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International #841
ITT: We posts shithole countries that pretends to be 1st world
Ah yes, the so called wh*Te """""""""""man"""""""""""
Stop bullying us
/ita/ - il filo
/our guy/
Even though they are stupid, why they don't take effort to be wise
Why do Europeans drive manual?
/brit/ +/lgbt/ + /scat/ + /piss/ + /bollock busting/
Wtf norway pls come!
Post the most recent words you spoke out loud
People are wondering how can swedes be so cucked
Is the European Union starting to detach from US?
Tokyo vs. Prague
Rest in peace. You will be missed. We had our problems with you, but hell we never wanted this to happen...
US Ancestry Map
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Iceland and Sweden are the best countries in the world
These are the people calling me a monkey on Sup Forums
Ywn own a ute
/sino/ - 中文
1. Your cunt
Any Brazilian here? Valentina grew up a lot and she looks a bit Avril Where is she living now?
Germany - how do you feel about fact that all entire world dislike you? There is no country in the world that likes you
Why is time so cruel?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Emma Watson: How British, American guys are different
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Why are Latin American dads and brothers overly protective of their daughters/sisters?
How are foreigners treated in your country?
/fr/ - Le Fil de l'Union
How racist is your country?
Americans, how does this make you feel?
/Southern Europe/ - Legio edition
/ita/ - Il Filo
/lat/ - hilo latino
This is Finland's presidential election. This country is a literal joke
/v4/ + hansa
Why are poles so friendly?
/საქართველო/ +Georgian thread+
Thank you ECJ
Post here if you are jelly of American culture and the worldwide butthurt against them
Has any Polish person in history ever done anything in anyway to better mankind and the world in general?
How common are these stereotypical names in their countries?
How does Sup Forums feel about how the Hetalia anime portrays their country?
Kurva anyátok
Is penile hygiene considered important in you're count're?
Suddenly asian women are popular
Why do slavs do this?
Do you want to find love in Norway?
Be arab
/fr/ - Do you want to find love in France?
I'll jump the border, try and stop me faggots
Who /eating/ here?
Why do eur*s get authentic real cheese
/fr/ - Le fil hétéro et raciste
How do i get a spic gf?
Tell me what you know about Zambia
Erasmus thread again
1. You are Cuntree
Daily Japanese Thread #1956
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Your cunt
Your Cunt
Finnish bus stops
Foot Fetishism is a Chinese as Peking Pie Edition
Who was the last great leader of your country?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Tfw 15cm penis and only 2 fingers wide
Countries by fertility rate
/ita/ il filo
Explain this germany
German refugees will be welcome in Lithuania
Do you like France ?
What do Russians actually think of Navalny? Would he have a real shot if elections were fair?
If you're proud to be a German you're a fucking sub-90 IQ moron in terms of intelligence...
"""""""""""european"""""""""""" rap video clip
Is it true that Europeans shower once a year?
Sieg Hell!
Tfw I dream about studying in european school and protecting my white friends from middle eastern subhumans and nigger...
Adolf Hitler did NOTHING wrong
/fr/ - édition Afroféministe
Have your parents ever spanked you?
When will Japan embrace diversity?
El goblino
How much do you have handy?
Thoughts on Wales?
How do we stop Anglo scum from infecting our youth?
Is your country sexist?
You can thank me later
How do ASEAN nations think about each other?
Do nordic girls like south american guys?
Your country
Be German
Swedish porn in 2017
1. ur cunt
Just how utterly fucked is Europe?
Do African people know your country exists?
What is the first culture that comes to mind when thinking about this country?
/ita/ il filo
Your cunt
Tfw no Welsh anime girls aside from pic related
Just lost my mom, if you got a mom and your on good terms with tell her you love her
/fr/ - le fil des troubadours
Sverigetråden - Stapedius upplaga
Want to learn a scandi language
Is oio drilling popular in your country ?
I'm half european half asian
*breathes in*
Daily reminder that Finns are Mongols, not White
There are other girls posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
Why didn't Russian invent curvy lower case letters like Latin and Greek?
Language Difficulty
It's the Jews fault girls laugh at me
Glory to the Portuguese!
Your city
"I'm glad I was born a male"
/deutsch/ -v. papen ausgabe
It is unironically illegal to not be gay in Sweden
I could have worked at the docks making $40 an hour without any degree and they give you $10...
Best posters
What is this called in your country? And when is the appropriate time of day to eat it?
Post companies you thought were from your cunt
American posters are great
Allowing migration is okay because we have exotic food on the table
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends - cia niggers calling edition
How do we stop them?
What /int feels about the Glorious Pakis
Can anybody here provide some clarity on what happened to me last night in Madrid?
