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it's good that way... I wonder the amount of shitpost the board would have if they had a good connection!

The second biggest infrastructure project in Australia & the Liberals managed to fuck it up.

Please stop. It's not my fault and you have no idea how ashamed it makes me feel.

>Malcolms NBN.

one of the most retarded corrupt decisions ever made

If you want proof that democracy doesn't work, look at Australia. The majority voted for this fucking shit.

Greece is ranked 90th. I'm in the most densely populated area of Athens and my internet is pure shit.

Do you really want us at max power shitting up the joint with picture files over 100kb in size?


sound pretty guilty m8

someone give me a quick rundown on why ausfailia has such shitty internet

Because it benefits the cable companies that the government is in bed with. Shit internet means they don't have to compete with netflix.

>Because it benefits the cable companies that the government is in bed with.
sounds a lot like us desu

It's a fucking nightmare and the second I'm able to, I'm leaving this trash heap of a country and never coming back. Fuck this place and fuck the people in it.

Imagine being THIS cucked!

austrailia is a great country though


is this real?


sure sucks to be everyone else

Rupert Murdoch owns all the newspaper that the baby boomers read and decided that if we have African internet then maybe less people would spend $50 a month on foxtel
he's even 90. he's going to die he'll never even get any use out of the extra money, pure rat. He doesn't even live here but he's probably the single person thats done the most damage to the country.

No it fucking isn't. It's just better at hiding how shit it is. No one cares about us, so no one pays attention.

Will aussies get a culture shock when they finally have high speeds like these Somali's used to 3g or satellite ?

We're that kid in the back of the class that no one notices. He does no work and fails every test, but he sits quietly and doesn't cause trouble.

Hmmm never heard of him sounds like a real cunt though. Damn....

aside from the iternet, is it really that bad? sounds like a great place to live better than most. Am I getting meme'd? I'm not going to move to Australia because you're "full"...

We have 4G and 5G is already being planned to be rolled out by multiple companies. Our mobile network is great, but broadband is shit.

You haven't even hit the peak of our cuckery yet

Housing prices are through the roof. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING costs twice as much as it does in every other country. The weather is shit, crime isn't punished. Mental illness is rampant and untreated. I could go on and on.

It's not a good place.

Poor Aussies..

Don't cry for me. I'm already dead.

My heart goes out to you coz.

Hopefully things get better.

>this is le epic brag stats in dingoland

It's always funny how whenever there are internet speed threads on Sup Forums, it's always aussies and Canadians coming in last place.

On the other hand, it's usually only Americans and a handful of Scandinavians posting speeds of 1 gbps or higher, so it seems as though everyone else is stuck in the middle somewhere.

Dude, everyone is either connected to the NBN with terrible speeds and reliability or still on the old ADSL network with terrible speeds and reliability. There's no winning with how bad the government fucked it all up.

>paying twice the price for half of my download speed

We all agree that it's fucking shit. Why are you still rubbing it in?

You don't want to know how much this costs


If you don't have gigabit speeds in 2018 then you're doing something wrong. Even shit-tier ISPs like Century Link offer it for $60 a month. You could get lower prices from others. Comcast has 2 gbps service, but they charge an obscene $169 for it.

I don't know, from our perspective they probably fucked it up but from their perspective it was a great victory for their corporate overlords.
You have to think about it from the view of Telstra et. al., when approaching politics. We aren't really part of their equation in formulating the nation.


>faster than 99.99% of the country

Just imagine.

>paying twice the price
You dont know how much I pay for it, so how do you know what you pay is half the price.

Does this mean a return of KHANED posting?!

quick, try to kill Aussies' bandwith's

>Hmmm never heard of him
He owns Fox and was responsible for most of the anti-democrat propaganda during the Bush years. The cunt not only fucked around with the UK, by owning a lot of the media and running it as a political propaganda platform, but has also done the same to Australian politics and after fucking off and becoming an American citizen, proceeded to do the same to American politics.

A truly impressive cunt of an individual.

Kind of, now that you mention it.

Lel, I don't even have landline access because it isn't viewed as a basic service, thus the only way to get a line set up would be to cash out tens of thousands of dollars myself and build the infrastructure.
QLD is the only state in which housing requires a functioning land line. Everywhere else it is a luxury, with the excuse being that people should just get a mobile phone. #YOLO

But that's your baby brother, new sealand.

Yes because we all vote only on how the NBN should be done. No other issues what so ever. I blame the papers.

Ho Lee Fuk
that's still a thing?

It's somewhat sad that such a basic and vital requirement for keeping the nation technologically competitive was not only demonised but also used as a shield for other issues. Boomers will be dead soon enough; I wonder what the state of politics will look like in another 30 or so years when cunts like us are starting to become the more pandered to demographic/voter base.

