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Can the new She Hulk be a Thai Ladyboy?


Its a good thing shes gonna end up being War Machine. Thats the only reason they killed Rhodey.

>inb4 poll deleted

Why not a Brazilian shemale?

How many more times is Marvel going to replace an established hero with a diversity quota-fulfilling nobody before they realize no one, literally no one who actually reads comics wants it at all?

I vote 2

I'm an optimist sue me

Well clearly everyone who voted in that poll is a racist, misogynist white man who can't possibly be okay with a woman (let alone a black woman) becoming a hero.

Just another example of how terrible comics fandom is and why it needs to be saved by warriors of social justice.

BTW, do you have the link, I'd like to register my racist/misogynistic vote?

Captain America
Iron Man
Ms. Marvel
Nick Fury

Now all replaced for "diversity."

>No "I don't give a shit" option

What is it with CBR and Marvel? All their weekly columns are with Marvel editors and all their polls are always "Are you excited about ___ Marvel book?"

Spider-Man, too.

It's only a matter of time before that chink kid takes Matt's place as Daredevil.


Normies care more about Marvel than DC, which translates to more clicks.

Normies don't read CBR in the first place.

That's shown by the vast majority of people who didn't bother to vote.

>Spider-Man too

Except no you fucking retard

IIRC they've been tight ever since Newsarama posted JMS' thoughts on OMD and Quesada decided to move Marvel exclusive stuff away from Newsarama and toward CBR.

In fact the boards seem overwhelmingly pro-Marvel for a long time. I think now there's been some pushback against it. Maybe a Marvel marketer got fired in the last year and now Marvel's lost control of the narrative?

That's where you're wrong. They don't care about comics, but they sure as shit share all the "Iron Man is now a black girl, so progressive!" articles on facebook.

CBR is literally Disney Shill Central, they made an entire article attacking someone for daring to criticize TFA. Who was that someone? Just some random person in Youtube, no one geuinely important and worth making an article for. That's how far gone they are.

MCU fanboy """geeks""" do.

I dont remember ever seeing something as creatively bankrupt as Marvel these days.

CBR has been full of Marvel drones since the beginning. There was an old comic that pretty accurately shows just how biased each of the major sites were in regards to their reporting and holds true even today.

Was the criticism "hurr there's a chick a a black guy in it"? Because there are many valid criticisms toward the movie but that ain't one of them

Dude, who cares what the criticism was, my point is you don't make an entire fucking article attacking some random guy's opinion (again, some NOBODY's opinion) and try to pass it off as legitimate journalism.

Yeah honestly. It would be a different story if it were some big guy, but even that would be shoddy at best.


Yeah but it's harder to defend if the person they're attacking has a stupid reason.

Now the journalist attacks on James Rolfe over that Ghostbusters video he did, that's definitely an example of unprofessional people trying to pass something off as legit journalism.

A year or two after no one actually reads their comics anymore.

This time it isn't a diversity quota, it's just Bendis putting his daughter in the spotlight.