What's your favorite Muslim country?
Let's see who is white and who is larping in this board
Culture Pals - /cp/
Do people in your country like cars? In America we do
Gay people deserve rights
I don't want to be a virgin forever I already missed out on teen sex
How gay is your country on a scale of 1 to Canada?
ITT: Your favorite castle/forts
Daily Japanese Thread #1955
Germans, please explain this
Turkey has been blocked
I'm young, and I want to see the world
You may only post ITT if your country has never lost a war
Learning Dutch
Sverigetråden - 3dupplagan
Is European Russia 1st world?
If you could eradicate one country from europe, which one would it be?
Kurva anyátok
Which Slav do you choose?
/fr/ - le fil de la France
/ita/ - il filo
What's wrong with millennials?
Do black people like Japan?
What do Europeans know about the American Civil War?
1. Your country
Post dumb af shit
What is this look trying to convey?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan
USA after global warming going full
Meanwhile in Russia
Daily reminder
Ur cunt
/ex-ussr/ general
All the shitty parts of asia
Why do foreigners behave so poorly in Asia?
Swedish bombing terror attack near the metro is finally solved
I fucking hate Chile. Anyone else despise this piece of shit country and its shitbag people?
What's the wisest saying you've ever heard?
Why American so skeptical about climate change like no other country does ?
So which country has the brightest future for the next 50 years? I think it's Finland. What do you think?
I like the idea of the typical Scandinavian breakfast. Random fruit, cheeses...
Learning Russian
Can you trust brown eyed people?
Post Sup Forums meetup pics
Are we barbarians?
What do Brazilians think of Brazil?
Surgery exam in 2 hours (9 years of med school)
1. Country
I unironically hate the united states of america with all my heart
Americans will have to choose between these two in the next presidential election
Why are these cunts so obsessed with work?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do Brits celebrate Dunkirk?
Go out shopping
/brit/ + friends
A...user I don't like latin america, there is c...crime there
2017 - the year of finanical independence
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Europe in 1000 AD
Whats on your mind Sup Forums ?
Realistically, what is the most likely response of Chicanos, if the USA and Mexico started duking it out?
Unironically speaking, is this the greatest country on Earth?
Japanese gf?
Which countries do you bully on Sup Forums the most and why?
Guys I managed to get Brazil rangebanned on Sup Forums :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Which Amerimutt state is the closest to a 3rd world country?
64% of US citizens have never actually left the United States
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
How often do you bathe? I'm specially curious about Northern countries
Hilo latino
Civ 6 finally gave us what we've all been waiting for: Georgia, led by Queen Tamar
You ARE going to let in Australian refugees when global warming makes this desert island unlivable, right???
Rate my heritage
/nachtschicht/ - tagsüber /deutsch/
Britain are you ok ? No need to create perfidious lie to justify your brexit
Who does Sup Forums dislike more, Anglos or Germans?
What the fuck britain
/ita/ - il filo
/US of Europe/
1. your country
Pic related are the top rated blacked actresses, are they really that relevant?
Which is the superior Iberian country?
European/mutt decides to go to south america
/v4/ + priatelia
Scandinavians, do reindeer meat is good ?
When 1st worlders complain about their life
Millions of illegal latino immigrants
/nederdraad/ ende /vlaanderdraad/
Which Fallout New Vegas faction runs your country?
Sup Forums's opinion on this pic?
What is Sup Forums eating right now?
Your honest thoughts on this countries
Sverigetråden - För svenskar och brödrafolk
Why are Germanics such squareheaded subhumans?
Changed his name
That was a fun thread btw2bhfams
Do Russians and Ukies hate each other?
Fries are FRENCH
Parents are russian
Name 1 (one) achievement from these countries
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw 1m72
Tfw conservative
You're minding your own business when a Russian family moves in next door
What's your reaction towards this?
How do I stop being a sissy?
Post traditional clothing from your country
/brit/ + /cuck/
We BLACKs are no strangers to war. After all, we've been fighting for as long as we can remember. War is all we know...
/Southern Europe/
Cuckold +92%
/ita/ - il filo
Loli wan't big black cock
Russia occupied us nearly 50 years and now they are poorer than Poland. Why is Russia so lame duck?
Not funny Sweden
/fr/ - le fil des casques bleu horizon
How easy is to get an European girlfriend? I want to escape this country with no future
Los gobblinos
Why do shitholes have so few names? In russia, 50% of the population is either Vladimir, Sergey or Nikita
Sup Forums on Italian Americans
Why do South Americans think they're white?
What's Sup Forumss opinion on the falklands war?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Ethiopia bans adoption for foreigners
Why is Angola so developed?
Would you marry someone of a different race or ethnicity? If yes, how would your parents feel about it?
