ITT: Great scenes from over the hill writers/artist

I'll start. Pic related.

>Neal Adams
>over the hill
You've already fucked it up

>fixingspecterprolapsedsphincter.jpeg he making it (whatever it is) fuck itself?

It's a boom tube

Is that an Alaskan Bull Worm?

The best part is when Darkseid sees this and just goes home.

That was a thing of fucking beauty.

Which made for an awesome reaction image, btw.

>ending of Dark Knight III #5

We need to stop Adams.

I met Neal Adams at a convention a couple of weeks. I almost expected him to act as bizarrely as he writes.

That was one of the best Superman stories ever though. The ending of issue #5, the "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" scene from issue #6, Darkseid MAD AS FUCK when Superman crushes his cube, and Superman turning the boom tube inside out are all among the best scenes I've ever seen in a Superman comic.

What was he like?

I didn't get to talk to him much because he was mostly busy signing stuff for people, but he was very excited, like he was actually happy to be there and meet all of his fans. It was kinda neat, even with his agent and helpers running around shouting about the deals you could get for his prints.

Reminds me of this

Fukkin saved

Adams is one of those people that I only ever see praise for from other pros. He was a major voice for creator's rights as early as the 70's and he helped a number of young guys break into the industry like Frank Miller and John Byrne

It's always good to see people like that. The guys that have always just been good for their industry and never get tired of what they're doing

I know the original writers were Jewish, but did we really need to have Superman preforming a circumcision?

Wasn't he the reason that comic award convention got canceled, because he kept trying to make it about artist rights and people slowly started joining him so they just gave up? I mean I'm obviously happy it happened, but that seems like a pretty dick move to me.

Yeah his enthusiasm at his age his nice to see. Especially after seeing how jaded and bitter people form the generation before him ended up, like Gil Kane

Nice dubs but are you for reals or are you being ironic?

I can't tell.

Can you even invert a...WAT.
Goddamn if this isn't my reaction too.

Those are legit badass shit. That's how Superman SHOULD be written.

Not that user but while it might not have been a great story it was full of great moments. Neal just din't know how to string them together.

Cool I liked it too

Just making sure if there somebody else out there who enjoyed the book

Didn't like the dirty pencil lines Adams did.

It looked like a sketch that got inked over without being cleaned up (in fact I'm pretty sure that's literally what it was).

Why doesn't Darkseid wear a cape more often?

Mark Waid's writing has really gone in the dumps since he left DC (and was dwindling even back there near the end of it), but I think everyone fucking loves this moment.

The buildup and internal monologue in Daredevil's head really sold this so well.

is his art supposed to look like jojo?

Holy shit, what happens next?

Seems like a swell guy, shame I can't go to con much. I feel like I should thank him for these panels . Just so rare to derive simple joy from characters and comics these days.
Never thought the day would come where the incredulity of Darkseid of all people would make me smile.

>Superman explains male-to-female sex operation to Darkseid

>making Superman himself

Read it and just prepare for a whole load of fuck

What volume is Ikari from if I got this in trade?

Who's on art here?

Just finished reading it and glad I did.

Daredevil gets his ass kicked. The next few issues are him now afraid of the guy.

Chris Samnee. Some of his best work.

10/10 saved

>Supes prolapsed a boom tube

Other way around.

>radar sense, which is practically useless in the rain

... isn't that when it is by far the most potent, since there are so many small "pings" from the water? That the detail level of his radar sense goes up so high that he can see things in super high detail?

At least in the movie it was