>TFW a gregxpearl episode has been all but confirmed.
TFW a gregxpearl episode has been all but confirmed
>murdercock gets rid of worst gem
Haven't watched this show since that Peridot insulted Amethyst then apologized with an audio message. How much sexual tension did I miss?
I haven't watched this show since the season one finale. How much sexual tension did I miss?
>shipping a heterosexual ship in the dyke show
wew lad
That hand placement
Murdercock going straight for the prize
But that's Lars tho.
Source pls
What episode is this from? I don't remember this.
>all but confirmed
In other words it hasn't been confirmed...
can't wait for this episode
hasn't aired yet
What's the appeal of Pearl
Oedipus complex, probably.
How long until tumblr explodes from "muh gay conversion"? I don't want to miss that.
She's cute
>cute nose
>her neuroticism, jealousy, and other flaws paired with her facial expressions and movements make her a lot of fun to watch
>DeeDee's voice and singing
She's not my waifu, I just love how fucked up she can be.
Source on the image?
I am extremely excited.
What episode is everybody excited for the most this upcoming season?
I'm thinking monster reunion
I thought I had finally lost interest in SU after all these months of being left in the dark, but the prospect of seeing Pearl in a tuxedo has brought my hype levels back up to around 75%.
>Oh god, this fucking monkey is trying to fuse with me
The episodes in the last 2 weeks all look hype as fuck. Alone at sea, Greg the babysitter, too short to ride and of course My Greg all sound really interesting.
Beach City Drift had better be a Super Eurobeat episode
awww Steven is so happy
why must Pearl ruin his happiness?
>Pearl X Greg
I like it
Its what Rose wanted all along
Pearl is crazy
Mr. Greg will be as much of a GregxPearl episode as Maximum Capacity was an GregxAmethyst episode.
What's the episode; if you look in the tag for the episode title I bet it's already started.
No one is that retarded user.
>Turns out Pearl has had angry 'I hate you taking Rose from me' sex with Greg on several occasions, because Pearl's just mental enough to try and experience love with Rose vicariously through Greg.
I think its more like Mr. Greg is as much a GregxPearl episode as Barn Mates was a LapisxPeridot episode
which is to say, its really about building a friendship but some people will read shipping into it
Why would she need to do that?
She has Steven.
Pearl is crazy enough to do both.
>Pearl wants to fuck the same dick that stole her love
Do you think rose would've approved polygamy relationships?
>I'll fuck the essence of her pussy off his dick!
probably, although it depends on the type of polygamy you mean,
>Not Amethyst x Greg
Amethyst is for Peridot, silly user.
Pearl is shit
>not Garnet/Greg
I mean Greg clearly likes em thicc, his next wife is either going to be Jasper or Bismuth
> Pearl literally can't understand that dancing =/= sex for non-gems
> Honestly thought Greg was trying to fuck her right in front of Steven
> ruining the fucking song
So glad Rose is my waifu now, she's the only one who isn't shit (besides Peridot)
> >84349781
It's a singing clone choir in the background.
>Lars x Poil
And here I thought I saw everything.
> Pearl literally can't understand that dancing =/= sex for non-gems
> Honestly thought Greg was trying to fuck her right in front of Steven
Holy shit there is a lot of potential here.
>Booo, you ruined the song!
This. Although Barn Mates could've been a little intentional on Zuke's part. Shrugs.
Pearl, Greg, and Rose (in any order) are my three favourites so I'm hyped that the musical ep will not only have Pearl (which was a given but still) but Greg as well. Whether they're getting along onscreen or not I find their interactions entertaining as hell so I'm even more excited for the songs (I saw the clip muted for the sake of the surprise).
Also extremely glad that we'll never see any awkward thousand-yard stare Gregs ever again, that is unless Lamar gets a future Greg ep (nothing personal but I forgot how great it is to see current Greg drawn well and not just young Greg).
I just really like Tom Scharpling. He's a cool guy.
>it's a Pearl hates Greg episode
We get it, develop the fucking relationship and move on
When have we had a "Pearl hates Greg" episode? Usually it's just a background element in a bigger theme.
I mean We Need to Talk was basically a Pearl hates Greg episode
>pearl has an emotional sad ssequence by herself
>Decides the only way to end her suffering over Greg is to face it head on and dance with Greg
>Greg and Pearl dance and sing a song together
>Pearl and Greg end up being much better friends and her emotional trauma over Rose is all but gone, becoming her prime self again.
>OH GOD, I'm actually loving it!
That was just one element of the "Greg wants to be seen as someone Rose can respect" plot. Pearl was mainly there to get the ball rolling by putting in the idea that Greg is just a phase for Rose.
>Not that stupid
Good one man. I needed the laugh.
No. No. Greg would never Ntr.
I mean she still might not be wrong
being Steven might just end up being a phase depending on how things work out
Just so we're clear: Steven fused with Connie due to being a hybrid right?
Cause if Greg and Pearl accidently fuse while trying to make up...well I don't know what to think.
Confirmation please?
>Greg would never Ntr.
He would he did it to Pearl
Hey he didn't put the murder dick in until Rose said yes. Sure he romanced her but Rose went for it. If she and Pearl were together/whatevs, she wouldn't have had Steven.
> Steven fused with Connie due to being a hybrid right?
No, he fused due to being organic. And no Greg and Pearl won't fuse.
humans and gems can't fuse, otherwise Greg and Rose would have managed it
Steven is a hybrid so he can fuse with other humans, although its unclear if he can actually fuse with other gems
Shit taste.
basically confirmed
"Oh lighten up Pearl, Dad just wants to give you a hug!"
*Hugged like a slut*
>O-ooo-00000h, Stop! Noooo, not me too! WHO'LL CARE FOR STEVEN!?!?
>Super Satan confirms it
Thanks Super Satan
Gran Diablo!
>humans and gems can't fuse, otherwise Greg and Rose would have managed it
Oh, I'd say they managed it alright.
Well you're wrong.
>That he can only fuse with other humans
Steven and Saddie fusion when? I need my chubbly Sadven
HOLY SHIT MAN! If you had been standing up that joke would have hit you right in the face!
He's talking about Steven.
She loopholed shit and made her body more human to fuse with a growing foetus during development.
>pearl and greg become close friends
>she asks him to show her how humans fuse.
I pretty much came out of Maximum Capacity assuming Greg and Amethyst had fucked, and I don't even LIKE that ship
I don't give a shit about jokes, mang.
I know he was talking about Steven, however the mechanics of Steven's conception are not equivalent to the ones of the fusion.
I kinda want this to happen and than for her to go on a date with Lars only to defuse at the end and totally freak him out
>Greg gets LODS OF EMONE
>Takes Pearl and Steven to the big city because he loves his son and wants him to be happy (why the others aren't there is a mystery)
>Tries to get Pearl in on the fun
>She starts having fun until her MUH ROSE THIRST disease kicks in
It was a joke about sex and you're being an dip for taking it so seriously.
oh god, Bizmuth's gonna love Greg!
>Implying they won't fight over the murdercock
why are adult steven and connie so hot
Well you can call me Dip the Grand Dipper of Dippertown, because I'm not in the mindset for jokes.
So what you're saying is that you're severely autistic.
Well man I think you are in the wrong mindset to be discussing dumb children's cartoons
It's my special flavor autism.
Garnet is fine, probably sees things will work out better if she doesn't go, Amethyst and Peridot would have liked to go but Greg didn't invite them because he was worried they would end up getting him killed somehow, Lapis passed because she had already been there and doesn't really like having to be around non Steven people
If I was in an appropriate mindset, I wouldn't be on this site right now to be honest.