/got/ general
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Who was in the wrong here?
why is bran such a naturally good fighter
Pepperidge Farm
your mother for not swallowing
>I can't, I'm guarding Lyanna and she's preg- Hang on, Ned's here
Assemble your Mountain.
>body of Hafthor
>face and voice of S1 Mountain
Rhaegar for leaving his wife and children with Aerys when he supposedly knows Aerys is nuts.
Pretty sure Rhaegar wanted them dead. The man wanted a fresh start.
Yeah he was a piece of shit. Robert gets waay too much shit, asif he killed the kids himself whilst normie tards romanticise the crap out of Rhaegar to a ridiculous degree. Like urrm what is Robert supposed to do?
My erection is GROWING STRONG
that face is horrifying
Is this a cosplay or a shoop?
>The Beanstalk that Rides
Did they even need him? He was only in like two shitty scenes, they should've waited til they had someone who wasn't crap. I guess it was S2 so they weren't yet willing to just rewrite things however they wanted.
Reposting from last thread.
Aerys' Kingsguard series when? It starts with Barristan killing Maelys in the final Blackfyre fucking shit Rebellion, moves through the Duskendale shit, the war of the Ninepenny Kings, then ends with Jaime killing Aerys at the end of Robert's Rebellion.
We'd see Dayne killing the Smiling Knight then knighting Jaime, and Barristan killing Simon Toyne and ending the Kingswood Brotherhood. The tourney at Harrenhal leading into the rebellion that sets up season 1 of GoT.
Cast it, faggots:
>young Barristan
>young Arthur Dayne
>young Jaime
>Gerold Hightower
>Simon Toyne
>Smiling Knight
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
Yeah, it was pretty jarring. When I first watched the series, I hadn't read the books. I didn't really catch on that he was the Mountain. Dude's tall, but holy fuck he's skinny compared to the other two.
Idris Elba
closed loop
bran will sit here again
hes getting cucked in season 7 for girl power
I'd bet anyone a million dollars that the first HBO spinoff series is about young, spunky, short-haired, brown girl Nettles taking on the systemic oppression of Targs and patriarchy.
Her personality will be that of show Dany + show Sand Snakes and normies will love her
Forgot my pic
>taking on Targs
I approve
which characters are getting fucked over the most by season 7?
The Freys
Randal Tarly and the Reach
Thoros and Beric
nobody really cares about the freys or randal and the reach, and thoros and beric are lucky to still be around
I just can't wait for "The Thousand Worlds" cinematic universe with Preston Jacobs cameos in each movie
King of /got/
>>Smiling Knight
Tom cruise without making him look taller.
Dayne would be a big guy for him
*votes for Hillary*
So did GRRM. Go back to sucking the Jewish dick with Trump. Israel needs your support
He's not, it's just Hodor's retard strength.
someone should clean that table
no. kys.
rickon was smashing walnuts next to him
but he's prettier than all the girls
being strong doesnt mean you're automatically good at killing a horde of zombies with your bare hands
can i get a quick rundown (t. showfag)
A rundown of what?
got is the walking dead
same lame ass shows same lame ass fans
what people give robert shit for
Are they eating literal balls of dung
looks like black pudding, not surprised since it's filmed in englandistan where the shit is literally laying about everywhere
Rhaegar was a fucking retard and is the most overrated character of all time. Even Barristan Selmy, who loved Rhaegar, says that Rhaegar caused the deaths of thousands when he ran off with Lyanna.
Rhaegar left his insane tyrant dad on the throne for decades, when all the lords wanted Rhaegar to succeed him and were pretty much waiting for the prince to do something. Instead he left the realm to the Mad King's wrath, and ran off trying to fulfill prophecy. He was so conceited that he literally thought he was a prophecied savior. Then he decided to fight to keep his dad on the throne. Keep in mind, Aerys abused and raped Rhaegar's mother on the regular. He didn't care apparently.
Bobby B isn't perfect, but he fought a tyrant and he's a hero for it. Rhaegar never did a single heroic thing. Granted, I think he was manipulated by Bloodraven, but he's still a giant retard.
