What is the saddest a movie or tv show ever made you?
The Professional had me in an existential crisis for about three days in high school.
this fucking movie man
The Butterfly Effect
True patricians know.
This whole show was a feels-fest. By far the second best show I've ever seen.
Tokyo Story
The only scene I remember actually tearing up at was Click when Adam Sandler is dying out in the rain because he wanted to talk to his son again.
Cinematic cut or director's cut?
when haku died and naruto was crying
Really? That scene was so outrageously sentimental and contrived that I actually laughed loudly in the theater when I saw it. The combination of the emotional string music, to the rain, to adam sandler, that scene was one of the worst ever.
Unless you're joking, in which case. Lol
That arc is unironically good and that was unironically sad.
The Young Pope had some good feels scenes
If the directors cut is the one where he kills himself in the womb then not that one. The movie just leaves you feeling weird after watching it.
That fucking sequence is heartbreaking
not a sad movie but the scene is just feels
I went to see Toy Story 3 with my 3 year old nephew and my sister and this scene had me crying. m.youtube.com
I had an unexpected feel when this happened because it made me look back and realize I was happier when I was younger.
I'm going to keep watching even though the quality of the show went down after Ragnar and Ecbert died.
Please be joke
I was crying the entire time of inside out but I think I may have been experiencing a nervous breakdown
Doyle is a fucking psycho and he deserved it but Carl didn't deserve going back to the asylum.
Doyle is funny as fuck but I still hate the motherfucker.
Friday Night Lights finale.
End to the first episode of O.C.
You're in the minority pal. I agree with you though. I thought his dismissal of his father was more sincere and emotional to be honest.
>easy mode
For some reason battle royale gives me feels of another kind. Not sure why, just the entire film takes me somewhere.
When hitler killed himself at the end of downfall
jesus those captchas are horrible again today