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It blows my mind how anyone could possibly think breaking bad is better than sopranos
i liked that episode when the main character could not control his anger
woah! watch the attitude!
name a better show
you know Quasimodo predicted all this
Who the fuck thinks that?
The wire is the underdog contender for GOAT but /tv is divisive on it because: niggers.
do italian americans have their dick cut off at birth like other cuckmericans?
lol I'm watching the series again (2nd viewing, watching it for the first time around 2007-2008)
halfway through the first season and man I didn't realise how great this is
I think it's even better than the wire.
I unironically don't even know why people put breaking bad on GOAT tier status. it's a watchable show but nothing goat worthy. it's like 8-8.5/10 tops
it seems like the show that was babies first non NBC CBS ABC FOX CW show.
Get your fuckin' shine box!
everytime I watch wire and sopranos I change my opinion on which is better. But in general I think the quality of Sopranos has more fluctuation whereas wire is consistently good. I almost never find myself skipping scenes watching the wire, but with Sopranos I easily skip half of it, basically everything with carmela and the kids and dream sequences.
I think The Wire has better characters, or at least a bigger variety of them, which makes them more interesting
But the Sopranos is, by far, the best written show of all time
I can't even put my finger on why this show was so GOAT. I hated the first two seasons and had to convince myself to keep watching
Then by the end of the show I thought it was the best show I'd ever seen
I think Sopranos handles its characters better. They are all shown as selfish and all have their own version of truth, like in the real world. But then again its not a fair comparison, since Sopranos is all about characters whereas the wire is a show about institutions. It has a lot more to say than Sopranos, which can be a bit repetitive at times. Annoying kids, sad wife, ex convict who clashes with tony and ends up dead, young striving dumbass who fails and gets whacked, how many times did they repeat those.
S1 and S2 are fantastic, though. Weakest is whichever one had the fat faggot and 3 episodes' worth of his romance with the biker cook
this show always makes me feel hungry.
I always want those sandwiches they eat and the shit Artie and Carmella make all the time
Annoying thing is. as much as I like the intro. it's too fucking long for every episode.
have the full version for the first EP of each season then cut it down
>young striving dumbass who fails and gets whacked, how many times did they repeat those.
Brendan Filone, Matthew Bevilacqua and Jackie Jr. are the ones I remember, though they were all very well done and different in setup. And Bevilacqua was a collateral from Jackie Jr.'s stickup
They all hit me hard (except maybe Filone, though it was also well-setup and essential to establish Uncle Junior's character early on) and felt unique. It's a show about the mob, their dealings are murder, racketeering and vice- You're gonna get the essential scenarios repeatedly, someone fucks someone over, disputes over money and territory, murders over perceived disrespect, etc.
*glass shatters*
I had an argument with a friend a while ago, l want to see what Sup Forums thinks. I claim there's a clear general arc David Chase had envisioned for the show (with occasional detours whenever a writer came up with interesting scripts), he claims it's obvious they made most of it up as they went along and it was basically a "slice of life" mob show that ended simply because it ran its course.
I think the overarching theme of the series is futility. People making the same mistakes over and over again and being hypocrites. You can't help but notice Uncle Jun's small dialog bits indicating senility as early as S1, and then he goes full blown dementia on the later seasons many years later and not see a larger plan for the series
A lot of people think the last season had a "random" ending, but it was a carefully orchestrated unraveling of Tony's life. His marriage going to shit for good, everyone dying over the beef with Phil, Johnny Sack's life likewise taking a grim turn - The whole series is about blind people who keep giving themselves false hope of change and attributing life-changing significance to small events in their life - This is lampshaded with all the therapy scenes, and that Tony's very last serssion with Dr. Melfi has him leaving the office exactly the same way he went in, on episode 1 of S1
>hiding in a closet
lmfao I never noticed this. was this done on purpose or am I just grasping at straws
Obviously intended
Continued due to char limit: The very last song heard in the series, "Don't Stop Believing" was so deliberately chosen it hurts - Tony kept fooling himself and believing his "luck" was gonna turn around no matter how bad things got. His random blurts of "my luck took a turn for good since that kid (Chrissy)" died, him "testing" his luck with the gambling episodes (which a lot of people claim was "out of nowhere" and that it was "uncharacteristic" for Tony to have a gambling addiction - I thought it was par for the course for that last season and that it was being established as early as the Pie Oh My/horse racing episodes)
tl;dr was Sopranos highly crafted kino TV or was it mostly made up as it went along? I think the evidence is all there for a clear series bible with a clear outcome and highly specific character development
i used to switch opinion upon viewing, too. but this year, after watching both, sopranos is clearly the better quality
>phil comes out of the closet
whoa really makes me dink
The wire was more ambitious in its storytelling, but the sopranos was a better show.