ADSL and ADSL2+ are our main forms of broadband. Isn't it the same in the States?

Probable, tbph.
t. spoiled, world-class city brat

what actual consequences does australia's infamous internet have on its users? like what can't you do that other first worlders can?

If you want further proof that democracy doesn't work, look at this dimwit. It's allowed to vote.

Yeah, ADSL2+ is what petty much everyone is on. The original plan was replace basically all of the network with fiber and give everyone quality speeds, at a longer time frame and higher expense. Then all the old cunts that complain about slow and unreliable internet got told that fiber is the devils work and opted to vote in the guys who wanted to cheap out and do a half job.

I'd imagine hd porn, gayming, shitposting with hi-qual images, downloading much of anything, streaming, etc (?)

all of these

That sucks.
I'd imagine it will be like pulling teeth to fix all that.

The three largest issues are extremely limited data caps, unreliable and low bandwidth and extremely low uplink speeds.
Businesses, if they are located in the right areas, are forced to take on very expensive commercial connections, home businesses and small businesses are limited and many are taking their work overseas entirely. As for families, general "modern" media rich internet experience is a constant battle due to having to share low bandwidth and data limits.

Generally speaking, it makes the overall user experience worse while paying more.

>ADSL2+ is what petty much everyone is on
Not even remotely accurate and likely wont be for years.

Isn't Australia like industrialized and shit? Why can't they pull decent bandwidth? Is it a logistics issue? Something about being on an island too far from the cables maybe? But then NZ has decent speeds so that can't be it...

>Is it a logistics issue?
It is entirely a corporate corruption issue.

>I live in a developed country but I'm not wealthy, the post

Yes, all "developed" countries are the same. They all have the same living costs, the same purchasing power, the same social issues, etc.

>wealth is not relative

>posturing leaf, the post

You really do live in a bubble, mate.

While the australian may come off as a bit of a dick when abroad, the leaf is nearly universally insufferable - never one you'd want to associate with, however briefly.
The australian makes an excellent wingman/drinking buddy (male or female).
The same cannot be said for the leaf.

If shit costs too much you aren't wealthy. People making $120 000 in NYC are less wealthy that people making $100 000 in Albany.

So i'm Australia?

You sounds like a fucking knob honestly

So what is exactly is a billionaire canuck doing here

Wash your face, take a look in the mirror, and google how to un-fuck yourself, bruce


It's the perfect ammunition against aussie cunts who get uppity.
We are smaller and poorer yet I have gigabit internet whilst they are still using copper cables.

But they deserve it all for voting in their awful corrupt corporate-worshiping "liberal" government.


In the "slow" kids' class, maybe.

>only two major parties in ausland are either corrupt corporate asskissers or chinese puppet traitors

save us

Shitposting, just like you.

3rd worlder's, the lot of you.

Fair enough

Why do Chinks ruin everything?

cry more faggot

t. zhang

the guy is a little baby
apart from expenses, none of that is reason to call a place shit.
>the weather is shit
suck my cock
>crime goes unpunished
>mental illness is rampant
tell me where it isn't

where is this cunt going to go I am really interested

am sorry for your lots australian frens


>>mental illness is rampant
>tell me where it isn't

That's not an arguement you mong

Not that guy but he has a point about crime at least especially in Victoria. You can stab someone in the streets and probably won't go to jail. If he dies you will but maybe for like 6-8 years

neither is mental illness because no one place has it sorted out. why even bring that up, it's like saying "australia doesn't have flying cars fuck this place"

trust me id love it if all mental illnesses were completely treatable but for now all we can do is manage them, and it's hard to force people to go ahead with that in a lot of cases.
something will happen to the niggers soon don't you worry, also thank god I hope I never meet that guy he sounds like the biggest sook ever
otherwise, it seems like something massive needs to happen before major changes, ie the port arthur massacre

>less wealthy
Surely you meant vastly less wealthy

Full disclosure: I don't have a frame of reference for US costs of living and I don't think any Australian could name a city in Canada besides Banff and Whistler.

>don't have a frame of reference
That's fair, but this country is gigantor.
Literally can find any price-range.

Please love Australia.

We all do.
We all do.

Australia would be much better as an AnCap country since there's so much room for private property and the accents would make it hilarious.

What manga is this cute girl from, Bazza?

Kazakhstan greatest country in the world
All other countries are run by little girls
Kazakhstan #1 exporter of potassium
All other countries have inferior potassium

My countrymen don't. I except our HDI and all other rankings to drop by 50 next year according to their comments. Oh wait, the government probably paid the rankings people to put us that high in the first place, didn't they?

how about you leave the fucking cities then, life becomes much easier when you leave them.

Internet isn't a big deal when you can go diving and fishing on the GBR every weekend