Why is acting so dull and "realistic" nowadays? What happened to actors being operatic?
Why is acting so dull and "realistic" nowadays? What happened to actors being operatic?
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OP has a point.
People don't train as stage actors any more. Cameras pick up on subtleties and less is more, etc
Nic Cage is the only one keeping it alive and he gets mocked for it.
Because people irl don't act operatic all the time
No he's just a really bad actor overall
People don't speak without a lot of "uhh"s and other filler words either
movies for the masses
Nicolas Cage is easily one of the best actors of his generation and the fact that you don't know this means you're just parroting memes.
films arent documentaries, bro.
it's ironic that brando/dean/clift were considered naturalistic when they emerged.
Well, as I'm sure you know, Brando was considered ultra-realistic at the time of your pic. People thought he was indistinguishable from a real guy who had somehow been captured on film. Now, of course, he seems like you say, operatic. The moral of the story is that "realism" is some modish horseshit.
film dialogue is rarely realistic unless we're talking about shitty mumblecore. So why should the acting be? So many of the greatest films of all time have very exaggerated acting. Lawrence of Arabia, Maltese Falcon(any of the old detective films) , and all of Brando's work. And thats not even counting all the great art house and shit.
And then there's the question - how many people have we all met who don't act "naturalistically" at all in their real lives? Realism should take account of what hams a lot of people are.
If an actor convinces me that s/he is really thinking and not just saying the next line, I don't care how broad s/he makes it.
I'm not sure this is a good example though... Shakespeare's 500 year old poetic stage language almost forces actors to be operatic. Even Brando couldn't make it seem realistic if he wanted to.
Why is realistic dull? It's not, sometimes operatic can be overblown. Also operas are still being performed so operatic acting is still around.
>Why is realistic dull?
Real world is pretty fucking dull bro.
Case in point
What other actors are pleb filters?
Maybe we might think so, because we're virgin losers who spend all day on Sup Forums. Even the lowest of normies tend to have loads of fun, and for famous actors, doing cocaine out a hooker's ass is a normal day, so nothing must seem like realism to them.
>Why is acting so dull and "realistic" nowadays?
Cuz it is
Because subtler forms of acting makes much more sense when you can move the camera around.
Stage acting makes much more sense if you're trying to ensure that the message is carried to every member of the audience, even if they are in the backest rows.
>loads of fun
Which is still just drinking, partying ect, pretty dull in the grand scheme of things, mundane activities the vast majority of society are involved with.
Dull =/= Bad, but by the very definition of realism and extrapolating it to film making means that 'realistic' performances are going to be duller on average, than 'operatic' performances.
OP was being ironic you dumbfuck
No, a normal person's life wouldn't make a film worth watching. A normal person wouldn't watch a film about their own life. This is why "realistic" films are either funnier than real life, or more bleak.
The camera has been mobile for over a hundred years, though, and there are lots of old movies where people are doing wonderfully stylized acting while the camera moves around them.
Unfortunately he said something that was true without meaning to, then. If you're OP, butt out man, we're being more interesting than the shitposting you wanted.
Brando is one of the pioneers of realistic acting though.
Look at how contemporary this is:
People consider that too cheesy now.
People learned how to actually act.
> why do people act well
Genetics have gotten worse
most big movies are set in totally unrealistic settings, they are made with a view to making the most money possible which means appealing to teenagers who know nothing about anything and have terrible taste
What a pleb view. Some of the best films have almost no plot and are entirely concerned with making very human characters.
Well of course the transition isn't instant given that acting had had accepted truisms and methods dating back to the ancient greeks. And I think more importantly, these days people aren't used to see stage plays so that kind of acting is very foreign to them. It's the same if you started wearing a fedora and trenchcoat today, it isn't that people consider it a bad way to dress but since people don't dress like that these days it looks extremely odd when someone goes out in public like that.
Drinking, partying, mischief, fighting etc is not mundane, stop being a bitter autist. I havent had a drink in 7 years because im big into fitness but even i dont take a superior view that its so boring because everyone does it.
I can guarantee that my weekend spent walking my dog in the countryside and cycling is always less interesting than my friends who will have done coke, fought with bouncers, had sex with someone causing drama etc. Its not morally good but it isnt boring.
>>Drinking, partying, mischief, fighting etc is not mundane, stop being a bitter autist.
I'm someone who regularly goes out with both work mates and old friends on the piss, it's relatively expensive and you and your mates sitting around a table just chatting 70-80% of the time with the other 20-30 trying to get laid, it's enjoyable don't get me wrong, but i'm not deluded enough to think it's some, epic, always exciting ride, the average night spent out with mates drinking is just pretty dull, and most people who do it CONSTANTLY only have a handful of stories to tell, so i don't see why you're romanticizing it so much.
We're getting away from the point though, at the end of the day you just have a differing opinion on acting than I or OP, what we see as dull you don't.
Man, I should watch this movie again... that's a good scene. Seems that the movie was also shot on location in Hoboken, which is something that rarely happens even nowadays.
I wasn't the person you were talking with, i was just rudely interjecting that it seems to me that the partying lifestyle is infinitely more dramatic and eventful, even if not one i would ever want for myself.
Well, it really isn't all thats cracked up to be, and unless you're a millionaire or top 5% global wealth level, doing drunken shenanigans week after week will get your life irrevocably fucked up both financially and your personal wellbeing-wise (both in the liver failure category and the chipping a tooth because you slipped and fell on a bar stool while drunk and can't afford to fix it).
Highschool parties were fucking insane though i can understand the romanticism there.
Well i met my wife when i was 18 and didnt really drink before 18 so never did the full high school parties either. I did uni parties which were decent though.
Anyway im 29 now and i look down on my friends who are still single, renting and spend all their money every weekend listening to house music whilst complaining about tories ruining their lives but they still do wilder things than i ever do.