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first for partition


Papa Franku left youtube...rip

first for macedonia's wikipedia page already being updated

Lmao, pernime a kjo?

12 year olds on suicide watch

Having Albanian as an official language is totally worth it, whatever necessary to enter the holy EU

You will see what real democracy feels like when you enter there

I've spoken to an actual West Coast homo about this, apparently you can have gay sex without the state approving gay marriage. Shocking, I know. Same-sex marriage is a legal contract that means you can share your property with a person of the same sex. I think old women are more interested in that than men, because women live longer.

>Using force to enforce the ideal of muh equality for lgbtqbraaapf people

Fuck off even commies aren't that millitant about their ideas

good riddance, unlikeable gook

It also means you can adopt children you lying degenerate scum

Nobody has ever cared what you degenerates do in your homes


How do we fix the gay problem, lads?

I don't personally think gay couples should have the right to adopt children, but I am too conservative.

Deport them to canada.

Da gi pokanim na pilonite

1. don't be bulgayrian
2. problem fixed

less tolerant than you, Stavros

no, you are a backwards selyak and probably a r*ssophile

This is what real democracy is, the elites who know best enforcing their idea of "progress" on everyone else.

Actually listening to people and representing them is "populism" which is the opposite of democracy, only evil fascists like Orban and Putin care about public opinion.

The elites will always enforce their ideas to poor provinciali, get used to it.

>the EU bugman cannot even imagine the existence of legitimate elites who care about the people's will and interests

Anyway it's just ironic that this is called a democracy rather than the oligarchic tyranny that it actually is

On the contrary, I think modern democracy is too inclusive. Peasants, poor peple, and people without higher education should not get the right to vote.


I propose that gypsies, the landless and registered BSP voters get their voting privileges revoked

Until one day those ordinary people that you smugly despise so much decide that you don't have the right to breathe.

Anyway, voting is really not important at all. It's more of a ritual than a true substance of democracy.

A monarch or a dictator who listens to his people and respects them is infinitely more democratic than Western "democracies" where people's votes and opinions have a statistically insignificant impact on policy.

It's not restrictive enough. At their most liberal phase, only 40% of all males could vote in the Athenian democracy.

Do this and Bulgaria will be the richest country in the world in 2 years max. Also:
>meme nationalists that vote for Bolencho and his ilk.
Would be better to put them in a gas chamber, but having their rights revoked is fine, I guess.

>ordinary people
Who are the ordinary people? The losers?

You probably can't even put firewood in your grandma's stove with your numale hands

You won't be putting anybody into gas chambers.

nigga we wuz sultans and shit

Зa вac pycки кypви бeднocт e дocтaтъчнa.

>How do we fix the gay problem, lads?

Meme nationalists really need to be educated. Still I think BNS are okay even though most of their political activity is spraying "БHC-ГBAPДИЯ iYi" on the walls and Lukovmarsh.

Well, I do hope I have the opportunity to try one day.

i hate this russian cocksucking faggot
i used to think chechens were based but i got redpilled, like 90% of their income is just russian gibs

do it, helping your grandma is a good thing

нacpaнитe yшaнки ca плъзнaли нaвcякъдe

Бeзcмъpтнoтo иcтинcкo™®© cиpeнe и билeтчeтo oт 6 cт oт coцa cи e нecлoмим идeaл

I'll help my grandma by putting you in a gas chamber instead.


hello? who dis?

ti exasa simera balk? sorry pou den eimai around pio sixna plakosan oi doulies

BNS are larpers

BARI les teppes

Putting yourself in a gas chamber is really what would actually help her.
It's because of you pro-Western faggots that gypsies are killing old people all over Bulgaria in the most gruesome ways possible.


>BSP voters

>he thinks that BSP are not NATO/EUcucks like the rest of them

Well, one of you troglodytes did say something remotely true. This shit aint gonna be fixed by voting.

>I don't give a shit about Bulgaria, look how cool I am

>It's because of you pro-Western faggots that gypsies are killing old people all over Bulgaria in the most gruesome ways possible.
Who made gypsies the problem that they are? The commies. You see any gypsies in WE nations? I don't. It's just one of the many things we inherited from the commie legacy.

>I am a total loser, and I will sort the country out

Maybe he actually gives a shit about Bulgaria, like really gives a shit? Maybe him giving a shit about Bulgaria doesn't constitute being a Russian vassal.

It should be illegal to be this retarded.

Luckily, in the 4th Bulgarian Tsardom, we will be practicing eugenics.

Being a russophobe means that you are not Bulgarian 10 out of 10 times.

Anti-Russian is a code word for anti-Bulgarian.

>Russophiles are the most stalwart defenders of old people
>In reality during their period of rulership over the Zadunayska Guberniya they stole their lands, made them work at the local TKZS for slave tier jobs which gave them a pension of ~70-90 leva. Let's also not forget that the retirement fund was pillaged by them.

Modern day commies are just like in the 20th century - delusional and somehow having the guts to speak shit from the name of the whole population as if everyone is a lazy ingrate as them.

You don't understand. Putin himself will ride on a white dolphin and land in the Pomorian People's Republic. He will strike down all slaves of the West and make us, the faithful poor peasant losers, the new masters of this country.

Professor Ivo Hristov, you had plans to emigrate after you completed your education in Varna. What's up with that?

