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Television and Film
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Television and Film #842
Television and Film
Thoughts on this film?
*helpfully rolls billiard balls towards u!* :D
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Kids movie
ITT: Source material that would be difficult or impossible to adapt to a film
90 day fiance General
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Does it hold up?
Hurry up and make a fucking movie
What is the Obscura of film?
Recommend me some documentaries about the evils of PETA
Celebrity live streams you'd un-ironically watch
You are going to have a movie date at home with a girl. What movie?
Why do you hate cable TV? If you're not a poorfag it's nice
Will anyone please tell me what the final conclusion of this character's fate?
Have you ever met a woman with a large movie collection?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Cars 3
Movies that couldn't be made today
Best stand-up act ever
What does Sup Forums think of this comedian?
So I just started marathoning pic related, why didn't you fuckers tell me how based Roseanne is...
What happened to Alice Eve's career?
Season finale tonight, and last episode with Erlich...
Are you fucking kidding me?
Would Mothers and Lovers have been a bigger hit than Back to the Future?
What are some kinos in which a bunch of fifteen year olds think that they have discovered a murder...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Fear the Walking Dead
Is there any other show that has more jokes per minute than Arrested Development?
So what's Sup Forums opinion on this movie?
Silicon Valley Season 4 Finale
3x3 Chart thread
Did Columbo ever meet someone so scummy he showed emotion and broke character
What recent movie do you think will be a classic in 30 years from now?
Is nu Family Guy better than nu Simpsons?
Horror General - /hor/
Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god-tier ideology...
Why is there so much animosity toward this woman on Sup Forums?
Is it just me or is it impossible to take ugly actors seriously?
Spider-Man: Homecoming
/bb/ - Big Brother 19
Stahp it rahn
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
There are people who defend this character
Is she undeniably /ourgirl/?
Mary Poppins
PITCH PERFECT 3 Official Trailer #1
Things that make you drop a series instantly
Leave the gun. take the cannoli
ITT: Movies only you like
These a-holes did the same joke again
great screenplay
New re:View
Name a recent reveal scene better than this
What's next for (the now slim) Jonah Hill's career?
Why did they stop offering her movie roles...
Make socialist propaganda about how capitalism is literally Satan
Daily reminder, this happened because of one Frenchwoman willing to tell a joke that Jonah couldn't handle
Is this too reddit for us or is it bad for other reasons?
Best pre-70's SciFi movies ?
Apparently Preacher season 2 is premiering tonight so let's have a thread
Was he the greatest film critic of this generation?
Yeah well I'm worth millions of dollars and you aren't soooo
What do you like to watch while you drive?
Michelle Carter - the texting angel of death
ITT characters that remind you of yourself
This is Kylo Ren. Say something say nice about him
Assault and partially blind a black minor
Recommend stop motion
Gotham thread
TFW when the greatest America Kino is directed by a Brit
Is there a comfier show than Mythbusters?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/who/ general
The Mist TV Series Won’t Be A ‘Monster Show’
What is next for her career?
What the fuck is wrong with the church?
ITT: Movies where the bad guys won
Hey big guy!
The CW shows
Would you turn down free fucking pizza?
ITT: """villains""" who literally did nothing wrong
Civil War II confirmed
This scene is genuinely unwatchable, it's just Tarantino screaming "I'M WRITING"
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Korean movie
Tfw no yandere blue gf
Mfw I fell for the Aguirre meme
Who's your Riverdale waifu Sup Forums?
HydeWars #16 is out
Joe, I get it. I really do. Smoking pot is the backbone of our beautiful nation that I love dearly...
'Wonder Woman' at $652.9M, tracking for $800M+
Probably be in theaters for one more week, worth seeing?
What are some other actors that seem to be always stuck between making it and not making it in Hollywood?
Do you think they should make a trans black gay woman Doctor?
He prefers disc-based physical media over tape-based physical media
We're alike, you and I
REALLY!? Explain this pls
What the fuck was this about?
Anyone understand this scene? I've seen the movie like a hundred times and still have no idea what it means
What made this show so good,Sup Forums?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What are some truly disturbing movies? movies that make make you sit on one asscheek...
There're no perfect m---
Why did she keep making this face?
Last digit number of your post will be the one that hunts you down
How did they fuck it up so bad? They had like 15 years to make the sequel good and they made it terrible...
