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Comics #843
It's that time again
ITT: Underappreciated Shows
They are so adorable together
What is Sup Forums's favorite chimpokomon?
Hey wasn't there a episode where marquess of queensbary joked about having sex with yung hee...
Who are some cartoon characters that are too pure to be made into waifus
Question for semi-youngfags on Sup Forums: could you tell the SB season 4 episodes were rather lame when they came out...
How's Your Webcomic? /hyw/ #294
Have either of these villains ever found their redemption
/HG/ - Halo Comics and Cartoons
Just caught up on Regular Show
Overwhelmingly innocent film with no sex or swearing, but one mildly intense scene
"Remember that funny movie where the dog dies?"
Did you enjoy Iron Man: armored adventures Sup Forums?
Making up a song about Coraline!
Earthbending is the most lethal form of bending
In memory of she hulk
Sup Forumsco/'s Bizarre Adventure: Gameboy Edition
Did anyone notice the tension between them?
90s Edge Thread
What the fuck was her problem?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Bionix Six
So what's the tabloid headline for Hawkeye killing Hulk?
What other music is out there that's directly Sup Forums inspired...
Best internet/co/ artist
The cast for this show... I'm so damn erect
Characters that should never be sexualized
What is the best version of The Walking Dead?
The Secret Life of Pets
Is Marvel Comics Making A #BlackLivesMatter Analogy With Civil War II? (Possible Spoilers)
It's hot outside, Sup Forums!
So apparently Warner really wants the Flash to be their teen appear character in terms of fone, language, music...
So are cartoons better now than before?
Femseid thread
JUSTICE LEAGUE Scene Descriptions
Was Killer Crocs backstory the most tragic thing to have ever happened to a DC character in their history of video...
DC and Marvel make up 70% of the market
Pidge the Pidge thread
Has there been any use of internet culture/memes in a cartoon (excluding South Park that has a production time of like...
People get upset at the prospect of a male gem
Is anyone else NOT triggered by this and actually interested in picking it up to see where Bendis will take it?
Josie & the Pussycats reboot comic coming this September
Nice and round
Does anyone on this board actually still read webcomics?
Is Regular Show worth getting into? I remember watching season 1 and not much past it. Help me Sup Forums
How can a company with decades of experience selling comics do something this fucking retarded?
Livewire thread?
Pick two Sup Forums related characters.They don't have to be from the same series/comic or anything. Comics, cartoons...
June 2016 Comic Book Sales Report (Top 100's)
How do you handle final episodes and the empty feeling you get after realizing the series is done?
I really wish people would stop drawing Spider-Gwen in costume but without her mask...
Niche question: let's say the death of Gwen Stacy is what Doctor Who would refer to as a "fixed point in time" in the...
How do we deal with the mutie scum?
The hub
How were they allowed to get away with this in a kids show?
Archie General thread, what's your favorite series, who's your favorite character, what's your favorite crossover, etc
Bring me your best, Sup Forums
Be kid
ITT: That One Moment
Why aren't there more Teen Jeane threads? She's so perfect, the way she's written, the way she's drawn. She's so smart...
What's Sup Forums's thoughts on fables ?
If you were part of a superhero team, what would be your ideal power...
How the FUCK did this get a series...
Human animal duos
What does Gotham think about the fact that Bruce keep hanging out with teenagers in his house?
So, Blade 2 is on Netflix and so far it's pretty fucking awesome. I love it
Toonami General #5
Here to ask who are the best artists in comics atm? Don't need a ranking just wanna see their works for inspiration
Vietnam dwarf
Toonami General #4
What's something you'd wish would be adapted into a cartoon series?
Vanellope thread?
Toonami General #3
Select a piece of music that describes your favorite Sup Forums character and post it. Be careful...
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Apparently Injustice 2 is having it's own comic con panel
Injustice 2
Squadala, we're off!
"Whaaat uuup, yoooo?"
So is this pretty much the ideal Heroine Body Type?
Power Man and Iron Fist Storytime Finale (Part 18)
Toonami General #2
I love the Incredibles, I think it's the best Pixar movie easily...
