>you speak our language you cucks :)))
What do anglos think of the fact millions of people butcher their beloved lingua franca everyday?
You speak our language you cucks :)))
absolutleaux infuriatedeaux oyi oyi, avec sil vue pleaux
Hahaha i donto pronounsu most of Engrishu bowerut Japanese doesnto habu :DDD Arso /l/ is repraced by /r/ hahaha :DDD /f/ Sup Forums are repraced by /h/ and Sup Forums . I fuggin robe ruining anglo ranguage hahaha
oui oui, en effet
absolutely devilish
At least non-anglo white's speak english. French on the other hands, is only spoken by niggers
White, niggers, arabs, some asians (maybe)...
We simply don't have America on our side.
do you really need to put a "s" at the end of "hands" in that kind of situation ?
Hand would be kept singular, since each of your two hands represent a different scenario/choice.
Because majority whites speak our language
While French is an African language
>las creaturas
so he tried to laugh at us with our lack of english skills by making mistake as well ? intresting.
I hate this "butcher" bullshit. Your language is butchered vulgar latin, you fucking brainlet.
One of the reasons English is the Lingua Franca of the modern age is its flexibility.
Yes, it gets butchered and change at a faster pace than other languages, but that means English has a bigger vocabulary and a more "global" grammar, because a lot of cultures influenced how the language works over the years.
The fact you can write "facade" and read it as "fassawd" is mindboggling. But keeps English fresh and relevant, unlike most conservative languages that don't have the same spreading and growth potential.
His public school education is showing.
you can tell it really really gets under the frenchman's skin that he has to speak english
I honestly don't care at all, we don't have this weird obsession with purity like in french, we know it gets butchered daily we can't afford to fuss about it
>be anglo in non-anglo country
>people understand every word he says
>be non-anglo in anglo country
>have secret language to talk behind anglos' backs
As long as we can understand them we don't care.
Why do frogcucks get so mad about people not pronouncing their dying language properly?
not really, we came here on purpose mate
...I was just saying a shiton of people try to use english, daily but can't speak it for shit, monkey.
English was made to be butchered
I'm more mad that the fucking Swiss have attempted to make a "controlled" version of English
>w-we won! English is the lingua franca and frogs have to use it and it infuriates them!!!
Do you really believe that?
>Oh shit he made a good point. I know! I look better if I call him monkey
>Why do frogcucks get so mad about people not pronouncing their dying language properly?
We don't care about that, though.
>dying language
In your wet dreams.
>he made a good point
I was not even talking about the fact English is a French dialect, you dumbfuck.
settle down jean
I'm calm, m8
You language was born because people "butchered" it is my point, frog.
yea, but we are talking about English and I was just joking about non-anglos making lots of mistakes.
Perfect English hasn't been a thing fo r a long time. One of the interesting things about it is how many directions it's gone in.
>English is a French dialect
This is what frogs actually believe.
Your vocabulary is French/Latin m8
I'm aware that a huge amount of the vocaulary is french but you technically can speak english using only germanic words.
Good job frog
Are you talking about that meme concept known as 'Anglish'? Jesus, how can some anglos be this assblasted?
>miss a fucking voyel
>the ameriMUTT must expose it
you weren't that mean with aussie post earlier tho
>and others
While France has
>and Le 76% aka France
lel, being proud of being pseudo german now? how low can you sink
I doubt you're allowed to make fun of the whiteness of France. Also, a shiton of shitskins speak English. You were simply smart enough to send settlers in your colonies.
are you referring to that book supposedly written without using french words ? in the preface it says it's literally impossible and you'll find some french words here and there, so, lmao
>I doubt you are allowed to make fun of whiteness in France
Unlike you socalist shithole we have national statistics to give an idea of our whiteness
89% for white BRITISH
While some other number for just white but that doesn’t count since poles and Russians are considered white
It doesn't work that way. We're not uptight, autistic faggots about our language. It's a way of communicating between people, not the fucking Metatron.
>what is Quebec
It wasn’t us sending our settlers to our colonies it was that our colonies are successful much like our country in comparison to the socalist shit hole that is France
I don't understand why the French think they're in any state to make fun of us for language purity. There are basically no Gaulish words left in modern French and there are millions of Germanic ones everywhere
You don’t speak for us mutt
Samual Johnson was right when he thought that we should impose Latin or French onto the 13 colonies so as to not have anything to do with your whig retardation
It barely had 100 000 french settlers (and I'm not even talkin about Québec, I'm talking about French America in general). Of course your colonies were succesful : it was full of Europeans.
The point is that English isn't a dialect of French.
>muh socialism
>whiter than you, mohammad
Amerimutt autism tier.
>and there are millions of Germanic ones everywhere
millions of Germanic words in modern French...? English? Millions, are you serious?
>One of the reasons English is the Lingua Franca of the modern age is its flexibility.
Literally >pic related of modern languages.
It's not flexible, it's loose.
How come every young French tourist I meet IRL speaks shit english but all you autists on Sup Forums have near perfect grammar? Do you faguettes purposely do this?
hon hon hon RUSED
the socialist shithole of France always been more relevant and succesful than the english failure that was your government who begged to enter our union in the 70's when you were falling deep into the irrelevance limbo
> We simply don't have America on our side.
what about """canadians"""?
The leaf is a damn good shitposter but his country is not relevant enough.
