does he deserve an Oscar for his "acting"?
Does he deserve an Oscar for his "acting"?
"acting"? Oh i get what you mean. You can't really consider this acting, when he basically becomes the animals he's portraying. They should make an award specifically for transcending the act of "acting" and going far beyond to the next level.
just realized this guy is probably a distant relative of anita sarkesian
He's given superb acting performances, so sure.
Is this from Black Panther?
Caesar weak
Koba belong in cage.
I can still hear it and I've only see the movie once
Why wouldn't he? Did a good job with Gollum too
So who was wrong, Man or ape?
"Ape started war. And human...Human will not forgive"
who here hype?
Looking over his roles, he really is excellent and deserves some kind of recognition for how varied and unique his roles have been. Even if he's wearing a mo-cap suit instead of a costume, does that really change anything in terms of acting?
>WAR of the LANET Pof the APES
>does he deserve an Oscar for his "acting"?
No. Anyone could do what he does it's like some weird Emperor's Clothes thing where he has made a name for himself but people have to keep hiring him because no one is willing to be like "this is kind of retarded right?"
>wow you really pulled off a gollum
>can you act like a monkey?
*Walks around with hands above head, limpwristed and "oooking"*
>say no more
I'm honestly afraid it's going to suck. The trailers have been really poor. The bits of dialogue are poorly written compared with the first two. The two main writers were pulled for the next Avatar. It looks more like a boring action movie versus the introspective character driven story that was the first two.
Hope I'm wrong. I want to see it to finish the trilogy.
I swear, like two drops of pee came out the first time I saw that.
I sure am. Can't wait to see a bullet go through Caesar's fucking skull.
Making him a martyr, ensuring that Woody Harrelson gets BTFO? Nice.
technically, we are all distant relatives of each other. fun fact - did you know that the genetic variation in humans is far less than in most species? this is due to the fact that at one point our population was reduced to less than 10,000 individuals.
Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug too. It still takes talent and insight to act as something that isn't even human, watch the behind the scenes clips of him walking around on his hands and knees. Pretty funny but also very interesting.
Not so hype. :/
Fucking god tier scene.
Bonobo detected
> eggs benedict c o c k w o m b l e
I don't know. There are assistants, technicians, engineers, programmers, painters and artists involved. I don't know if it's fair to give him credit for the movie.
So, will Koba come back?
Literally anyone could do what he does.
I really want to see the demo tape he sent to peter jackson, in the LotR comedy he describes seeing it and it sounds like the most autistic thing ever to be recorded on film, basically Serkis sets up a recorder on a stand in his living room and just gallops around on all fours foaming at the mouth and bouncing off furniture and shit while growling out Gollum's lines from the book
> trilogy
This isn't the last one
OP is a colossal faggot just because his exact special snowflake definition of acting wasn't met.