What movies best capture loneliness and isolation
Drake unJUSTED
I enjoyed this?
How do you write good horror?
Dat camera flash scene
What the fuck happened to him? Did he get Out-Smugged by Stephen Colbert?
Jackass kino
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Summer is here. What are some good 'beach' episodes to watch?
How is this?
Why didn't they just fly up?
Does Sup Forums like Hayley Atwell?
Jump Scares
Valerian and the city of 1,000 flops
Why bother cursing a guy so that if he escapes his tomb he'd be an unstoppable god...
Fargo season 3
Have you ever met anyone famous Sup Forums?
Rick and Morty memes thread
How far is too far?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Will this be canon?
Post absurd behind the scenes shots of special effects scenes pre-special effects work
Hazel:Oh! Oh my god, my face! He's mating with my mouth!
Greatest show season of 2017 wasnt live action
Name a better living director
Are you ready for your adventure, Sup Forums...
Box Office: 'Wonder Woman at $652.9M, going to $800M+
Holy shit what a fucking turd
Post incredibly over the top, hammy performances from film and TV, both good and bad
What is the consensus?
I created 'The Guild' because nobody was offering me the roles I knew I could do the best at in Hollywood.-
Taxi Driver is my favorite movie. What did you guys think of the movie, if you watched it?
What are the Best and Worst Film-Related YouTube Channels?
*inserts pointless closeup of nature in the middle of a scene*
How do you feel about Wendy Testaburger?
Mfw an American tells me that Kubrick is on the level of great European directors
What did you think of Turbo Kid?
ITT: Movies you thought were great as a teenager, but utter dogshit now
Why was there a book with a screaming face in the library?
CGI boobs
How would you react in that situation?
RUMOUR: A version of this scene in Justice League film?
What kind of airplane you want, Master Wayne?
So Rooney's nude scenes from her new film have hit the web...
Why was the Mist so fucking great?
Not gonna lie, I would have done the same
Be me
/got/ general
Is it bad that I couldn't go two seconds in the movie without thinking how I'd like to rub my dick on her face?
Is this the future?
Why the fuck would he kill himself at the end?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Webm Thread
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
It's another Netflix-produced tumblr show
Only 1,272 days until Avatar 2
Ancient Roman Sup Forums
Who is the Fantano of Sup Forums?
I'm a spy in world war 1
Whoah, looks like the new Marvel film is being received extremely well by american critics!!
Was his actions justified?
Lesbian kino
Does Sup Forums like Keira Knightley?
Am I one of the only ones who never found the Cosby show to be funny...
The Beguiled
This is what male sex symbols used to look like. Now society worships androgynous Ken dolls...
How did the "Troi is usless" meme get started?
ITT: Post some Dankino
What's the verdict?
Why is this so long? i don't want my entertainment fix to last three hours
/who/ - Doctor Who General
"Come back with your shield... or on it"
Should Social Media be treated as a separate god to Media in American Gods...
Why was this allowed?
Where are all the female action stars?
Conservative assholes should not have rights the documentary
ITT: ugly actors people claim are beautiful
So, now that the dust has settled, which one was the better monsterflick?
Yeah, I'm thinking he's back!
Get invited to an important award ceremony
I have never watched an episode of Doctor Who
Movies that men will never understand
Rewatching Breaking Bad - how did I not notice how fucking hot Skyler is?
Will Rey's parentage be the least shocking reveal in film history?
ITT: proto-reddit
That's not how scar should look like after 15 years. And don't tell me it's magic scar
There's a chinese proverb, Mr. Stussy. "Swap children, make food"
You could have saved her Sup Forums
Fargo season opening and closing scenes
Be Walt Kowalski
Why did they choose someone with huge butch lesbian man shoulders and slightly manly face to play xena when they could...
Is anyone else annoyed by the fact they race bent Batgirl?
Be Cowand
Does Sup Forums like Anne Hathaway?
Is it worth paying $14.9 to see Sofia chained up?
Was a reason ever offered as to why one of the most important young wizards in history was entrusted into the care of...
What should I watch tonight Sup Forums?
Pain & Gain
Will there ever be a film about Zyzz? He is very inspirational
Is there any way this ISN'T MOTY?
Transformers is mine now
What is the point of this channel
Post your dream collaborations
Well then
Are we currently living through the worst time in cinema?
