Dude I totally know what you mean, everyone talks the same way, like a hive mind. Seeing the same old threads and opinions over and over.
Your opinion of communism. Go
no true scotsman
it has failed because it degenerates into shit. If in the attempt to get started you always fail, then the ideology is hogwash.
and then they do read some books on it, and become anarchist capitalists
>state capitalist
Actually the case could be made that Yugoslavia was a legit market socialism society. Especially considering how strong worker's self management was in yugo factories compared to the soviet union.
Pity a large chunk of its success can be attributed to IMF and US loans though.
*wheezing laughter*
He tried it
>the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
Hmm I know what the definition is and stand by it
>commies literally too stupid to understand the difference between left/right authoritarianism/liberalism
It's literally politics for dummies and you can't grasp it
Forgot to include the fucking toothpaste
There should be some kind of process beyond the repetition. But there is none.
Are you implying that totalitarianism arises from stricter tax plans? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? Totalitarianism and state-sponsored violence and repression arise not only from some cases of economic pressures but because people who put their faith in power and violence are willing to excuse such crimes, as long as it's on their behalf.
See: the idiots spamming Pinochet worship posts