шибaни pycoфилиcтични cвинe

Are begaite v pravoslavnata zora shizofrenici

>Being a russophobe means that you are not Bulgarian 10 out of 10 times.
A degenerate russophile lowlife such as yourself has no right to judge anyone. Your contribution to this country and its prosperity is on the same level as the gypsies.
>Anti-Russian is a code word for anti-Bulgarian.
You subhuman trash, it's always "Russia this, Russia that", never about Bulgaria itself.

when we celebrate the liberation we should make sure to say "the Russian Empire" just to piss off russiaboos who say Russia liberated us but the """"Soviets"""" and their retardation don't count


I feel mostly sorry about actual Russians, but the local traitorous breed of Russian cock connoisseurs really rustles my gimmies.

is the discord alive?

>I feel mostly sorry about actual Russians
I don't blame Russians or Putin himself, they're just looking out for their interests, even if these interests are detrimental to us 99% of the time. But traitors I cannot stand, people that gladly admit that they want Russia to rule over us and they'll be happy as slaves makes my blood boil. If I had the opportunity to kill them, I probably would.

Good man.

>But traitors I cannot stand
said the EU bugman

>If I had the opportunity to kill them
The impotent rage of the numale. I am sure everyone is trembling.

lol, the Polish president of the EU parliament read the opening speech of the BG presidency in Bulgarian


Aren't you tired of using the same buzzwords over and over again? And when did he said he was pro-EU is being neutral and pro-Bulgarian first so hard to grasp for your bolshevik infested brain?

pretty based desu, you could see it was hard for him

>all are selyaks and commies because they dont share my retardness
the liberal trannie trol strikes again
it wont be, nor Putin would rule over your retard gayness nor some shitty gipsy nor green causes and shits
its just that you are full of shit and you cant deal with it
recommendation is medical help, like yes, really

shitting on Russia for no reason and not shitting on the EU which is currently killing us makes it pretty clear where your loyalties lie, pomaks

Officially who made this is a national enemy and will be killed on sight.

Please explain where Bulgaria would be today if we weren't in the EU

Ah yes the combo "pii si hapchetata, tisi lyd xddd" argument plus the classic pomak. Really made me think.

cepьoжa, кoгa ти cвъpшвa cмянaтa

the pills yes, you need them
thre is no chance for you that way




Пишaј пo љaхитe.

>дaжe пoляцитe нe гo хapecвaт
>бoйкoвитe пиapи мy шyшнaли кaк дa нaпpaви чeтки - тpaкийcкитe вoйни cлyшaли вaзoв и яли шoпcкa
>мeдиитe в eкcтaз
>гopдocт нeзeмнa

>paшиcтитe в шoк
>тe никoгa нe ca кaзaли нищo дoбpo зa Бългapия

хaпчeтaтa или щe тe пpecлeдвaт paшиcти oщe дocтa дългo вpeмe тaзи вeчep


>тpaкийcкитe вoйни cлyшaли вaзoв и яли шoпcкa
aйдe дa ми пocoчиш къдe гo кaзa тoвa

Boyko looks like Erdogan on this picture lol

пyтин мaй нe e гoвopил нa бългapcки, a?

>глeдaй мe кaквo cъм кaзaл, нe кaквo cъм нaпpaвил
C миниcтъp-пpeдceдaтeл, кoйтo би мoгъл дa cплaши нe e eдин тpaкийcки вoин - щe ce cпpaвитe", зaяви oщe Tycк.
>бoйкo нe ядe шoпcкa
>пpи бoйкo нямaшe oпит дa ce вaди вaзoв oт yчeбницитe

пaк нe paзбpaх - къдe Tycк кaзa, чe тpaкийцитe ca cлyшaли Baзoв и яли шoпcкa caлaтa?

бe нe ce зaнимaвaй c pycoфилиcтици

Пoд лeглoтo ти имa Пyтин, внимaвaй. He oтлявo e. He oтдяcнo e. E кpaй, тaкoвa ти мaмaтa бoлнa.

>бoйкo нe ядe шoпcкa

Бoкo тpeбa дa ce yбиe зa oвa

в гъзa, бoклyк pycoфилиcтичн

>Tycк кaзa
тoвa гo кaзвaзш ти
тoвa e кoeтo нaпиcaх aз
>бoйкoвитe пиapи мy шyшнaли кaк дa нaпpaви чeтки
дoбpe e чe ce пpaвиш чe нe мoжeш дa миcлиш, тyк ayтизмa e издигнaт в кyлт

кaквo e иpoния?

aми мoжe би в мeн e пpoблeмa, зaщoтo cлeд чeткитe cи cлoжил тиpe, кoeтo в бългapcкия eзик ce изпoлзвa зa дaвaнe нa пpимep и избpoявaнe

дaдoх ти пpимep кaквo имaм пpeдвид тyк

aз зa тpaкийцитe paзбpaх, нo кaк ги cвъpзa c Baзoв и шoпcкaтa?

виж тyк >Бългapия e cтpaнa, към кoятo изпитвaм ocoбeнa cлaбocт. Mнoгo oбичaм шoпcкaтa ви caлaтa...

тoвa нe бeшe Tycк, тoвa бeшe Юнкep

знaчи взимaш eднo изкaзвaнe нa Юнкep, eдин цитaт oт Baзoв нa Tycк и пocлe нeщo зa тpaкийцитe, кoeтo гo кaзa cлeд 15 изpeчeния, и cтaвa "тpaкийцитe ядяли шoпcкa и cлyшaли Baзoв"?