I have never seen a thread about this movie.
Ferngully thread
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Early 90s eco propaganda movie.
Why are you so angry, user? Pollution is bad.
I just remember Hexxus being surprisingly sexual
He was for the most part, being voiced by Tim Curry and all.
>mfw I lived near a place called Ferntree Gully
> tfw watched Ferngully as a little girl
I think Hexxus gave me some seriously odd kinks
I didn't watched the movie as a child. But I had a pencil case with the characters. The girl elf was pretty hot.
Those lips.
I don't care what you think! You're a graduate student...JUST DO IT!!!
>I have never seen a thread about this movie
That's because it's shitty pussy liberal teacher propaganda
I had to watch this shit no less than a dozen times in grade school, because ever since some asshole parent filed a lawsuit in our district because her 3rd grader's class watched "The Indian in the Cupboard", we were always restricted to watching G-rated movies in class, AND only those that were pre-approved by a parent council. Fern Gully was literally the only movie that didn't solicit complaints for kids under 4th grade, so it was the only movie we could see in class.
Fuck this hollow propaganda and the parents who made everyone else suffer through it.
t. anti-SJW
Missaplied fetishes: the movie
Nah, it's pretty much everything bad about 90s politics in one film
>some asshole parent filed a lawsuit in our district because her 3rd grader's class watched "The Indian in the Cupboard"
What's wrong with Indian in the Cupboard?
Captain Planet VS Hexxus. Who wins?
>Make a propaganda movie
>Make all the good guys obnoxious as fuck
>Make the bad guy Tim Curry
>Give everybody else annoying songs
>Give Tim Curry a song that would give Fred Phelps a boner
Love it when that happens.
Hexxus looked pretty badass too, especially in his final form
Should have given those curvy fairy ladies lewder outfits, then maybe I would have given a shit about the rainforest
You don't understand user. The Tim Curry effect is too strong. They could have made them naked and made Hexxus a balding, fat lumber yard foreman and Tim Curry still have been sexier.
> Where were you when Tim Curry made a literal pile of toxic garbage sexy
I wonder if anyone's ever masturbated to Hexxus
I was pretty embarrassed when I finally realized it took place in Australia. Even though I watched it a ton of times I just never realized it was Australia through most of my childhood. And then one viewing it suddenly hit me.
Come, now, you think that after 20 years that nobody has tugged or schlicked to that sensual megaton voice singing about the most deliciously erotic pollution?
Australia? I thought it was in South America.
Loved this movie as a kid.
Actually I did like Robin Williams' song in this, but Hexxus and the Leveler were cool.
Strangely enough as a kid I never felt any urge to watch the sequels. Whether this was one of the only examples of a kid displaying "good" taste or just disinterest is unknown.
Did the humans even speak in an Australian accent?
I liked Robin William's song.
Me too, I've always assumed it was about the Amazon rainforest.
Maybe there's some hint (i.e. mention of Sydney or something).
>that song that was explicitly about vore
>That song that was explicitly about vore that was performed by the guy that sang Funky Cold Medina
Thank you, I was going to get to that next
I think the blonde guy's ID card lists him as from Sydney.
What made me realize it was Australia were all the Australian animals, though.
How about nearly topless loli fairy?
Nearly topless just isn't as appealing without much of a figure.
>never seen a thread about this movie
How about cosplays?
See, if it was Curry singing about saving the rainforest, that shit would have been saved the very next day.
I beg to differ