War Empowerment
Sausage Party
Worst Comics of All Time
You know, when some lifelong liberal finally snaps and tries to kill Trump...
"I am going to steal Lenin's body"
Superman & Bugs Bunny storytime
Let's have a thread discussing our favorite stories about Sup Forums-related people
Is there any hope left for them Sup Forums?
There will never another DC vs Marvel crossover
Write Sup Forums plots
ITT: Sup Forums in 1977
ITT:Actual Gay characters
Robin War/We are Robin Storytime Part 2
It's a "pesticides are the devil, just let your crops get ruined and everyone starve" episode
Why does black characters and lightning abilities mesh so well together?
Watch the first episode of wander over yander
Did people like this when it first came out?
ITT: Characters that should have never come back
Charlotte or Shauna?
What the fuck happened? And how did it happen so suddenly?
JSA Storytime: JLI
Rewatching this. I forgot just how damned good this show was
How much money people make with comics? I once read that DC paid Snyder 120 dollars per page, which isn't much...
Goth girls are overrated. Post some punk girls
Why was she such a cunt?
Toonami General #1
There are people on Sup Forums, people who are doubtlessly reading this very thread...
Good thing I don't have dangerous brain powers, or right now you'd be in a thousand little pieces!
Waifu/Husbando chart thread
IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Storytime Finale
Guys, I'm crying right now
Why has there never been another Star Trek animated series?
Fantastic Four
ITT: Black Best Friend
Why do telepaths not care about boundaries?
Tom & Jerry Thread
Is there more?
The timing was perfect for a Batman Superman film
Sounds like someone wants to get... funky
Since Batman can beat Superman using prep, and Bane was able to do the same to defeat Batman...
ITT: Great scenes from over the hill writers/artist
Why should i watch Steven Universe
52 week 43 spoilers
Why doesn't Bluto just eat spinach?
The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 3: New Mutants (Part 34.1)
Why isn't there more diversity in cartoons?
IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Storytime #10
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
So you think the Gravity Falls finale was bad, kemosabe?
ITT: Specific writer cliches
The Loud House Thread
You have the option of adding ten characters to this roster from the Marvel universe
Will we ever see him again Sup Forums?
How strong is Superman? What is his maximum strength?
Daily reminder King of the Hill is part of the Marvel universe
ITT: Most you've cringed during in any comic media
Kamala Khan is literally the best fictional character ever created in the history of the universe. Prove me wrong
/sveg/ - Star vs. the Forces of Evil General
Ferngully thread
Extremis discussion
What, exactly is making everyone complain that Marvel NOWer is dooming Marvel? We're getting the original Thor back...
"“I had never played a character that legitimately didn’t give a f—...
ITT: Characters we'll never see again
I think we all know that an animated meme movie is inevitable. Who will they cast as Pepe and Wojak?
I'm confused, in the Marvel Now(er) Promo, Riri was dressed as War Machine...
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Was he killed of because of Riri?
Kek, apparently Mike Deodato used a tumblr artist's Kate Bishop design in his promo art...
Why do they look like they're about to fuck?
How batshit insane was Sony's original plans for this?
Tfw no more active fanbase
How can Thor and the Norse Gods go into heaven and hell when they aren't Gods but actually Space Aliens?
Why does Superman have a cape? He can fly without it and bullets bounce off him so it's not for protection...
What is it about Gumball that makes him so darn lovable?
So is this supposed to be the first time Clark's ever experienced pain or something?
Is she ever going to put on the costume again? I guess the bubblegum hair is a bit too much
So, now that the dust has settled, what did you think of Captain America: Civil War?
What does Sup Forums think of the new Hillenburg episodes of Spongebob?
With the creator dead is there any actual chance of RWBY having good fights in the next volumes? Some stuff got better...
Why were comic books attacked by the United States Senate in the 1950s as communist propaganda?
Can I get some recommendations for serious adult animated movies? I just watched Watership Down, I've seen Felidae...
The greatest story ever told is a fucking Nickelodeon cartoon
Be DC fan
Does anyone have any orange slices?
Ben 10 General
So I just finished watching Bojack Horseman and Gravity Falls...