Is your country free enough to make champagne? Or is it tied down by the french monopoly?
Grades too bad to apply to uni
How come is Zimbabwe considered 3rd world?
Why are Bolivians SO FUCKING WAY TOO ugly?
Do your countrymen have a funny nickname like frog, burger, monkey or kraut?
Israel bombards Syria relentlessly
Can someone explain the rivalry between nordic countries? Why do they all hate Sweden?
Which country has the best ski destinations in the world?
Ur cunt
Euro-African Thread
What the hell am i
Spics are uncivilized shitskin subhum-
Yr cunt
/jeremy corbyn/
Will the EU make it to the middle of the century?
Are Brits the muttiest of Europe ?
What's the poorest part of Congo?
Your reaction when the aliens come to enslave your country but the country above you saves you
Did anyone say Scandinavian cuisine?
Sverigetråden - Tvådimensionella upplagan
Why is kpop so popular in the west
Hilo latino
ITT: Post castles from your country
Living in G*rmany
Arabs are uncivilized shitskin subhum-
Do you love France?
/ita/ - il filo
Mfw i see an ugly n*groid shitskin subhuman
Hey user, stacy said that u are a virgin, is she lying? i mean, you are above 20 years old...
Kurva anyátok
Finnish ””””””men””””””
Pick Finland's next president
This scares the finn
Latin America
/deutsch/ /bayern/
When is Britain going to apologize?
Advice for getting over a fear of needles?
Amerimutts just stop your racemixing is hurting people
Moving Thread
Your favorite English idioms
Tfw spend all day in home
Why don't you listen to Black Metal? Too harsh for your soy ears?
Muss ich jetzt steuern zahlen oder nicht ???
Range ban mutts for good. Yes or no?
Your country
I'm trying to make a list of TOP 5 most hated countries on Sup Forums
Anyone can be a chad it has nothing to do with genetics
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Edition des gentilhommes pacifiques envers les normets
This is a mirror, what do you see?
Well, is it?
6 Dutch vs 1 Turk - Amsterdam Fight
Daily remember =
Why asians guys are so feminine ? That's a honest question
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Your cunt
How are Brazilian men seen in your country?
Reminder that this will happen in your lifetime
/ratte/ ehemals und nie wieder /deutsch/
This is a typical Korean university, what do you think?
Sverigetråden - Häng alla bögar
La creatura de Europa superior
Post 10/10 in your cunt
Do girls smoke in your country, Sup Forums?
Ex-muslim thread
Post your country a 1000 years ago
How are Sicilian BULLS treated in your country?
You are a cunt
Why is their such a remarkable correlation between the living area of the European mole and the pressence of white...
Can Russian really understand this??
Tfw I come from the most hated diaspora and countries in the world
1. youre countrie
Flooded europe discussing thread
Post texts in your language's old form
Why most countries that have declining populations are located in Europe ?
Do Japanese like black?
Post yours
Is Sydney the California of Australia?
French women are ugly, over-masculine, unpatriotic, and most of all, not cu-
This road is the backbone of Finnish economy
WHAT DO YOU CALL A BALKANITE THAT DOES IT FOR FREE ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1.Your are cunt
The new census results reveal only 66.7% of Australia's population was born here
/ita/ - il filo
Literal translations
Why do the french stink?
1. Your country
Why is japan a safe country?
The city state of russian ""men""
2004 EU expansion was a mistake
Why are black people allowed in Japan ? It should be prohibited
You speak our language you cucks :)))
Guess who just got approved for an entrepreneur resident visa in fucking Holland!
How to become someone important without degrees ?
Which is harder for a native English speaker, Arabic or Mandarin?
Je me attens a Dieu, mon createur, de tout; je layme (l'ayme) de tout mon cuer
Do you think it’s true that in 2006 when Germany won the World Cup something unplugged and the German people have...
Whale saves German biologist from a shark
/ex-ussr/ general
Countries that are pure evil
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Truly the lucky country
User why do you know so many flags?
Why does it seem that non-Americans only think that white and black Americans exist
I want to try a White woman!
Why don't the British just go home?
Kurva anyátok
A primitive man kidnapped a child in Japan
The perfect Mediterranean
Nigger kidnaps Jap kid in the streets
Your country
/luso/ - Fio Lunático
You wake up in Tamriel
Tfw no japan gf who makes bento for lunch especially for you
Just found a 10 euro note from 1981, worth anything?
Why are they lazy??
Does your country have Roman heritage
I'm a 20-yo going out with a 13-yo girl. We just don't see what the problem is. There's nothing sexual between us...