/got/ general
/sopranos general/
You will never be a tall handsome rogue with a rapier whit
Tfw you will never be chilling in the car driving around with the second most powerful man in the world and casually...
3x3 Thread, post hate & rate
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What's your favorite downtown/gaki scene?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Is this any good?
‘The next 007 should be gay’ says Sir Ian McKellen
What's going to happen to her?
Post movies you were surprised to find out were panned by critics
Post mid-2000's youtube kino
What do you think about this?
Were the refugees in the wrong here?
This is good?
Seriously. As of right now who would win in a fight?
Literally what the fuck?
Movies that are only considered good because of one scene
Now that the dust has settled, who was wrong?
Transformers 5: The Movie where Anthony Hopkins did more than Prime
Nigga, just get in a plane and go to China or Japan. What's it going to do? Get in a plane too?
ITT: Films about obsession with glory
So I guess this what will count as "content" for the week. Haha good one guys haha
Who was better? The guy who got given his own zord and shield but still couldn't beat the red ranger or Jason?
/bb/ - Big Brother 19
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
What if he's just mock pretending to be a Liberal kinda like how he mock pretended to be a Conservative on Comedy...
I just saw Hacksaw Ridge and it was very good. Why didn't it get any Oscars?
Just watched this. Did I like it?
Whats the vilest video joeysworldtour has ever filmed...
Should ugly people be allowed to become actors
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Holy shit, Sup Forums!!
How can one actress be so brave yet so awful at acting?
ITT post pure kino
What was the best episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force?
It genuinely bothers me that people are still pretending that this film wasn't godawful
The only good MCU movie
The Mist TV show
What do you really think?
Is there a reason why women aren't held to the same standard as men when it comes to getting in shape for a movie?
Transformers Thread
Is this the best episode?
Best movies to watch off LSD
Is Jason disqualified for being Bond because of his low-class northern english accent?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Star Trek General
For England, James?
Sersh thread
Do you watch Halt And Catch Fire?
Now that Mad Men, The Young Pope...
Who would you cast as the next Bond girl?
What would have happened realistically if he succeeded in joining the gangs?
Am I the only one who genuinely loved Chuck?
I dont get it
Anyone like Michael Moore's documentaries? I've seen Roger & Me, Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11...
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Fat bond girlz
Is this Brad Pitt's finest role?
Remember when the Daily Show was comedy?
When will Coop stop being retarded?
Contact lens-kino?
So we all agree that this is Anime Of The Year, right?
Does he deserve an Oscar for his "acting"?
Your weird Sup Forums celeb crush
What is the oldest movie you have watched and actually, genuinely enjoyed?
So can we all agree that this is the most pointlessly cruel death in movie history?
Why was this allowed?
Just about to watch this (pic related)
Shit just marathoned this
Jim Cancels the Lindsay Ellis Video
Post the first PoC (Person of Color) you became attracted to as a child
How the fuck is there no movie about this?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Why do teenagers always look 20 something years old in TV shows?
Daily reminder that Suzanne has the highest power level
Hiro approved meta thread
ITT: Pleb Filters
Eva vs Daddario
Alison Brie
/who/ - Doctor Who General
TVs of Sup Forums
Even more cybermassacre next week edition
ITT: Villains who you really want to fuck
You literally cannot find a more kino year for film than 1984
What do you do
What the fuck was the point of this?
Are there any actually "good" martial arts movies?
Ricky And Mort Season 3
Don't grumble, give a whistle
Why didn't she stop 9/11?
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Honest opinion, is this show good or SJW bullshit?
ITT: Oscar winners we never saw coming
What the fuck was he thinking?
What the fuck were they thinking?
I am black. For this reason, I am out...
ITT: We vaguely describe movies
ITT; terrible Sci-Fi movies
Why does everyone suddenly started shitting on this movie? i thought it was good
Now that the dust is settled, what was the name of the cruise line in titanic?
Protagoinst is supposed to represent a loser
ITT shit tier openings
Alright. Let's be serious for a moment here. What the FUCK was his problem?
Even if it is breached, it will take a number beyond reckoning, thousands, to storm the keep
/who/ - Doctor Who General
ITT: Roles actors were born to play
Has he ever gotten BTFO?
Sup Forums's Genre Favorites
Character dumbs down advanced theoretical quantum physics to sticking a pencil through a folded sheet of paper
Jovovich was 12 here
Can Sup Forums recommend other movies about billionaires abusing their wealth to oppress people?