Gay Thread: Gotham Edition
Time for X-Men
Who is this show aimed at? I used to watch Voltron back in the early 90s, admitedly it wasn't my favorite show...
Fanboy and Chum Chum Movie Officially Greenlit By Paramount
Hasn’t history proven that Marx’s vision of an egalitarian utopia is unattainable...
So I plan to watch episodes of this and Extreme GB to get the taste of the abomination coming out this month out of my...
Is this the best comic being published right now by the big two?
Honestly surprised there aren't any threads about Nick Magazine considering how full of content they are
Katie pulled a House Fancy
Weekend Sup Forums creation thread
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
DC Rebirth
Looky what I found
"Good morning, Sup Forums. Did you sleep well?"
The Omega Men Analysis
ITT: Hitler
Double standarts
Post sexy secondary girls/women from McFarlane-shows
He's 100% right
Ghost thread?
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Crossovers that you want to see but they will never happen
We are from the planet DUPLO and we are here to... destroy you!
Why does Superman have so much muscle? wouldn't working out that much be pretty redundant for him...
Is anyone here familiar with this show?
Why the fuck was his problem?
What went wrong ?
This is the best pixar movie
The Secret Life of Pets
Thomas fucking sucks
You hear it you lose
Hey Sup Forums, So my gf of 3 years broke up with me tonight, via text, while I was at work
Can we have an EEnE thread?
Adult Swim
Power Man and Iron Fist Storytime (Part 17)
Are they kryptonians?
Who is physically stronger, Spiderman or Thor?
One of something is super strong
Am I the only person who absolutely hates that yellow circle behind the bat symbol?
How did the mind gem give him Superspeed
Tips for aspiring comic writer
So uh do you think theyd really make a lego marvel vs dc
Is there a cartoon character stronger than Yakko?
What character in Suicide Squad are you most excited about?
Gotham is not that bad
IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Storytime #10
We are Robin Storytime
How long before an intern draws over it and we all get butt-flustered? Taking bets now
This power doesn't make any sense
Literally tumblr girl
Poppy O'Possum
Shows only you remember
Guys ive gotten to the point where im about to give up on this company...
Will you play it?
How does Sup Forums feel about African superheroes or African-inspired speculative fiction at all?
I have never felt less sympathy for a human being
Lived long enough to witness the first ever Superman/Batman movie
Who are some of your obscure waifus, Sup Forums?
Fucking Inhumans and their poison gas...they're attacking us at our very GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENES
Why was he trying to make lolis in his basement? What was his endgame?
JSA Storytime: JLI
Would you buy your daughter a Harley Quinn toy? Is she a good role model for young girls?
Chinese Superman
Decide to visit Sup Forums see how its doing
See the episode for the first time last night
Let's talk about supporting casts
Infinite Crisis & Infinite Tie-Ins Storytime Part VI
Preview for Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Rebirth
Awful Hospital
Just saw this and I really enjoyed it. How'd you guys like it?
R.I.P Tony
Ultimo Spider-Man
Just finished this. What went so horribly horribly wrong?
Who's ready to see the fans tear the PPG panel apart?
"Batman: Classic" & "Batman: Harley Quinn"?
Infamous Iron Man by Bendis & Maleev
Prove me wrong
Is Dominator beyond redemption? I mean we're talking about a remorseless, genocidal...
And hey, Jane's "Thor" series ("Thor" and "Mighty Thor") have always sold better than when Odinson was still Thor...
Japanese artists drawing Sup Forums characters
Write a Plot for Comic or Cartoon
We Bare Bears
A hero with superstrength hits someone too hard and kills him by accident
ITT: 100% human characters
Favorite American Dad jokes thread
I was recently fired for Fox for reading 2 scripts...
Who would be the better fuckbuddies? Marvel or DC boys?
Time for X-Men
Poop cuck mod thought I was bored lol
Detective Comics #936 preview
Justice League 1 Preview
You guys remember this show?
Endtown 2016-07-08
Next arch is another clone arch
ITT: Bad animated movies people like to pretend are "unappreciated"
Why doesn't anyone feel sorry him?
