Other urls found in this thread:
How dare these cis white male scums opose a black woman as Iron Man?! It totally makes sense!
>Using "epic" in the current year
>Make Ironman a woman
>comic still titled Ironman
Seriously jews?
Keep in mind, the first posts in the first thread that covered this announcement was a variant on the "WE WUZ KANGZ" meme. Even if you are joking, if you shout racist shit, shockingly, people will think you are racist.
>Sup Forums still chimping out
>Marvel literally paid RDJ to push this shit
There is nothing wrong this racism.
Meanwhile everyone ignores the fact that there's going to be two Iron Mans and the other is a straight white male.
Shouldn't she be called Iron Woman or something?
& lose the 50k sales the title brings alone? Are you mad?
>hot woman
>15 year old girl
SJWs confirmed pedophiles
then why you get mad when people call you racist
>hot, badass woman
Isn't she 15?
But the other guy is Doom, the only way one could rage about it was because it will not be written by a better author
Would you want us to stop raging about things user? You can't really want it
>draw 30 year old black hooker
>say she's 15
>Not knowing "Iron Man" is two words
Literally retarded
She's never been drawn looking 15 and pretty much all anyone knows about her as far as I can tell is the fact that she's an MIT student.
Gotta figure everyone, myself included, figured she was 18~22.
Her being 15 is amazingly stupid.
>hot badass woman
>she looks epic
She's just a black girl with a red shirt.
>implying I give a fuck.
literally autistic. Now go trade your good boy points for nutella dipped tendies.
>Panda from Body Bags.jpg
Does anyone feel like the entirety of Sup Forums and Tumblr's existence is just one chimping out while the other laughs, and then trading places and doing it again?
>Her being 15 is amazingly stupid.
It's just because Bendi wanted her to be very high on the Mary Sue scale.
Haven't we had enough of these threads?
It's time i should quit with comics. Especially with Marvel comics.
Looks like a white character inked with dark skin and fizzy hair.
I don't really give a shit but I just can't believe they're not calling her Iron Maiden.
Such a wasted opportunity.
Why do people get mad when 'gay' or 'jew' are used as an insult?
if they did, the comic would have to be cheaper.
Was internet this salty when Rhodes first became Iron Man?
Oh wait, it was the 70s, so no internet. Nevermind
just make a cool super hero
I don't give a fuck what gender or ethnicity they are
why does it gotta be an already established super hero?
why can't they be their own things what the fuck
Iron maiden is a completely seperate character that already exists.
>change shit to pander to criminals
>act cocky over the internet and shame the opposition
Heroes are passing torches all the time.
There is like 10 different Flashes and 10 different Green Lanterns (of sector 2814)
And most importantly it always boosts sales because of the free promotion (all the enraged fanboys are promoting it for free)
>not FeMale
>Draw an existing character
>call it a new creation
>get tons of articles all over the web promoting it
Wish I worked for Marvel. this shit sounds easy.
>people still read Marvel
The comics are literally just PR for the MCU at this point. I dare Marvel to pull this shit with removing RDJ for this, but deep down they know how really disingenuous this whole mess is.
Blaxploitation movies are the best
>give Jane Foster Mjolnir
>call her Thor
I mean, she literally stole his name.
Actually a great film that
You know that's legal in most of Europe, right?
>people fuck children in 3rd world countries
>this means it's okay