Animal kinos?
Just finished this show 2 minutes ago
Literally no debate pleb
Its a Frasier wonders why he's even alive anymore episode
Get Out
Vertigo (1958)
This film was amazing. Why wasn't it more widely received?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Robert Downey Jr outside of his Iron Man roles?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Webm Thread
Oi m8 why 'avne't u paid yor telly license
Well Sup Forums?
Could we get an Iron Giant thread going? I just watched it for the first time on a whim and thought it was fantastic...
Transformers 5 is a HUGE FLOP
Now that the dust has settled, can Sup Forums give its honest opinion on The Dark Knight Rises without memeing?
What's the most red pilled mainstream movie?
What happened to movies about manly men doing manly things, like Predator?
Guard your scoops
Now that the dust have long settled, what is the general consensus of The Cable Guy?
Have a promising career doing dramas and showing off decent acting skills and charisma
Why does america like to ruin old cartoons?
This show makes you a part of it
Doctor Who General - /who/
Sam Hyde is the GOAT
ITT: Terrible attempts at making an actor look younger or older, for flashbacks/forwards, prequels and the like
Is riverdale a good show?
Jonah Hill diagnosed with PTSD
ITT: OST that gives you goose bumps
Who? Me?
Is Joss Whedon on a path to get redpilled?
ITT: 10/10 movie costumes
The Rock is better than Vi-
I want to get into audio books. Is harry potter a good place to start?
What did he mean by this?
Has Lily Collins ever been in a good movie?
‘Wheel of Time’ TV Series Lands at Sony
/bb/ - Big Brother 19
Let's talk about 2001: A Space Odyssey
This summer
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Post incest kino
Mother asks me to download her some films I'd recommend
So Mike and Jay keep him around as a joke, right?
Template. keep it Sup Forums related
Adam Curtis - HyperNormalisation
Actors/actresses who you thought were the same person
Do girls really do this?
Why are 90s films so much more kino than the ones being made today?
Let's discuss some famous 'jumping the shark' tv moments. How and when did some TV shows jump the shark for you?
Make a movie about your worst CAPTCHA experiences
DRACKONING - Drake Bell rumored to play Tim Drake for DC
The GREAT debate
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Meanwhile on Middle Earth Sup Forums
What are some movies about becoming alpha as fuck?
Did Jenny really deserve Forrest?
Its a terribletino steals a scene from another film episode
When was the last time you watched a movie with someone else?
Brave New World
FInally watching this. What should I expect?
Abloo bloo I wasn't invited to the wedding of a co-worker from a job I had 12 years ago :(
Thoughts on the golden globes?
Does anyone understand the joke yet?
Game of Thrones will be back in a few weeks...
Who is the Jordan Peterson of movies?
Elric of Melnibone
Transformers The Last Knight
Why do we hate him but like hacks like Bill Burr and Rogan?
Could someone explain to me why this movie is so highly revered? It's not the greatest scifi movie ever. Hell...
Still no sequel to the Evil Dead remake
Press F to pay respects
Wtf I love Gawker now
Jessica Jones looks different
Name a better comedian
Best Vice docs?
Not a single comedy released this year
Can we get a minimalist movie poster thread going? Thinking of hanging this on my wall
ITT: Your dad's favourite movie
Wonder Woman passed the $300M domestic mark on Friday after grossing an estimated $7.35M for the day...
Not that great
What was Homers best moment as a father in the golden era?
BvS defenders btfo
Is there any word of a sequel?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
13 Reasons Why
What is some pedo kino?
Arthouse kino
How did society let this disgusting whore get an acting career?
Epic Rap Battles of History
So, which Justice League member gets brainwashed and turned evil for 80% of the movie?
Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god-tier ideology...
/got/ general
35 minutes into the first episode of this and im already glad she killed herself
What is the worst movie franchise of all time?
Captain, I'm detecting large quantities of shitposting in the gamma sector of Sup Forums...
ITT: Oscar winners who you are disagree
What's the worst movie you've recently watched?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering...
The Order 1886
Can somebody please explain why this cunt's films are so acclaimed?
Nazi skinhead white supremacist characters treated as actual people with personalities, backstories and character flaws
What are movies that focus on the epic struggle between man and nature ?
