What the fuck britain

what the fuck britain...........

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>mfw the meme is real

they're probably just friends fucking around. but just because there is a white person and a black person involved then it's going to trigger the Sup Forumstards on here.

e-everythings fine

What's wrong with this? All he's doing is exchanging his culture, we should be grateful that we are so multicultural this country would be so boring if it was just pubs and churches

can you seriously not see that even if they're friends that's still wrong m8?

it's wrong but i blame it more on western degeneracy than black people.

Isn't this kind of ass thrusting dance common among Euro-Latinos? Look up the despacito video.

>ass thrusting dance

it's called twerking. and it's a sophisticated ritualistic mating technique which dates back to ancient egypt.

>that post
jesus, I don't even know where to start.

1. I don't care all the things that mongoloids on this board can call us, we really don't think of ourselves as part of latin america, so you'd be asking the wrong guy.
2. people in the despacito video are not "euro-latinos", whatever the fuck that means, they're clearly mestizos.
3. as far as I know that "thrusting dance" is called twerking and it's commonplace everywhere in the entire fucking world.

It's not twerking, it's called 'daggering'. It's an Afro-Caribbean thing.

If a man and a woman did this in public in your country they would be whiped.

they actually do do this. just not out in the open like this. usually it's in weddings and the bride's friend will sometimes shake their ass on your dick.

What's this called then?

Female rape fantasy.


i pray to the Lord everyday, that the sea between the angl* and my country become bigger




it's actually a really good idea even if the design is really stupid and childish.

We doing this again?

somehow Black British people have to ruin even the few good things American Negroes have



Holy shit, are those .22s? Where do I get one?

interesting we have the wrong perception that muslims don't tolerate contact between man and woman
I've heard that young iranians are pretty much like an westerners, but I'm ignorant about young arabs

dude I don't think the humper is her friend. this is no good fun. that's straight up disrespect


we arabs are just like everybody else. we just are attentionwhores that are obsessed with our self image so we try to keep up this ideal image that the west has of us, that we're so pure and innocent. we like to do the same things that you enjoy, but we just hide ourselves when we do it. wouldn't want goys knowing that we do anything else other than bombing places.

she looks annoyed, but im just guessing it's her friend. maybe im wrong, i obviously dont know these people and i have no idea.

It's from the Notting Hill street carnival.
It was just after a big tower block fire so the police were being nicer than usual.
This nigger decided to exploit that leeway and act like a cunt, and people here got pissed about it for a little while.

this guy is spitting the truth, most young arabs are as degenerates as the people in the west, they just cover themselves with religious hypocrisy

I'm going to rub my cock on the Palestinian girl next door. If I get arrested it is your fault for spreading fake news about arabs being as degenerate like swedes.

The """nice anglo police man"""" is british govt propaganda, all of these videos are from notting hill carnival.

Anglo police are scumbags

you'll be beaten within an inch of your life by her brother(s) before the police even find out

its ok, palestinian girls think wh*toid dicks are disgusting anyway because you don't circumcise them.


Fuck Ind*a imo

>t. Palestinian girl in denial

Who's to say I won't rub my cock on them too?


e-evil wh*toid scum

me and my mates on a trip to london

It's a fucking retarded idea.
You get none of the benefits of a velomobile (the ability to travel at high speeds thanks to aerodynamics) and none of the benefits of a normal bicycle (easy mounting/dismounting, small footprint, small weight).

It's just a shitty, overweight recumbent with two wheels too many.

Don't lie to me. I know you love it when I wrap my foreskin around your entire tounge. Wallah

Astaghfurllah, what if allah sees this?

The exact reason why I have the foreskin. It blocks his sight.