

Wrong actually.
53% are out of EU and Nordic area as of the 2011-13.

It's not about numbers.

Tbh using the military doesn't make any real change, it's done here in Belgium now and it is a pure meme. The only goal is creating some false sense of extra safety
got a source on 90%?

>it didn't change to desu
Wtf happened

>We also put marines on Dutch trade ships.

We do the same, you know.

In fact, we have a lot of cooperation between our nations in this regard. We send our forces to help guard European interests. As far as I understand it, the Netherlands provide the mothership and we provide the assault craft and the operators.

>deploy the military
>it's for safeguarding money transports and trade

The most recent stats (2017) suggest that whites are a tiny minority.

I meant on civilian ships.. you can pay money to rent the Dutch military.

If he had a gun he could have shot back

I'm getting tired of this world

79% are non-Swedes of which many are not "niggers or arabs" so I wouldn't jump to conclusions. Not saying it's likely to be a swede but freaking out about "le iraqi terrorist" is a bit too soon

You're ludicrously naive and arrogant at the same time. But keep at it.

>tfw one day, when the situation becomes unbearable, sw*Doids will LITERALLY beg the mighty FINN to invade them.
>They will LITERALLY spread their asscheeks saying " yes, yes my URALIC master, please invade me"

then people say europe is safer than america. laughing my fucking ass off

take a (You)

>being nuanced and waiting until we actually have a clue
>literally not taking any position
>naive and arrogant

It would be Russia, not Finland mate. They're already preparing the population for that, constantly looking for Russian submarines near Stockholm and shit.

Oh hey, it's the leaf from the "is Sup Forums racist?" thread!
welcome back

t. Yank on vacation

yeah sucks don't it

How the fuck can you live with so many niggers holy fuck. For how long this social experiment has been running?

t. Moroccan goatfucker