Imagine this scene. Some lord is tied to a stake in the great hall of the Red Keep, burning alive. Aerys is standing in front of the Iron Throne jacking off and cackling. Barristan looks away, but he doesn't move, because it's his duty to obey the king. One day, Rhaegar will be king and all will be well. Then Rhaegar strolls through the hall, glances at the burning man and his dad fapping for a second, walks past Barristan and says "Hey Barry, I was looking in the mirror this morning, and I thought that I must be the Prince That Was Promised. I better go read up on it" and he casually walks away.
>Trying to set up a marriage between a royal bastard and a "random lord bastard" would be mighty suspicious.
Not random at all, Ned is close to Robert, Ned knows Mya, Ned and Robert both have bastards who are close in age, and each is likely the best the other will ever get. No Lord will marry Mya, at least not unless Robert decides to give a huge dowry, which he won't, and no Lady will marry Jon unless Ned decides to give a shit like Walder Frey did for one of his bastards. They're also both bastards so no worries there about any implications and they can live in the Vale where Jon would be away from Winterfell like Catelyn wants, but be safe under Arryn's rule. Ned can also pass it off as Jon getting to spend time in the place Ned was fostered which could appeal to the Vale and anyone else as a cover.
>Arranged marriages only happen between nobility.
No, happens for bastards too. Tywin made a deal to marry Joy Hill to one of Walder's bastards.
I want Margaery to dominate me.
What you have to understand is that the venn diagram of rhaegar fans and jonfags is just a circle. don't expect jonfags to care about anything except stuff that makes jon stu look cool.
>rewatching season 1
What went so wrong?
Does anyone have the webm or sauce of pic related having domineering sex with a younger boy in some shitty coming-of-age movie?
Charlemange to French Revolution
What a shitfest
This, just rewatched it all as im preparing for S7 and damn was it impeccable compared to the shit that came after. Its like they cared about story, and backstory.
Friendly reminder that Gregor Clegane died and they use his corpse with black magic as host for Robert Strong.
game of thrones deleted scene
There's tons of Rhaegar fans that aren't necessarily Jonfags. They are the tumblr whales that obsess over the R+L romance and have a headcanon that it's a perfect love story and the Song of Ice and Fire is all about their love story and how it will save the world from evil.
and all of them or jonfags. the reason they care so much that r+l is a love story and not a rape story is so that jon is legitimate. otherwise they wouldnt get so invested in a ship between two non-characters.
Both in the books, AND in the show.
He will successfully defeat Jon and Daenerys after their forces are depleted fighting the White Walkers.
He will double cross Cersei. Expect a scene where he turns out to be the Valonquar...HE IMPREGNATES CERSEI AND SACRIFICES HER AND HIS CHILD FOR BLOOD MAGIC!
He'll kill of all the normie fan favorites -- Jon, Tyrion, Dany. D&D will want to end the show in an edgelord trolling fashion. They're sick of the show, why not end it with the new character being the victor?
Cleganebowl won't have any emotion and value about brothers anymore cause Gregor is death (seriously he is now a headless corpse and he aint Gregor anymore) and Sandor's Hound personality is death and lives like I said as a monk.
the more attractive women they cast, the worst their "Most beautiful woman in the world" 7/10 Daenerys looks ridiculous.
Is that supposed to be Tywin?
Why does he look like he's pushing 60?
Also I thought he shaved his hair already at this point, tho I'm not sure if it's ever said when he did it.
By whose account is she the most beautiful woman in the world? I hope you won't say the books. They aren't canon.
You don't have to like Jon to want him to be legitimate.
You could want him to be legitimate because it serves to elevate the character you love the most. Like how jonsafags are really sansafags who actually don't even like Jon for anything but making Sansa happy, safe and special
you and me both... she's amazing
What is wrong with you?
Its one of her best feature.
>You could want him to be legitimate because it serves to elevate the character you love the most
literally who would jon being legitimate elevate except for jon? you're being willfully obtuse. if rhaegar and lyannna were just some random characters in history and not jons parents i guarantee you almost nobody except extreme darkstarfag-tier autists would give a shit about them
iron bank of braavos > dothrakis rapists.
>pic related having domineering sex
t-this is a thing?
>literally who would jon being legitimate elevate except for jon?
