/CTG/ Channel-tans General

Space Ghost Coast to Coast: CTG Edition

Drawfags and Writefags are more than welcome to contribute

>What is a Channel-tan?
An anthropomorphic personification of a television channel.

>Why are you making these?
For the simple reason that we can.

>Why are they all girls?
Japanese -tan tradition. But we do have some boy -tans too.

>Where is the gallery for all the images?

>Where is the Pastebin for all the ideas?

>Previous Threads?

>How can I help?
If a Channel doesn't have a personality yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel doesn't have a design yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel has a personality and a design, then you can draw them.
If multiple Channels have all of the above, then you can draw comics of them interacting.

>How many Channels do we need?
All of them. but mostly those who are Sup Forums related.

And last but not least, remember to have

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Welcome to CTG

So it is confirmed that the cartoon characters live on the world with the tans, and work for them like actors right?

Anyone want to explore further it?

MTV is too modern MTV I'm assuming it was added for the Liquid Television era and it should reflect that a little more. youtube.com/watch?v=lAD6Obi7Cag

I have a request for any drawfriend that would wish to try this.

>You know what?
Why have we never done a picture of Viacom with the three Nick's dressed as Delightful Children?

>The Delightful Girls from down the Studio

TeenNick would be glaring the entire time, while Nick would be beaming at her Father's side. Jr. would be on V's shoulder.

yeah I think so, making everything very meta

Where would MTV be? That's Viacom too.

I'm trying not to ask for much, Viacom has so many channels and I'm trying to at least use the popular ones. Plus, too many characters would be an overload on any artist wishing to do any request.

Every channel has their own city with their own cartoons, etc, every block is a zone from the same city. Nick Jr and Disney Junior have a more suburban-like appearance, but are still part of the main cities.

It makes sense, and it'd be pretty fun.

I mean imagine CN-tan trying to keep clarence under control long enough to film his special uniqueness for a tv-show.

Then there's Disney's iron grip over everybody in the decedent's cartoon and the mickey mouse shorts.

But the real coup is Nick-tan telling the entire cast of Loud House to do something, and they only fall in line because Viacom is standing behind her. Imposingly. WITH JOJO SOUND EFFECTS AROUND HIM.

colored version of MGM tan

Requesting more Jetix!

>"Remember who you are."
Shitty joke, sorry. Good job, user.

then you have stuff like Adventure Time and Star vs the Forces of Evil that literally are movie sets all over the city

Kek, mate. Thats pretty funny and also thanks, man

Has anyone of the industry noticed the Tans yet? I want to see the reaction of the creators.

Someone send some of the comics that we made with Twitter to Hirch, Sugar, Ian or Craig. I want to see the reaction of the people WHO WORK for the companies with what we did here.

Sounds god, our target? Hirsch.

Why? he's the friendly guy that everyone loves and fears.

*Later that day*
>r/Channel Tans
The mind is a terrible thing

If we are going to do this recomend to make very explícit that it is coming from Sup Forums, so tumblr might be afraid.

Shit, I hate this possibility. For one thighs I want the tans to be recognized, get famous, cosplays...on the other side, a lot of people on reddit and Tumblr could ruin it.

With due respect, that would be terrible.

I recommed not doing it

We just have to hope that they don't ruin it. If we never take the risk and don't allow channel tans to spread I fear it will fade away in time. Have faith, let it get popular, see where it goes.

Ok, I changed my mind too, other sites would mess with what we have here.

Which is sad, because if I worked on any of these companies I would love to see it, I could even see some famous artists making fanart.

But yeah, better not do it.

There's no need for this to be a thing outside of Sup Forums

At least not yet

You guys do know /cgl/ is a thing, right?

I'll be honest, I like that hashtag.

I was about to argue "no risk no reward" but then I remembered that disaster that was fandomstuck on tumblr and I'm rethinking. Maybe it's not worth it just yet.

user you are a fucking genius, but i do not think they are interested in this

I hope not, I really don't want to get a cease and desist letter from one of the major media companies. I highly doubt they'll do it on account this is all a parody and we're not making money off of it, but I wouldn't put it past them to try.

Some people don't know what they want until they see it.

Now I don't propose to start spamming 20 threads about channel-tans over there, but maybe, just maybe, if any Sup Forums-/cgl/ crossposters ITT could start to use some /ctg/ reaction images, you can effectively plant the seed of interest

Okay Pokémon GO! is the shit right now so Channel-tans and Pokémon GO, or just Pokémon in general.

>CN: Raichu
>Disney: Ninetails
>Nick: Nidorino

I haven't been on /cgl/ since 1984, you're our last hope, user.

I really need more of this tan, and MTV2...

my phone is shit so i cant play but this my favorite post, does that count?

That sounds like something that would only happen to Nick

i was doing it but i'm busy this sunday so wont be able to complete itsorry

Only if 4kids is Jynx

hope she at least caught a ghost-type for the trouble.