Epic Threads
Wait when was Iron Fist and She-Hulk a thing?
Is anybody else tired of Lex running around in the powersuit all the time...
Is it any good?
'Captain Marvel' Being Relaunched With YA Author Margaret Stohl
What went wrong?
Why isn't diversity in comics and comics material done organically anymore...
Camp Camp
So this came out today
Hey Sup Forums let's read about Orcs and Stains and MAYBE their gronches
Only REAL Rick & Morty fans with the show in Japanese
Who's ready??
Hey Sup Forums. I made my very first comic. Now tell me why it sucks
The Flash: ‘Dope’ Actress Kiersey Clemons Top Choice for Female Lead
Why, I do believe it's time for some ealy Silver Age!
Sup Forums unpopular opinion thread?
Was it love?
IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Storytime #9
Infinite Crisis & Infinite Tie-Ins Storytime Part V
It's an episode that features something to do with your language
Is Exodia still the strongest Yugioh monster?
What is the best version of magic user you seen Sup Forums...
Gennedy Tartakovsky's CAGE! to be finally published this fall
This is considered appropriate attire in mutie "schools"
What do you think about mythological creatures in cartoons? Should there be more?
Image fresh from >>>/wsr/
ITT: Characters that had sex
Sonic Mega Drive #1
Speedy vs Scarlet Witch
Diamond Comics Sales Charts June 2016
I don't mind more diversity in comics. I think having more non-white guy heroes can be a good change in pace
TFW a gregxpearl episode has been all but confirmed
This is going to be the best live action comic movie Joker we have ever seen
What was so great about him, again?
Would Katara and Sokka have been better teammates for Korra than Mako, Bolin and Asami?
IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Storytime #8
Official Win-O'-Thread #3
Fuck you, Karnak
Does anyone else feel that Steven Universe is kinda overrated...
Hyper Crispy Thread: KFC Edition
ITT: shit shows/movies you liked as a kid
Why the manbun in BvS? Ezra looks perfect as Barry here?
Supergirl Thread
This guy is supposed to be "the good character" and the "voice of reason" on his show?
The episode name is one word
Who is the best TMNT character? Favorite turtle, and favorite vilain
How is it even possible that ATLA was so perfect?
We are looking at the very real possibility of DC overtaking Marvel in sales for a long period of time right now
I just realized something. Why wasn't there much talk about Asian Super-Man? I mean...
/hyw/ How's You're Webcomic #293: tallentless hack edition
/sveg/ - Star vs. the Forces of Evil Weekend Thread
Artists that are influenced by Anime/Manga?
What did Sup Forums think of this guy?
Powerpuff girls reimagined
Could any of the avengers beat him one-on-one if he has prep time?
Why did John Byrne do this?
Are any of these artifacts presented here preexisting. It could be interesting to read about various magical artifacts
In light of all this gun violence and rioting nonsense, let's have a Boondocks thread:
Why does Sup Forums never talk about Mampato?
Forgotten Cartoon
Questionable Content General #12,789,013: DANGDANGDANGDA
Gravity Falls
Heathcliff paints himself
ITT: amazing colouring
ITT: Bands that should get a show
Gunnerkrigg Court
So do you prefer mechanical webshooters or he can just shoot web?
I just got done watching all 144 episodes of this show. Gotta say, it was the better than the original Teen Titans...
What was the best American anime? Samurai Jack or Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra?
Would you do business with this man?
Name a better cartoon
Are we going to get a follow up to the Justice Incarnate and The Empty Hand...
She fucked Monkey right?
ITT: Cartoons only you remember
Can we talk for a moment about the Punisher?
Comic Pages
Black teenage Iron "Man"
Power Man and Iron Fist Storytime (Part 16)
My knowledge of propane is 100% based on the claims and opinions of Hank Hill
Is this the best thing that came out of ANAD Marvel?
It Hurts!!
Rosianna Rabbit
Homestuck and Hiveswap
Last Sup Forums Zootopia Thread
So, Lorenzo James Henrie has apparently been cast in SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING in an undisclosed role
Is Wonder Woman coming out as a furry?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Is he the worst Batman villain...