(plus anglos are kind of mad at us and québécois)
>it was full of Europeans
Ah I see I am talking to a spastic leftypol
The 13 colonies were made up of Irish and British
Australia only British the same goes for NZ and Canada
Europeans started immigration into the US at around the 1880s and said immigration was that of Germans
French have had a prescience in the US but only the poorer areas in the south(unsurprisingly)
“Europeans” are not a people and we are not European you spastic
It’s like saying North Africans and Central Africans are the same
Span France italy all share moorish blood
While Germany Scandinavia and the U.K. share Germanic blood
We have nothing in common but proximity
>forced to abandon regional culture and language
>trade unions that cuck your president
>labour laws that would make Marx wet
That of France being none white isn’t an argument true but an objective fact and that of which was silly of me stateing
>Ah I see I am talking to a spastic leftypol
What? I was not even implying it was a bad thing
Yea, thanks for that.
>“Europeans” are not a people
White, if you prefer.
>Span France italy all share moorish blood
Okay, I see I'm literally talking to an autist.
>our union
>always relevent
Alright fine I was being an autist in the last part but still
Trying to take credit for the fact that our colonies are british and are successful by saying “they are Europeans” is akin to African WE WUZ shit
Then again the way frogs like to pretend the Normans were French is very WE WUZ-ish
glad it made you laugh, proof is everything is right and you larping your relevance to american achievements.
if the normans weren't french, why your motto, 1/3 of your language and so much other things aren't from viking culture ?
>You don’t speak for us
That has nothing to do with the veracity of what I said. It's a simple fact that the English language does not have an equivalent to the Academie francais.
I'm not going to participate in memes.
But Can I
>*creates a union to only become a second class partner in it*
Screen cap
>*leaves NATO in the deluded idea that your miltary is large enough to be independent then looses a war to a bunch of tiny Chinese people*
Your deluded post?
>*country had to ban communism because a communist government was going to win the election*
''''''''Dieu et mon droit'''''''''
Because we were a 2nd class power For a long time and thus adopted French culture much like that of Netherlands
Just saying that when I hear yanks saying
“Finna” and other mumble rap crap I can’t help but cringe
>the motto of the MONARCHY
which has often been of French blood due to the normans intergrating into France and In then becoming French
That being said I won’t deny we got cucked hard by them
why so deluded about the truth ? your country was falling deep and your government begged to enter european union, while our gdp always been higher than yours those last 50 years but for 1 or 2 years recently when you purposely added black market/drugs/whores buisness into account, lmao
>we got cucked hard by them
okay at least you're honest about your heritage
Word it however you want, my point stands.
France leaving NATO before losing in Indochina? Communism ban?
Amerimutt tier education.
>yanks saying
Not all, or even most
>and other mumble rap crap
I'm in my 30s, and I live in rural Vermont. Youth culture has no real effect on me.
>I can’t help but cringe
Jesus Christ you are bloody deluded
We have a larger economy Because of sensible capitalist labour laws
Now fuck off back to leftypol
>our GDP has always been higher than yours
So the British empire and industrial revolution never happend?
This is why people think French are shit skins
You are deluded in thinking you are the best and everything bad is a conspiracy
I’m not a royal
France did ban communism on the eve of ww2
Okay good counter argument
But I wouldn’t say northerns are british let alone people
>muuuuh British empire and industrial revolution
i was answering the fact our "socialist shithole" like you said which was a thing after the first tier of xxth century, was somehow less relevant than your superior anglo government, which is just false.
Nice LARPing
fuck off you limp wristed southern ponce
Larping as a non royal?
Either underage or brain problems
The uks economy took a hit when we DIDN’T surrender
>20th century France was more relevent
True right up till we joined the EU
Though at what cost?
What currency do you use?
The euro
Who now leads the majority of the institutions of said union you created?
You lost get over it you shitskin
larping as a retard
>our GDP has always been higher than yours
>So the British empire and industrial revolution never happend?
>gdp always been higher than yours those last 50 years
>last 50 years
Why would they care, their language was already a butchered mess of gaelic, latin and norse
They haven't updated their script in a fucking millenium and vehemently refuse to modify it. It's the only western language that does this.
But desu i'd rather speak english than speak french and have to withstand the most obnoxious nationalists this side of the indo-yurop branch
you're the one who have brain problems or reading comprehension, i said since France is a "socialist shithole" like you said earlier, which happend after first tier of xxth century (still following ?), as been more relevant than UK government with higher gdp, it's a fact, check gdp charts you'll see by yourself.
also surrender jokes, shitskin insults etc will not push your arguments further, it just expose your butthurtness toward us for obscure reasons.
Even still GDP is a meme
GDP PPP is what is used by any respectable paper
Yorkshire looks nice
>GDP PPP is what is used by any respectable paper
kek no, nominal gdp is used to specify which country as larger economy, this is why france is historically (since mid xxth century) fifth most and uk the sixth, or maybe you would aknowledge that India overpassed both of us ?
>What do anglos think of the fact millions of people butcher their beloved lingua franca everyday?
how does it feel relying on the central french institute of french dictating what words are or are not french anymore
english is a means to an end, not a cultural tool like french is
its why english replaced french as the lingua franca
uckfay ouyay itshay eadhay
you bet i do
Normans were FROG'D af and probably had french blood as well. You can't deny angevins were french, though (but you probably will anyway)
>most obnoxious nationalists
desu the Normans were French, at least as French as anyone else was, think it's daft when people try to wave around it like it matters where your foreign ruler who can't speak English is from.
>how does it feel relying on the central french institute of french dictating what words are or are not french anymore
I don't know, I don't let other people think for me or telling me what I should or shouldn't say from a linguistic point of view.