Your opinion of communism. Go.
Your opinion of communism. Go
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Has not been tried yet
it's bad
Its good first generation complete shit secomd generation (or whenever there's famine), and balances out to be a mostly mediocre state system. It turns countries into DMV's
Doesn't work and cant exist without an authoritarian state.
Making everybody equally miserable
but hey, at least we're all equal or something
It's not Freedom
Edgy teens being edgy
worst system ever devised
Has not been tried yet because it is a mere coincidence that all places that tried to work towards it ended up becoming shitholes.
But don't worry, this time, it will all work out. Why don't you let us try in your country? You don't know how it would turn out, are you a bigot? Are you part of the bourgeoisie? HELP I AM BEING OPPRESSED, YOU WILL HEAR FROM MY FACEBOOK FOLLOWERS ABOUT THIS
Probably the worst ideology humanity has ever spawned.
I'm Cuban, and communism is shit. My grandma tells me stories before Batista, where they actually had fucking Macy's and other major stores in Cuba. After Batista and Castro, my family got the fuck out of their in the only anti-communist vehicle, a helicopter. Never been back since- I think communism is a fucking mistake, and my countrymen paid the price for it.
can't wait til all the 5th columists, prog cock suckers and their ilk get purged.
Communism accomodates the fuck ups of society, those who can't work for their own success. It's literal shit.
The only reasonable defense against capitalist jewdogs and their goyim slaves
>communism go
Is that like pokeman go and where can I download?
Our future.
Ideology used by rich kids to trick the plebs into giving them power
We are going to end up with it anyway in the end
it's gay
Snake oil merchant ideology.
seems to have worked so far in sweden
it also works for ants
Sometimes it feels like /pol is not alive. Memeing like robots all day long. No thoughts or own opinion that is different from the State opinion.
There's libertarian socialism. It's more decentralized and less government-oriented, with more focus on cooperative ownership.
le epic XD
>libertarian socialism
What kind of cognitive dissonance do you need to believe in that?
fucking gay
Communism is so fucking shit, not even Russia was able to make it function
isn't that what bernie is... like broadly liberal but with some adopted socialist policies (universal healthcare or whatever)
you don't have to be full authoritarian communist if you're socialist
Communism is naive.
Degenerate bullshit with quite possibly the most idiotic supporters, especially in the western society
You realize it's only recently that libertarian became a term used by the right wing, right? Like, are you an actual fucking retard or just a political illiterate?
I kind of believe in it but I kind of don't. All I can say capitalism is bound to collapse in on itself especially with increasing automation. I can envision some kind of robo communist society arising. But I think Marx was wrong in his argument of historical determinism. Things can swing the other just as quickly and we can revert to feudalism or some kind of Mad Max situation.
Idk. All I know is that some kind of anti capitalist chimpout is inevitable, it will most happen in the USA. What will come of it idk.
has been tried and has always degenerated into shit.
Hence, it's shit.
Countless arguments are overwhelming.
How else is he going to enforce his tax plan?
>are you an actual fucking retard or just a political illiterate
lmao you should be asking yourself this, holy shit
Not an argument
Kill the King
and replace him with Stalin/Lenin/Cromwell/Pol Pot/that wee cunt in north korea.
It's good for rapid industrialization, but nothing else, and the industry it produces collapses soon after.
Gotta love a system where everybody's equally poor. I think some of the earlier communists had genuine humanitarian goals, but the system is just not practical.
Communism is very bad. Because the rich are not included in "the people", converting to communism is always violent. No matter how communism is done, there will always be gulags.
Dead commies makes me happy
Primarily anti-Christian in all its directives. Karl Marx is quite open in that he based it against Biblical teaching. Whatever the Bible taught? His theory is to do the opposite.
By extension, it is also therefore anti-western civilisation.
Unfortunately, its foundations have taken root in the western world.
What part of what I said was wrong you wonk toothed faggot? Your political knowledge is literally sub-Wikipedia browser tier
Despite the ruling elite who were nothing but quite well-off themselves
Yes good goy be a good slave for your capitalist overlords
The communists at the top take the place of the former rich
It just turns into an oligarchy with even more wealth inequality
the accomplishments cited are due to a communist led civil war attempt, hmmm
>It just turns into an oligarchy with even more wealth inequality
so what you're saying is it eventually turns into what we already have currently, and that's a bad thing?
>Whatever the Bible taught? His theory is to do the opposite.
bible taught to share stuff, socialism is about sharing wealth more evenly
This is fucking nonsense. It was based on the philosophy of Hegel who was a Christian?
Where did you even hear that? Did you just make it up? Cite me the quotation where he says 'I'm basing my theory on the opposite of everything in the Bible'.
At least AnCaps know what they're arguing against.
I'm just as against capitalism as i am against communism. But i hate commies a lot more.
