Deadpool - Too Soon Infinite #1 stortime

Deadpool - Too Soon Infinite #1 stortime

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>readcomics watermarks
>not reading A Year of Marvels storytimes as example


>Forbush Man

Well then.


I've never heard that rumor.







When does the funny start?

I skip 12-13

>Best girl and her pet are on the cover.
>You literally will never hear the bullet that kills you.
What if you survive the shot but bleed out?






None, this is the border-Waypool.If you want some fun Deadpool, why not storytime Deadpool v Gambit


worst secret identity ever.





Going to be honest, soon as the Clue bit started I only kept reading hoping for something Wolverine related here. I'm out.



skip 28

That duck should be a directive or something.
His wife?

I can't find the funny anywhere.

skip 30-32







>Chuck Norris jokes
>in two thousand sixteen



make sense. Deadpool always use outdate joke


>Storytiming an Infinite comic

You're a moron.




Guys, I can't find it. Somebody please help me.


This is so fucking stupid.




;_; F

Kill me already


>Forbush man is dead yet again


Especially if he does not know about making GIF animations and/or WebMs.

Don't play with Squirrel Girl, Frank.

Is being out of character supposed to be the joke?



Bug had his hands on Deadpools swords in the photo.


Who's fucking house are they in?

This whole comic was anal waste.


You didn't have to say it like that.

I doubt it,

>Adam Ant reference

>I doubt it,
See he knows the house and he's rich since SW2.

>implying he he didn't just break in there and creep around
Knowing what rooms there are don't mean anything. And Deadpool's always been rich.

Squirrel Girl actually looks alright in this. I'm so used to seeing her look like a teenage Canadian lumberjack with the downs, it's refreshing.

OK if it's not DPs then it doesn't belong to any of the cast so we shall name the owner Mohamed Lee.

Storytime of Deadpool : Split second

Why do these two pages share the same panel?

yeah,forgot about file limit

Ever read any of the recent-ish TF2 comics? This is meant to be read like that.

Spider-Ham, how could you! She's happily involved with a Frog!

>think of the memes!

who wrote this and how can I find them and burn down their house?



>squirrel girl

That bottom right panel.