Ladybug thread? French ver. best version
The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 3: New Mutants (Part 34)
What does Sup Forums thinks of this guy?
Recent Purchase / Bookshelves
Reaction image thread
So why didn't DreamWorks expanded this as a franchise?
IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Storytime #7
ITT: post Sup Forums-related dialogue and/or scenes that you fucking hate
Who is WW gonna bang first in the DCEU, Bruce or Clark?
Max Wittert posted a new Jean & Scott so let's do a thing
Will western cartoons ever get to the point anime is at now?
Who do you consider Bats' primary/"true" love interest?
"Please, I'll do anything!"
ITT out of context panels
Childhood is idolizing Bart. Adulthood is realizing that Homer makes more sense
Can we have a kingdom thread? I'm bored and want to look at kingdoms
Live action Sup Forums female appreciation!
In universe, who is generally the "lead suspect" for being Batman?
They will always be my Peter and MJ
What does Sup Forums think of V for Vendetta? Specifically the movie
What's your weekly pull list?
Goddamn this is a serious comic
Henrietta lamb. the cutest character in all of webcomics
So cute :3
Hey guys let's read The Spire! I really liked the first few issues and Spurrier is truly good at what he does but I...
One of the differences i see the most in the way capes are portrayed in Manga compared to western comics is...
Who ya got senpai
Oh boy, here we go
Reaction Image Thread
Who draws the best women in comics, and why is it Alan Davis?
Never watched this, does it still hold up?
Arrow Season 5
What will marvel do next?
JSA Storytime: JLI
Sorry guys, my bad
Legacy Control thread. Post your favs
How did Cartoon Network fuck up The Powerpuff Girls this bad?
First look at Tricia Helfer as Lucifer's mother for season 2
Everything's Changing
What was his best line?
This comic blew my mind today...
Grow up watching a cartoon
So, just thought of something regarding Lark
So, what's his origin? Did he take an acid bath, or is it makeup?
Adventure Time/AT: Daddy-Daughter Card Wars Talkback Thread
Why is Many Billy's friend when she thinks he is annotingly dumb and they seem to share no common interests?
Pick one
The Infamous Iron Man, Doctor Strange & the Sorcerors Supreme, and Solo books confirmed for Marvel NOW!
ITT: comics you wish you could read for the first time again
Why do they make every other character on this show fat?
Thorytime: The World-Eaters
Hey Sup Forums let's read Ufology! I remember thinking this book had potential like 2 years ago and then I forgot all...
Usagi Yojimbo
MORE Avengers concept art
/ co / thoughts about the sing new trailer?
New TF2 Comic
Me no Zootopia thread in the catalog
Greetings, millennials
Post obscure Sup Forums waifus
Gentlemen may i introduce your NEW
Unworthy Thor by Aaron & Coipel launching in October
Whats the best fanart you got Sup Forums?
Who are some characters who are/were canonically cheerleaders?
I understand liking it, it's totally fine if you do
Marvel gets all black creative teams for
What was the point of all that build up just for a massive ass pull like this...
What is your ideal superpower? Would you be a hero, villain or civilian if you had your ideal superpower...
Sunhine deh yah, time fi de busrida
Why cartoons in nowadays don't teach kids anything...
Pairings that should have happened (but didn't)
Infinite Crisis & Infinite Tie-Ins Storytime Part IV
Steven Universe Bismuth Leak
Why do people still to this day think Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen, and Zootopia are Pixar movies?
So, we all know Marvel Nower is going to be shit. But you know what would make it less shit...
What's the matter, Sup Forums ?
These will be your nurses for your hospital stay Sup Forums
Is this worth watching if I haven't read the comic? I can't find a good torrent for the comic
What are the comfiest ATLA episodes? The ones where the gang mostly just hangs out?
Hey Sup Forums, it's me, Tony Stark
Why haven't you checked your genetic privilege yet, Sup Forums?
What's the point of this fucking shit? Why does it brag about its R-Rated status as if it's special? What the fuck...?
So... did Bendis forget that she exists?
Where did everything go so wrong?