>a communist calling anyone a good goy
Your ideology is a literal creation of atheistic jews
corporativism=/= capitalism
nice piggu though
I think Marxist economics warrants more paying attention to and is dismissed too readily by many people. I also think communist ideas are too quickly dismissed by the right.
Regardless. The problem is in how it comes about; socialism in one country or a group of countries will inevitably lead to that country being isolated and subject to slow decay regardless of how kind the leadership are. The only way to prevent this is a worldwide revolution, the implications of which would be terrible. It would be a disaster that would dwarf both World Wars; providing no or a limited nuclear exchange the bloodshed would continue for decades and make people wonder why they even bothered.
When did I say I was a communist?
here's my opinion on it
You think people of Haiti with their capitalism have it better than cubans ?
I mean it's working in China and they're not trying to aggressively expand anymore so it's ok
The face of modern communism:
Never killed anyone because that wasn't even real communism.
Proles are just too dumb to revolt against the capitalist class, that's why they need intellectuals like me to tell them what to do every step of the way.
tell me 3 good insights from marxist economics
true, the lack of understanding whenever these threads crop up is depressing
socialism/communism is labelled as a dirty word in our ultracapitalist societies and as a result people decide socialism is worthless before they've even read a book on it
>feminist ideological hypocrisy which is a subset of leftism is the fault of capitalists
Breadlines, NKVD sending my family to Siberia because I was a bad kulak, and getting shot for trying to leave the country
It's a very misunderstood ideology, and Anarchism can only work if it's Anarcho-Communism. In true Communist societies, there is no need for government & no need for markets & an economy. The workers which is everyone fulfills each others needs with their own abilities.
True Communism hasn't been tried, Authoritarian Socialism Democratic Socialism & State Capitalism are the closest anyone has come to Communism. Karl Marx himself said that in order for a country to become Communist, it must have first been Capitalist. So the increasing amount of Liberals & the increasingly Progressive Economic Policies the U.S. is adopting may be hinting at something.
The whole generation of family before me lived in Yugoslavia & they loved it. They talk about how they'd go to the doctor & the only money they'd pay is tips to the doctor, how any nationalists faced execution or jail time, and how much they loved Tito. Yugo was State Capitalist, so the state controlled all capital which worked out amazing until Tito died & nationalism ruined multiculturalism.
>cognitive dissonance
You either don't know what that term means or you're using it incorrectly.
Socialism originally had nothing to do with vast state powers. Most forms focused on establishing a state that protected the system of self-managed factories and workplaces, rather than suppressing movements for economic communalization and workplace democracy.
Many forms of socialism support democratic government and a constitution that imposes limits on state power. The most state-limited forms are libertarian socialism.
Many people hold the misconception that workers' control over a socialist economy can only be maintained through totalitarian power because capitalism is the expression of real human nature. The opposite is more true. Capitalism relies on a government that protects the interests of an economic and political elite while repressing dissent and calls for a more worker-based, humane economic system. That's why there are such things as most "intellectual property" laws and anti labor laws, and why governments and businesses often go to great pains to collaborate in order to repress large-scale discontent with the pooling of wealth and power in an elite.
It should be considered in esoteric terms but humans fucked that up since 150+ years ago the only good communist is one who reads his books in private.
Not an argument.
You can't read the information on the photo no?
Real leftists are not liberals
in theory its fine, but it cannot work in real life.
perhaps heaven is a communist utopia, in the real world people are driven by their own ambitions and goals. Successful societies are those that support that.
Everyone makes the same salary, but access to good stuff depends on political connections, so it more or less pencils out to the same stupid hierarchy you get in capitalism, just that nothing runs nearly as well.
I dunno though, when the Soviet Union collapsed, everyone still had apartments and trains, if Murica collapses, it'll be the 19th century all over again with frontier cabins, bicycles and horses.
I know, i just love to see dead commies.
Every fucking time. You yurocuck cultists just need to be gassed already.
Dude I totally know what you mean, everyone talks the same way, like a hive mind. Seeing the same old threads and opinions over and over.
no true scotsman
it has failed because it degenerates into shit. If in the attempt to get started you always fail, then the ideology is hogwash.
and then they do read some books on it, and become anarchist capitalists
>state capitalist
Actually the case could be made that Yugoslavia was a legit market socialism society. Especially considering how strong worker's self management was in yugo factories compared to the soviet union.
Pity a large chunk of its success can be attributed to IMF and US loans though.
*wheezing laughter*
He tried it
>the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
Hmm I know what the definition is and stand by it
>commies literally too stupid to understand the difference between left/right authoritarianism/liberalism
It's literally politics for dummies and you can't grasp it
Forgot to include the fucking toothpaste
There should be some kind of process beyond the repetition. But there is none.
Are you implying that totalitarianism arises from stricter tax plans? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? Totalitarianism and state-sponsored violence and repression arise not only from some cases of economic pressures but because people who put their faith in power and violence are willing to excuse such crimes, as long as it's on their behalf.
See: the idiots spamming Pinochet worship posts