Cute, but don't worry user, there's always next week thank you for trying!

>Fox [as] and Slakoth
is too freaking cute yoo!

>somehow its a Yamask

Humbly requesting pic related with Youtube-tan and any of the main tans (CN, Disney, Nick). but instead of jam Youtube wants to get the copyrights of their shows.

I was thinking the same thing. also reminds me of that episode where Spongebob & Mr Krabs kill a health inspector.

Would there be retirment homes for characters who's shows are done or cancelled with? Or do they just still live in an apartment or something in the city their channels inhabit?

Does YouTube cat talk?


yeah, but shes very mean

she's capable of speech with the voice of Keith David rather than "MEOWMEOW MEOW :3".

Yeah. the older cartoons, those who belong to the era of Hanna-Barbera - probably live in a retirement home, talking about the past and how they used to be famous and popular.

Cute, Flatwood.
Thank you!

From the thumbnail, I thought she was wearing a string bikini and I was like, "So we've finally reached that point."

Kek, does she have a owner or lives in a house by herself with computers or something

She lives in a home with servants (youtubers) to do her hands on work.


So I.... did a thing.

That's pretty good

Like actual youtubers with channels? or just generic henchmen like servants who look alike

Morning /ctg/

Either or would work.

You did an awesome thing. She'll probably never wash that hand ever again.

Fuckin' HBO, you lecherous man/network thing.

Love it mate.

I love you guys.

This ship is pretty cool.

I would help drawing if I had any guide on how to draw them, cartoony never was much my style but I want to get into it, so far I have a problem with the cartoon proportions on the main 3.


>Requesting a character sheet or drawing guide step by step of the main 3 Tans + both [as] tans.

So I will be able to draw my own stuff, and some other requests from anons, instead of just asking the drawfags.

As I promised, here comes more tans playlists.


Oh my gosh! Thank you!



I never thought about a Flash-tan, how would she work? Like have connections to everyone in case they want to use flash animation for a show

>the look on his face while reading
>what he's actually reading

Made me laff, nice drawing, man.

It was at that moment [as] knew that she had to get Jack on her programming block, where she could appreciate him way more than her sister ever could.


Actually fantastic, I was hoping somewhere down the line we'd see Newgrounds-tan hanging out with /f/-tan. Never would have guessed it would happen before Sup Forumsnrad got to hand out with any of the main channel-tans, though.

Just roll with it

mega money?

Very nice Dabble. Its always great to see your stuff.

Could you help me with this?
Just something quick for other artists use for reference.


Never too much money


yeah sure

I'd love to help, but I'm out of town for the next 7+ hours.

>he's hiding a chubby on his left thigh
I see what you did there user.

I wonder what discovery had to do to get that picture of amazon?

It was hard to make a playlist for both [as]-tans here: , I found some instrumental tunes on ExtremeMusic.com to fit their personalities (Fox [as] likes hip-hop mixed with jazz, Stoner [as] is really into electronica/trap/glitch).

Freeform-tan's playlist is just general pop and R'n'B numbers.

Who is she doing this to, though?

What would be Toonami tan?

I think that it would e hard to find the style that usually played on Jonnhy Quest, Fred Flinstons or Space Ghost. I think that Venture Bros might have some similiarities.

Maybe something more instrumental.

Maybe Sup Forums could help?

Jesus christ on a cracker that color combination is atrocious.

>What would be Toonami tan?
Probably techno ones, but I'll do it for the next week, thanks for the sugestion.

Well that would be a thing, I really liked the visual on the pic related logo (changes it color every time).

Be back at 5!

>two pics with Newgrounds-tan and /f/-tan

Christmas came early for me, thanks user!


>"Wait, Disney? With breasts?"
>"Forget it, he's rolling."

Double dubs confirm stoner [as] for cutest spaghetti spewer.


Oh shit sorry.

I was actually talking about Boomerang, not Toonami. That's why I mentioned Jonnhy Quest and Flinstones.

Her music choice looks a little harder.

Toonami probably likes some techno and anime soundtrack.


What has taken your form and drawing abilities, TentacleBot? And can it do something weird with Youtube-tan next, please?

I thought she was smiling in the thumbnail.
I was disappoint.

Who took away her smile?

tentacle, no one understands your fucking art my dude, you're on some fucking salvador dali shit
i still love it

gotcha right here f.am

thanks my dude

Her sisters.

It's ok Boomerang. Papa Turner would understand.

There's some things Disney wants to forget

Alright, you guys have been posting that comic often enough that I have to go clean it up now.

Turner always does his best to make his daughter's happy, when he's not out saving the world with his wacky antics.
Probably Like these, but with less murder and more cartoonish comedy


Also, great work.

Stay based, TentacleBot. Maybe some weird shit with some other lesser used -tans, like Hulu-tan or Netflix-tan?