breaking bad is pretty good, it filled a pretty big void for the first few years it was on because the sopranos had ended. it's also reasonably original with entertaining characters. the context of the plot and walter white character/actor is why it is still popular. it isn't as good a show as BCS imo.
i agree with you user. your friend might be right though.
I remember thinking Breaking Bad was the best show ever. Then my parents called me a pleb and we binged watched The Sopranos together. I was wrong about Breaking Bad.
every fucking thread
What was with all of them being poser ass Italians throwing in random Italian words in their speech when it seemed like none of them could even understand Italian
I understand them not being able to speak it but the way acted you would think they could at very least understand "their" language
even Livia needed a translation when that nursing home director lady told that some Italian quote
I'm learning on Duolingo
>skipping dream sequences
how can one be so pleb
They literally dont add anything interesting or new. Its just Tony meeting dead people or showing his feelings we already know
Lol wirepleb
That show is a cancer that subsists on plebscum
were there hints in vitos acting that indicated he was gay? I thought his acting in the scene where they joke about ade sucking tony was kinda sus, but this might be confirmation bias
They literally have an episode about that
What was his fucking problem?
Is it true that originally Vito wasn't supposed to die that early and he was written out because the actor was annoying? Or did I get memed?
This fucking scene lmao
This guy not only looks exactly but has the same mannerisms as the towelhead who works at my local store. Same non-personality doormat who is a pussy hound and is a passive-agressive douche when you're out of earshot.
Your hair was in the toilet water. Disgusting.
>pleb pleb pleb
so you have no arguments to defend dumbass dream sequences, got it
they strung his shit out for like a full season
There's a four hour doc on Amazon about the Sopranos and they bring this up. Vito's actor had the idea for sucking the security guard off at the construction site, and suggested it to Chase. The thread was a dead end, and there was clearly nothing better to do with Vito.
Imagine the situation
>Hey guys, i thought, like, maybe i should suck somebody's dick in the next episodes
You should probably just go ahead and kill yourself
why does tony act out on people and then goes and talks nice to them later?
and why does he often let others decide on hard decisions when they ask him for help?
Watch it Zeusy
>"It's like what Popeye says I am what I am"
>"Well I didn't marry a cartoon"
What did she mean by this?
>Watch the soprano's 5 times
>Watch curb for the first time
>Watch soprano's for the 6th time
>This scene
Fucking Died.
I know this is kind of ridiculous, but 9/11 also had a significant impact on the way the series unfolded. They introduced those Middle Eastern drug dealers shortly afterwards and by the end of the show they're seen entering a mosque near the pork store, signifying a decay of the old neighborhood.
Are you me?
>janice walks in
>scene instantly ruined
>super oldfag, been in the game for decades
>shrewd businessman
>doesn't completely lose his temper and go insane at the drop of a hat like everyone else
Why wasn't he the boss instead of tony again?
yeah he did why else would he tell bullshit about fingerprints on money. then he went and tried to get junior to talk and then had a sitdown to conduct business which was already discussed
I can't take this guy seriously in the Sopranos. He always has an extremely stupid grin on his face and his eyebrows look retarded. Plus he never says anything interesting.
Didnt want to be the boss.
It blows my mind how there's never a sopranos thread without some asshole bringing up breaking bad
couldn't handle the stress. did you even watch the show?