Cast it
User, I don't know how to s-say this but, umm, I think I'm in l-love with you! *blushes*
Fargo Season 4 Ideas? What do you want to see?
Was it kino? Or is it simply carried by Shakespeare's storytelling and the good yet gimmicky cinematography?
She could've been nice to jonah
Why do great directors fall?
Was it sexual assault?
Cast a 21st Century Cannonball Run
What do you watch when you're depressed, Sup Forums? what shows help you fight off the blues? i need suggestions...
What's the quintessential 90s-core television that should be mandatory watching before being allowed to post on this...
Film set in the future
What's next in his career?
Is this any good?
So, what was his deal?
What the fuck is wrong with him?
“Dressed like a bat. I dig it.” #JusticeLeague
Is Sup Forums looking forward to Stargate Discovery?
Lads, I'm in a "light" kind of mood this evening. Please recommend some "slice of life" films
Should I watch it ?
This Bollywood movie has unironically better action than capeshit
Meanwhile, in Bizarro Sup Forums
Tried Bishop knife trick as a kid
Explain to me why Sup Forums uses synonyms that share one meaning to describe the quality of video
Daily reminder she is 26 years old
Disney saves the day...again
We must show dicks every spisode
The Lord of the Rings trilogy is per-
A future where complete, functioning human bodies can be created out of white goo
Planet of the Apes
I can help!
First Knight of Cups and now this
Transformers was never good. People usually think the original was a good movie because it was the first of its kind...
Is there a worse interviewer in talk show history than Stephen Colbert?
Anime cant be kin-
Their plan to kill the alien didn't make a lick sense, but it was fun to watch
How does this make you feel?
Why does the new Death Note netflix film look like shit?
*spends all day on the floor drinking wine from the bottle watching Cops on his giant TV and drunkenly tweeting about...
Can we all agree that Apocalypse Now is the pinnacle of war film genre?
Morena Baccarin
Doctor /who/ General
Drumpf is bad
What movie or tv show would you cast her in?
Capeshit can't be ki-
He apologized
What kind of snacks does Sup Forums get from the concession at the theaters?
Why is acting so dull and "realistic" nowadays? What happened to actors being operatic?
Is Joey's World Tour kino?
You're traveling through another dimension
Baby Driver
Sad Scenes
Jesus Christ, he's gained at least 100 pounds
Why do all Starfleet ships have Earth-based names?
What does Sup Forums think of Michael Fassbender?
Riley what are you doing stahp
Which 80s action star has God-tier genes?
With Daddario Wonder Woman would have made 1 billion dollars at the box office
Reddit: the Reddit
I fucked Ted
Meta Thread
MOVIESAdaptation of Stephen King’s ‘IT’ Receives Delicious “R”-rating!by Brad Miska June 21, 2017
I'm sorry Sup Forums that you are so ironically edgy you can't see originality and beauty in anything...
I hate him so fucking much
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Why is the RLM comment section such cancer?
How long until Arnie's bastard child replaces him in the inevitable Terminator reboot?
How the fuck do people honestly enjoy the new season of this show?
Is Conan the ultimate alpha male?
Why doesn't he just go back in time?
Vesper Lynd
After the Battle of New York, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr...
Im a few episodes in and dont like it very much so far...
35 min in and this movie is fucking GOAT
Why did they start pushing the cuck meme so hard in Season 3 of iZombie?
What are some comfy films set in Hawaii?
On March 12, 2017,[16][17] Snyder's daughter, Autumn, committed suicide...
Why aren't you watching this fapbait yet?
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of The Dark Knight Rises' opening plane scene?
>gonna have to ask you to hand over your badge and your gun
OOOH! Now hol' up, this ain't the Bing! Oof Madonn', where the hell did you take us, Chrissy!?
Yo dudes, honest opinion. is this worth watching? I like tarantino , not sure about this one tho. pls no spoilers
Do you like netalee portman
ITT: Movies you liked when you were a kid and later on found out everyone hated them
ITT: Characters who are literally you
ITT: movies you didn't realize were garbage until you rewatched them
Mike Brown kino incoming
What was the reaction to this scene when it aired?
ITT: Pleb filters
Hey this is pretty good
Let's get this out onto a tray, Nice!
We have to rely on South Koreans to save the zombie genre
Who is your favorite Star Wars background character?