We live in a world where Iron Man is a black woman, Thor is a breast cancer survivor, Captain America is a Black Man...
Riri Williams built this suit in a cave! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!
Deadpool - Too Soon Infinite #1 stortime
Leto Joker is looking pretty good
Dofus/Wakfu thread
New Avengers #13 lettered preview
DC Rebirth Brutalises Marvel Comics Over Advance Reorders
IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Storytime #6
New Steven Universe Clips (MAJOR SPOILERS)
So why is DC promoting anorexia?
Rock Dog
That Tom and Jerry episode where Tom needed Jerry to sign a paper so he could go to heaven
Okay, how the hell did Dogfucker do it? Every aspect of this book's premise was hopeless
What was the best era of capeshit comics?
Cartoons that were way better then they had any business being
If the New 52 universe is the Pre New 52 who are they?
Entertainment Weekly casually shared MAJOR Steven Universe spoilers
Why is everything this man writes pure gold?
Secret Avengers by Ellis - Storytime
Best princess coming through
Death of X four-issue miniseries announced (Soule/Lemire/Kuder)
Gotham's cute. CUTE!
Zootopia Thread? Zootopia Thread
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
Y'all remember Bump in the Night?
Let's have a racebent thread
Its a "everyone pretends to hate shadman episode"
What are your hopes and your thoughts about what will happen in s3?
I've started watching Steven Universe, and does this character ever become something other than irredeemable scum?
Gwenpool #4 Lettered Preview
It seems like animation is really prone to having shitty kid characters...
Black femanons, does this make you happy?
Sup Sup Forums
Why aren't there more Magical girls
So is this final series going to be like the Old Man Logan/Dark Knight Returns/Guns of the Patriots story for Samurai...
You said marvel was going to end their ANAD and have their rebirth, going back to the old status quo...
Just saw the Ultimate Edition and I'm confused
4001 A.D.: Shadowman Storytime
What is the deal with foreign comics?
Reminder that Snyder is a good guy
How the hell does my hair work!
Most underrated characters
Heathcliff and Sonja go on a double date with Nancy and Sluggo
I want to adopt her as my imaginary friend sex slave
How does her afro fit into that helmet?
Voltron Legendary Defender Discussion
Gentlemen, how do we uncuck Marvel?
So Powerline is suppose to be Michael Jackson right?
Tfw we didn't get Bruce Campbell as Mysterio because Sony is shit
Almost this whole final battle sucked
Sup Forums General Drawthread
How long until this happens in the movies?
Sup Forums next generation thread. Post any kids of any pair of Sup Forums characters fanmade or not
Who was The Question? Did Pandora have ANYTHING to do with the New 52 reset...
So I was going through my books and I noticed that my kellypool omni has tons of dents in the back...
What went wrong?
Stan could've just pointed to the cheeseburger icon
ITT: Post your favorite cartoon redesigns/reboots/etc. Can be fan made or legit
Why isn't there a raping justice squad? Who would be its members?
Power Man and Iron Fist Storytime (Part 15)
Hey there, Sup Forums
Will good costumes ever come back?
ITT: Sup Forums waifus who would ask you cum inside them and to whom you would oblige
Dumbing of Age
Newfag here...
What will they announce tomorrow?
Chloe is:
How do you like your Rapunzel, Sup Forums?
Will Miles end up with Ganke?
Haven't done a storytime in years. I like to share awesome shit with folk who might not see it...
How about a confession thread? We haven't had one of those in a while
The pilot was so good. What went wrong?
I finally saw Zootopia, but like always I'm far too late for the generals. So can we have a Zootopia thread?
Superman doesn't wear a mask because he doesn't want people to be afraid of him
Pizza time
Sup Forums. I have a feeling some of us made up some autistic crossovers while we were growing up. What were yours like?
Batman Beyond
Hey you, why aren't you helping to bring Young Justice back?
What is the absolutely unarguable best episode of Family Guy?
Let's chat Gumball people
We are the picture of health!
Meanwhile at the legion of doom
Sum up the past month of your life with a Sup Forums related image
The Punisher #3
Best X-Men team ever!!!