>you will always be indian/paki
Here the results of the new season of Black Mirror
Asian men is officially the new black women
RIP the Honduran posters we just lost/are about to lose
US claims to be multicultural
So whats Sup Forums opinion on cajuns?
ITT: how to spot a douchebag in your country
Feels nice to know that you have to speak and think in our language in order to survive...
How Brazilian men are seen in your country?
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Another porn actress, what the fuck is happening?
I don't get it. Why minions?
Talking to american exchange student
/deutsch/ - Kafka mit waifu lesen Ausgabe
Xbox fans are actually worse than Nintendo soyboys because they're most of them are Amerimutts
This girl shot his 21 yo boyfriend twice in the back using his daddy's gun (he's a policeman) a few days ago
Be Arab
What happens here?
Why are europeans manchildren?
Hilo latino
Which country is the least racist?
Latin americans are our based allies in the upcoming crusade
Who here ultra-rare name?
You're not American
Area: 390.000 km/2
/Femanon/ General
What do really you think about this man?
What is the most disliked country in Europe?
You have 10 seconds to act as British as possible
Los Estados Unidos
I used to be a nationalist years ago but the more I learn about history the more convinced I am that the USA is simply...
Culture Pals - /cp/
Why japanese gooks are so butthurt about him
You're chatting up this qt3.14 in your flat and open your laptop to put on some smooth jazz. When it's already too late...
Would Sup Forums submit itself to a black queen?
Does your country take part in a similar relantionship
Autism posters
I was born here, I'm every bit as [your nationality] as you are
The president of the united states 2020
/v4/ + mates
What is your country’s biggest sub national rivalry?
Countries in blue- capable of creating, maintaining and advancing civilization. Will live among the stars eventually
Damn, russian classrooms look like THAT?
Post rare pics of your cunts leader
I will never experience this sort of closeness with someone
Hey Ivan, let's kill the entire royal family, including the small children
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Turkish soap operas are trending again
Are Latin American countries part of Western Civilization, or are they their own thing?
What is the most cucked country in europe?
/ita/ il filo
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Europe rate thread with a twist
Why the USSR anthem is the best unthem ever created?
/deutsch/ schlampen-ausgabe
/neu/ ehemals /deutsch/
If you ask me there are only 2 types of Civilizations on this planet
Explain this "macho culture" West countries label us. I've never understand since I'm a beta virgin
What makes Iran such an amazing country?
Tfw your ancestors are literally roman/french/german/nordic rape babies
I have so much back acne my body is disgusting
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with IQ maps...
Do you hate France?
Seriously tho, why every time we elect a nationalist government...
Damn... I wish our country was as accepting towards refugees. Turks are so nice :*
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/isr/ - מהדורת כורדיסטן
Mfw I just learned that the laughing spanish video is from Spain
Sverigetråden - Mysiga kvällsupplagan
This is now a single country
What's your countries opinion on Jews?
Do you ever wish you were a 10'11 WHITE protestant male with an IQ of 150, huge ass WHITE COCK, chiseled jawline...
Tfw your brother is a famous and rich chad and you're an ugly manlet virgin autist
Where is Germany heading?
Would you vote her for president, americans?, you already had an actor and a reality show protagonist after all
Tfw 15 cm penis
Why are you such a horrible racist in 2018?
You have 10 seconds to act as Italian as possible
Officially a 25 year old virgin
/flags/ + /extraflags/
/lang/ - Language Learning Thread
Am I the only one who unironically thinks that Turkish people are OK-tier?
/chad/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ita/ - il filo
I have the option to move to Japan
We gave you civilization, we gave you culture, we built your countries, we educated your people...
*puts raw fish on rice*
Why are n*g0ids constantly angry and violent?
Why slavs so violent to each other?
/lat/ hilo latino
Your cunt
Why are there so many anti-Americans on Sup Forums?
Nazi thread
Is he right Sup Forums? Does the world respect us even more?
Be american
Are there any femanons here?
Be honest with me, Sup Forums. When you first began learning English...
Your country
Can you live somewhat decently in the Netherlands (not Amsterdam or any other mayor city) with €1450 a month (rent...
/fr/ - le fil coureur des bois
How do I get a Russian gf?
Why do you pretend to hate brazil on the internet user
If you're racist, why do you browse Sup Forums...
Is this true, Sweden?
My parents are multi-millionaires but I'm still a depressed NEET, who spends his time on Sup Forums
What stage are you in right now?
WTF is wrong with white English youth?
People shocked in Seattle USA: Coca Cola price rises dramatically
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Why do whi*es fear the great kara boga?
Will Lebanon ever be Christian and Aramaic speaking again?
Would you racemix with a tunisian girl
How do we save Latvia, int?
What is the best trade for emigrating out of this shithole?
The only actually white people
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...