Predicted to make less than $60 million after 5 days at the box office
The world has gone to shit
What do you call women lime Mila Jovovich who are really weird looking but also beautiful?
How much of the events in the book were cut out for this?
Do Mexicans even like John Leguizamo?
Is die hard a Christmas movie?
Alright. What's the best episode?
Hey, at least I went in head-first. Right?
So brave
Mary sue characters
Where have the timeless/iconic characters and actors gone in modern Hollywood?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
You guys can't post more obscure content than I can
Why does this video have 2.1 BILLION views?
Come join us watchan and bantzan the best in comfy Horror
Is this movie worth watching?
I swear to god those 2 arent human anymore
Times someone on Sup Forums tricked you into watching a bad movie
Cringe kino thread
Strange frames from the Simpsons
Dark Matter Live Thread "Groundhog Day Edition"
What's your opinion on Tarantino films?
I don't get it. What's the big deal about going left?
Ok so I've been wondering why nobody ever talks about this movie
Wondering Woman: a housewife googles the mysteries of the universe
The CGI is done
Who was in the wrong here?
Tfw garfield is my favorite spiderman
Who will play her in the inevitable live action adaptation ?
ITT: we talk about Very special episodes
Evil Dead 2 > Evil Dead ≥ Army of Darkness >>> Ash vs Evil Dead
Did George Lucas really direct the original Star Wars movies?
Based Thor Edition
Doctor /who/ General
What are some divorce kinos?
Favorite films
What was it like to be in the audience for this skit? Colbert was talking to two empty chairs
2003 clone wars was pretty kino
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
There's no holding me back
Daniel Day-Lewis, best actor of ever, retires
G-guys I'm in love
What's your name?
ITT actors that can only play one role
What is the best movie of all time, Sup Forums?
Can a Cucknisher fan (a fan of The Punisher) explain how 3 different directors couldn't make a single good movie of The...
Hi, im here for the audition
He didn't deserve it
/bb/ - Big Brother 19
Only 90s kids can post in this thread
Why does she wear shoulder pads?
Darth Vader=Dark Invader
The epitome of liberal comedy
Why is this allowed?
I'm going to start listening to pic related. what can i expect?
You still have some time to APOLOGIZE
What did the wrench guys represent in Take on Me?
Friday night
Movies for this feel?
Anyone else become a more frequent brusher after watching this bloke on fargo?
Sup, Sup Forums, what is the worst Disney song?
What was the best Simpsons episode?
So, Jay, what did you think about Transformers: The Last Knight?
IS the VVitch actually good or is it just memed
Why did they retcon Spidey?
Dan "bite the pillow" Schneider
Depp, Griffin etc. etc
TV shows only you enjoy
Why does Avatar feel so irrelevant despite being one of the highest grossing movies ever?
The Mist (of oppression)
Is it As good as everyone says ?
I can't believe Josh Peck turned out so much more successful than Drake Bell, I mean, how did that even happen...
Sophie Turner as Phoenix
Maybe its because I've been drinking but why is Alan's reintroduction pretty damn sad
Gandalf's sword
Star Trek: Discovery to ditch a long standing Trek rule
What's some essential fat people kino?
Give me peace, and I'll give you God
How did Japanese people receive Scorsese's Silence?
Daaaaamn, Bella looks like THAT?!
Webm Thread
The Gifted
Unpopular opinions thread
Crystal Maze Match Thread
Have you ever gotten an autograph from a celebrity?
What would you have done Sup Forums?
Films where roasties get utterly blown the fuck put?
It Follows
Sup Forums-recognized legit celebrity status when?
Does anyone else "get" that this is a psy-op to make all christians seem completely fucking retarded by association and...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Can I watch new Twin Peaks without watching old one?
/got/ general
Ha ha ha, you fags have been defending a fucking manlet this whole time!
Amy Schumer singing Jefferson Airplane's 'White Rabbit' is the best thing you'll hear today
Are these Ferris Bueler themed Dominos commercials the most cancerous thing on TV right now...
See this
What Hogwarts house would you be in Sup Forums?
What did she mean by this
What is the Sup Forums equivalent of End of Evangelion?
What's the best Spongebob episode?
What was the best Batman movie?
Ian McKellen wants a gay James Bond
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
1,274 days until Avatar 2
Thoughts on Béla Tarr's films?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Today is Joss Whedon's birthday
What's next for Daddario? Will Baywatch flopping hurt her career?
