Never Forget

>Never Forget
Sup Forums kino

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egh go back to Sup Forums with your anime you fucking weeaboo


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This is End of Evangelion for modern audiences.

You got the obscurity, but there wasn't enough mundane sadness and anti-humour.

This was made entirely by Sup Forums not a single person.

It needs more fanart tho.

Sup Forums's first animation. Did Sup Forums ever finish their video game?

No, but they sure as fuck have shitton of song covers done.

Bulletproofproof bullets with swords is hands down the best part. Never forget.


La Lutte du Comrade II when
I want more bullet brothers

Kino is getting

Wait, what?

someone make a 15fps version

Good job, Sup Forums.

is this an hd remake?

i should have added this whole animation

Oh fuck. Oh Shit

Don't be.
I feel like it was a collosal waste of time up to this point.

And there were many errors during rendering. Most important beign effect layer stopping after 20 seconds.

Still a good remake, just finish it, use the whole original soundtrack instead of Roundabout

The best part about all of this could be the reinterpretations anons make

Kino as fuck.
I want to watch your version of the omega eye.

it's like you interpreted someone's description of the original. it's filtered through two people's visions.

this is true art.

I feel like we're reaching equilibrium. I don't know what that is or does, but we're reaching it.

Wasent this meant to be at 15fps


that is the best thing ever.
your editing and animation skills are fucking insane.

Why is Sup Forums pronounced "cuo" in moon?