American cousin is visiting this week

>American cousin is visiting this week
>let him stay at my house
>tell him to make himself feel at home whilst I go to work
>come back from work
>he's fucking microwaving a bowl of water

What the fuck I thought this was just a meme?

What is supposed to be the meme?

why spend 10 minutes boiling it in a pot when you can spend 1m or less in the microwave

that we microwave instead of boiling


>what is fast boil kettle

Why would you just want to boil water on its own though? Can you not drink American tap water without sterilizing it first or something?

Because microwaving is pretty much the most energy-inefficient method of boiling water possible. Also electric kettles exist and only take a couple of minutes to boil water.

Do teabags not exist in Sweden or something?

idk what OP's friend was doing, I use a filter for the water tap, and if I boil water for ramen i use a kettle

Aren't those incredibly inefficient in America due to the lower wattage?
To make tea? Or make a hot water bath?

To make hot beverages, mostly. Few Americans are tea drinkers so there's little need for electric kettles
They work fine

Most Americans don’t own kettles although you can be sure this thread will be flooded by Americans desperate to prove that they don’t microwave water

I noticed my phone charged slower in the us

No, we go outside and rip the leaves off of the bushes and drink it, like a soup

I don't see the problem

check the fridge, there may be shoes inside it

i know. this recent surge of americans trying to impress europeans is retarded

it is true that my shaving machine was trimming at slower speed than usual when i was in us

Did he wear shoes indoors too ?

>Do teabags not exist in Sweden or something?

That's for women.

I have american relatives too, family wants to go visit them over summer
Maybe they'll steal my genes, so i'll stay home

>American cousin

Nothing wrong with this if you have hardwood floors.

I said "leave your shoes by the front door" before he even had the chance to wear them any further.

Everything is wrong with that you dumb beaver

everything wrong with this as you spread indoors the filth you bring on the soles from the outside

Do you also wear your clothes in the shower?

the butter from our food naturally drips onto our shoes and gives them a nice shiny coating that makes them impervious to dirt

Even if you weren't memeing, how exactly does the butter drip on the SOLE of your shoe? Do you put them on the table when you eat as well?

I've only seen a guy microwave water twice in my life and it was honestly done by black people with that ghetto attitude.

Do... do you not?

Nearly every American I know has something like pic related in their house. It's not too hard to use a stovetop kettle.

>eat like a dog
>people treat you like a dog
>"why am I mad?"

>American cousin is visiting this week
>let him stay at my house
>tell him to make himself feel at home whilst I go to uni
>come back from school
>find him sleeping in his bed WITH HIS FUCKING SHOES on
I'm not even fucking kidding, Americans are real life memes

>b-but it's just the niggers I swear
I don't get why Americans do this, black people make up a significant portion of the USA's population. They are just as American as "white" Americans, neither are native to the land anyway.

why do i have to keep posting this

>stovetop kettle
and how 1885 is that

The USA has third-world electrical wiring so electric kettles will take too long to boil water.

Forgot to change "this week" it was years ago

I didn't say it's just black people. I'm just speaking cold facts - no emotion.

I saw it twice, both from black roommates.

why do they not have 220/230V?
why do they NOT have underground wiring?
even some African countries have this

>why do they NOT have underground wiring?
we do?

literally the first picture

ive always worn shoes around the house, original wooden floorboards though. theres something really gay about everyone taking their shoes off at the door

If you look up 'Average British Street', you can see utility poles as well. That's not an American thing, just a suburban thing.


No you don't

I'll take the bait. What were they boiling water for?