Does Sup Forums like Karen Gillan?
What's a tv show with the most number of waifus?
Finished watching Hot Fuzz, will the other two be good?
Daily reminder
Better Call Saul
What is the next for Liz? :3
What does Sup Forums think of Orange is the new black?
Unpopular Opinions
Why is there so much hate on Aliens?
Transporter Room
The obnoxious 'act like a guy' fat cow trope
What the fuck was his problem?
What did Sup Forums think of this? Was it kino?
Apparently this is what the Space Battles look like in The Last Jedi
What are the best movies that will give me a sense of what the UK is all about?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree this is mummy kino?
'Wonder Woman' Hitting $650 Million To Become Top-5 Grossing Film Of 2017
Company buys rights to broadcast some Japanese show
What does Sup Forums think is the most quotable simpsons episode?
Netflix has so many depressing tv shows
Can porn be kino?
How come el presidente can't be hip like our queen?
Post forced badass
Post actors that you have lost respect for since Trump started winning
Oh man shooting at these fast moving aliens from point blank isn't very effective
Just finished The Last Kingdom and I thought it was absolutely fantastic. I love shows that involve kings/queens...
Armond /ourguy/ White has spoken
So he lost the rap battle just because his name is Clarence?
Thoughts on Dinosaur (2000)?
Try to watch mature adult drama
Which Star Trek girl aged the best?
ITT: misunderstood characters who did nothing wrong
How do we fix Sup Forums lads ?
What does this feel like? Be honest, it isn't that good is it? You get sweaty and tired, etc
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Hit me up with some of that perfect casting, pic related
Why does Sup Forums suddenly hate on Jon Hamm's acting so much? I thought people loved him here
What's next for her career? Do you think she will ever make the A-list?
When they finally cancel it how will the Simpsons be remembered in the large scale of things?
What's the movie equivalent of pic related?
He's a titguy
Rick and Morty is a good show they said, Rick and Morty isn't reddit cancer they said
What is she thinking right now?
These five films are best of the capeflick genre. Prove me wrong
Video games can't be kin-
General Hammond
What's the consensus?
Damn... I'm a Republican, but John DOES make a good point here
What are some good sci-fi / fantasy movies without villains?
I don't know what you put in those brownies user, but I'm feeling really funny
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Iron Man movie
If Die Hard 3 was even allowed to be made today what would John's sign say?
What did she see in this ginger manlet?
Just finished season 1
Ignoring the high bar set by the original star wars movies, the prequels were still great movies in their own right
Be honest. Is she a good actress?
It took her 6 months to figure out the film wasn't right
I think the funniest thing about people complaining about "capeshit" is that you still paid for your ticket to see it...
So how many of you fucks will end up in prison here?
Protagonist wakes up in the morning and puts on a shirt
ITT: The single sexiest movie or tv performance you've ever seen
Why do so many people hate this?
Civil War is about a man who refuses to sign an accord and he is portrayed as the ultimate American hero
Seeing actors age and die is sad man
We can all agree that Spectre was pretty good right?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Share the load
Mexican character
Why is good hand drawn animation dead?
Was this the best decade for film?
So we can all agree she was the best character right?
Are there any truly kino horror films? If not, what are the greatest horror films...
What's your favorite gaki scene?
So exactly what claim did Aragorn have to the throne of Gondor?
Time is a flat circle
What went wrong?
So, what exactly makes it the perfect organism?
Wake up this morning
ITT: Actors with one eye higher than the other
It was good
William Shatner
Congo: produced by Kathleen Kennedy
This is one of the WORST movies ive ever seen. Probably the worse movie of the last decade
Oliver is finished!
Post pornkino
It was boring
I've never been so excited for a horror movie before
Which was the best 'passing to the new generation', Star Trek (2009) or Star Wars (2015)?
Favorite movie to watch while stoned
Can we discuss pic:related
So we can all agree it was shit except for Varga, right?
Where do you apply for a job like this?
Last than a month for release
ITT : Sup Forums Mysteries
Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER
So I was watching Batman V Superman and suddenly Batman is in the middle east with a gun in the middle of it
If fight club isn't your favorite movie, it means you're a pleb
Meta Thread
Greatest scene in Star Trek?
ITT: Absolutely kino scenes
Who the fuck can save us from the death of cinema?
What's the consensus?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...