Is Ultimate Spider-Man worth watching? From the looks of it...
The Avengers officially died today
So who did you think shot Burns?
What did she ever see in him?
Why would someone purposely make a cartoon about fat people?
Post songs that are better in other languages
Who honestly had the better ideals for mutant kind?
The BFG (1989 Film)
I could see Helga having a similar hairstyle as an adult, but the same one? Weak
About to watch Rise of the Guardians for the first time. Wish me luck
IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Storytime #45
I don't know why but I find this band-aid incredibly sexy
Most powerful Marvel teams
Steven Universe
Japanese Female Hero Dr. Light
Why does Sup Forums hate the loud house?
Am I the only one who hopes Logan is never Wolverine again?
It just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling do-own
JSA Storytime: Punisher 2099
Let's Speak English #130 - This Guy
Wait is Bendis trying to say that black girls are basically interchangeable with men?
Why did Tommy grow up to be such a pussy?
Infinite Crisis & Infinite Tie-Ins Storytime Part III
*sigh* Marvel... If you're going to be topical, do your fucking research
A daily reminder that this art is Eisner and Harvey nominated art in 2016
Why was he the best by comparison?
DC's Hanna Barbara
Have you ever loved a 'Sup Forums ship even though you knew it was a complete and utter crackship?
Angourie Rice Joins The Cast Of SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING
For a long time we've been
How do you think KOTH would have handled an episode on transgenders?
Hey christopher priest wrote about his upcoming deathstroke series
What does Sup Forums think of Camp Lazlo?
IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Storytime #4
Who's stronger, Superman or The Hulk?
This is how Muhammad is represented in Islamic religious comics books
Rosianna rabbit
What happened to the Invincible art in issue 127?
Is there a character faster than The Flash?
Post yfw when you nut
I see many idiots like to complain about characters being replaced by minorities because muh SJW, muh diversity...
Did they fuck?
The Fix #4 Storytime
Would this have made a better movie if it was animated?
Business attire
Marvel All-Now Now-Now Thread
Who would win?
Post goth cartoon girls
Captain, we call this the Sokovia Accords...
Just Stop Marvel
Which franchises are beyond saving now?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Wacky Raceland #1
Are there any other comics/cartoons with qt native girls?
So how did you enjoy the latest season of American Dad?
Who is the best Ben 10 girl?
Someone recommend me some non-SJW , feminists comic books
Is tony stark's mom
Hey guys remember that time the Punisher was black, or when Doc Ock controlled Spider-Man's body...
BOOM! Studios is set to produce a line of comics with World Wrestling Entertainment...
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
There are people that have never seen Starchaser: the legend of Orin
The Loud House CYOA Insta-Comic
Doctor Strange Movie Tie-In Comic
Why do people still read the Big Two? I'm genuinely curious, and I would love it if we kept it civil
SUperman Coming of the Supermen #6 STORYTIME
But why?
Pooh adventures
The whole advantage to making an animated series instead of live action is that you get to design the characters and...
Endtown 2016-07-06
What do you think this means?
You smile you lose
Show yourself, you red devil bastard!
How do you feel about this?
Never Forget
Toonami Ratings for 7/2/16
What's Sup Forums's opinion on this show...
Story time
She dead Sup Forums
Captain America: Sam Wilson #11 Storytime
Name a Sup Forums character who could beat Goku
Spider-Woman 09 Storytime
Civil War II: Kingpin #1 Storytime
Infinite Crisis & Infinite Tie-Ins Storytime Part II
Official Win-O'-Thread #2
How does her hair fit in the helmet?
South Park
Why is every character on this show fat? Is Steven suppose to be a mexican?
End of season crisis resolved by the power of friendship
The world is a much more progressive positive tolerant place than it was in the past...
Do I have to be a teenage tumblr girl to watch this or is it bearable for normal people?
Amazing Spider-man #15 Storytime
Vote Loki #2 Storytime
How I became yours
They actually did it
Scarlet Witch # 8 storytime
Waifu Material
Grayson thread
So do you think Riri Williams could make for a good Iron-Man?
IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Storytime #3
Fuck Slott and Quesada
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
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