The person they want Jon to marry so she can rule and be Queen because they think she's a political genius and Jon only knows how to fight. Where Jon has the official claim, but Sansa has all the power, influence and love
i hate sansa and want her to fucking die in the cold open of season 7 episode 1 but this is next level paranoia you're spouting. rhaegar/lyannafags are all jonfags.
all they care about is their jon stu being the rightful king of westeros because they're hypocrites who think inheritance doesnt matter when it doesnt benefit jon but also is the only thing that matters when it does benefit jon.
is this what normies like?
>normies saying a character being raped would be exciting
dornishman what?
how is that not true?
they claim to dislike it but when it happens its the only thing they ever talk about for months on end and then that character who got raped rockets up to the top 5 most popular characters
>but this is next level paranoia
You clearly don't know tumblr if you think it isn't true
Are you obtuse man?
are you? name one other asoiaf historical figure with little to zero screen or page time thats anywhere near as popular to casuals as rhaegar and lyanna
now ask yourself why it is that you can't think of any others
the mad king
who cares about the mad king? he only gets brought up when people are talking about rhaegar
aerys the awesome
Yeah, I couldn't think of anyone better.
average spooky skeleton weighs like 30 pounds. bran could handle them even as a cripple desu
I'm like 99% sure that they were hostages. Rhaegar was about to overthrow his dad, but then his dick screwed everything up.
If TWOW ever, is there any scene/chapter equivalent that will be worse in the books?
I was thinking about that, and GRRM said the Hodor-Hold the door thing is somewhat similar in the books...
I think that might be one. It's much harder to do something like that in writing than on television (with the alternating scenes and all), especially with GRRM's chapter PoV thing, unless he changes it for just this one but unlikely.
Think it might be kind of a mess in the books.
>bran gives sansa the list of crimes that littlefinger committed that she uses to sentence him to death
>bran gives arya the dagger that she uses to carry out littlefingers death
>sansa and arya get all the credit
memes aside seriously what did d&d mean by this?
Do you think GRRM watches POV porn from the male and female side to get a fuller idea of what's going on?
>reminding us the Aegon Blackfyre/Young Gryff plot was dropped
Just confirms it's a red herring in the books. Yet the dumb shits on the ASOIAF wiki insist on pushing that it's real...
Why is Bran not superior to Sansa in the order of succession?
And why doesn't Sansa swing the sword if she passes the sentence?
>Rhaegar left his insane tyrant dad on the throne for decades, when all the lords wanted Rhaegar to succeed him and were pretty much waiting for the prince to do something
lol Rhaegar was fucking 24 when he died, what decades? And Aerys only went full cray cray during his last five years which were after Duskendale
Well there's your problem.
Of course casuals wouldn't care until the show bashed you over the head with them in relation to Jon, had no reason to, unlike the books, the two are barely mentioned and obviously not thought about as much.
And of course it'll be difficult to separate Jon from it when Rhaegar and Lyanna includes
Jon, his parentage, what sparked the war, why he was born, and Ned took care of him. Can't talk about them without talking about Ned either
he is ahead of her in succession and its been canonically acknowledged several times by several different characters that Bran is the true heir
>Why is Bran not superior to Sansa in the order of succession?
He is but he'll be mostly in a coma apparently and most likely D&D will make him say he's the 3 Eyed Raven so his focus has to be on the NK instead of ruling.
>And why doesn't Sansa swing the sword if she passes the sentence?
Because le epic mind trick queen is not a fighter who gets her hands dirty
>Because le epic mind trick queen is not a fighter who gets her hands dirty
listen sweetie if you have a problem with sansa being a traditionally feminine lady who has to get disabled boys to be her brain and younger girls to be her brawn, youre just a misogynist
So what are the developments on Jaime being Azor Ahai?
Let me field this question to reddit:
>um excuse me brans fate is obviously to be working behind the scenes and making everything work while sansa is the queen and gets all the credit for it. you should be happy about this. bran is secretly important even though nobody will ever acknowledge him or his actions. sansa is the queen, she earned it. shes smart. she was raped.
How would you respond if Littlefinger died by falling off a flying Dragon?
daenerys is the blackfyre