Yes he wanted to. Did you miss the episode where Tony was in a coma? His anxiety and autism prevented him from becoming boss.
silvio was just one dude on tony's crew until jackie sr. died in season one, and there's no way he was going to move up past his own boss
even then, silvio was less senior than paulie and probably made less money, which is why paulie eventually became underboss while silvio stayed a very unofficial consigliere without much pull on what tony did or didn't. His low earnings probably came from his lack of ambition and his unwillingness to bend rules, which all the successful bosses on the show (tony, big carmine, johnny sack) did in spades while traditionalists either backed down too early or turned everyone against them (little carmine, junior, phil retardo)
Well, there was so much packed in there...
>tfw someone uses your OC
they never said that silvio was a low earner, he was probably on a similar level as paulie. the bing probably made very good profits, especially the vip lounge
>doesn't completely lose his temper and go insane at the drop of a hat like everyone else
It was because of this, he was too much of a low test cuck
It seems that earning didn't matter as much as how smart the people with the money were. Silvio and Paulie probably made similar amounts, but Pauline was an idiot and so lived in an apartment while Silvia had a nice house
Sounds like a Vincepost
no, but they rarely spelled out who made the most, other than saying vito and ralph made a ton off the esplanade. Paulie never gave up on anything, like when he was feuding with feech over the landscaping businesses (which had to be chump change, comparatively), plus he kept doing muscle-type jobs like stealing that dishwasherload of cash from the colombians, and when christopher was made paulie could stand to give him his sportsbook, which probably made tens of thousands in a good week. Silvio has the bing and makes at least some collections, like with the russian in pine barrens, but he's rarely shown going out of his way to make money like paulie
holy fuck is this real?
Whoa, Chrissy, the fuck? This isn't the Bing!
Fuck you are a raging Plen. Hope you're trolling.
And no wonder you can't figure out The Sopranos is like 30% better than Le Beat the Viewer Over the Head with the Theme. It's because you're a raging 14 y/o pleb.
True detective. Season 1
>It has a lot more to say than Sopranos
I understand why someone would think this, because the Wire is overtly about institutions rather than people, as you say. But The Sopranos ends up having much more to say, and having a much broader thematic scope because it really examines all human experience through its portrayal of The Sopranos characters. The Wire, by contrast, limits itself to examining the human experience *within PDs, drug orgs, schools, the press, and dockworkers in a big dysfunctional modern Western city.* The Sops' themes aren't limited in any way by qualifiers like those within the asterisks.
That is, people living 2,000 years ago in Rome could relate to what's happening in the Sopranos, as could people living 2,000 years in the future living in whatever horrible shithole we've descended into. Can't say this about the Wire--it's subject matter is simply much more limited.
Watch this and pretend it's 2006 again for 2 hours. That subway commercial with Jared surrounded by kids is sinister as fuck
>He throws the coffee in the midgets face and calls him a weirdo fuck
Is Paulie the most powerful character in all of fiction? You can insert him into any universe or canon and he'll instantly start kicking ass
1. There's no way the writers wrote as they went. The writing's too good for that to be the case. They're smart writers, but they'd have to be Shakespeare Jr.s to pull that off.
2. I don't think we can narrow The Sopranos to having one overarching theme. It's just about people and life, and the writing is good enough and open ended enough that you can draw numerous conclusions from putting certain events together in patterns.
Futility is a part of life, and it found its way into the show, I'll agree, but there are plenty of subjects you could say the show is about just as much, or even just recharacterize the events that are "futile" as something else.
100% wrong. You should stick to BrBa and Marvel. The Sopranos is not fo ryou.
Do we even know that Silvio *earns* and contributes to Tony's profits like the other guys? Maybe as consiglierie, and because the Bing is legit, he wasn't really contributing in the way the other guys did.
Seems odd for Silvio to contribute profits from the Bing directly to Tony. I can see him contributing to Tony if he gains from illegal business, but maybe providing the Bing as an office and providing advice to Tony was enough.
Because being Boss paints a huge target on your back. Who needs that stress? Silvio is one of the smartest characters in the show for many reasons.
you kick up 10 points no matter where they are some, some of the businesses are legal or in a gray area and sil also pimped the girls, he probably made most with the vip lounge. when eugene got the big check he gave the points to tony
Seriously what the FUCK was her problem?
she was hot in flashbacks
we need a prequel with hot young livia
why couldnt they get the guns right, Sup Forums?
because they're all from jersey and new york