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How's Your Webcomic? /hyw/ #294
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Scrub Authors GOODIE Bag
Here’s a short list of sites that any new webcomic artist or writer will find handy:
>*-Struggling to find that perfect FONT? Create your own using this link;
>*-Don’t forget to brush up on that ANATOMY:
>*-What’s a list without some reference STOCK IMAGES?
>*-Here's a big fat compilation of CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCE:
>*-Finally, here are some links to get a rough WEBSITE started up:
Easy to use tumblr webcomic theme:
Do’s and Don’ts for starting a site:
>*-Here’s the contact sheet if anyone wants to put information down, like their site and webcomic:
>*-We also got a SKYPE CHAT room going on,
To join the chat, seek out 'starlinemike' or 'scribblehatch' and they'll add you in.
>*-We also got a DISCORD CHAT going on,
Ask for an invite in the thread.
>Wise words from John Cleese:
>Invisible Ink:
>Paper Wings
>Fonts for your webcomic on Blambot:
>Writing Resources:
>Guide to promoting your comic:
Reposting my update from yesterday in case anyone missed it. What do you guys think?
Breaking my wrist over here with all this iterative drawing - but I'm getting noticeably better the more I keep this up. I'm hoping to do 28 sets of heads a day from front and side this month. That's about 800 heads of each this month; hopefully that's enough to help me polish my style up very fast.
are youn only making front and profiles?
I'll be switching it up each day with additional other tasks, yeah - but every day will have those heads as well.
Going to spend the day coloring the last 4 pages of my current storyarc, but lately I've been trying to dust off some old stories and characters for convention purposes.
hope you'r making also other angles because repeating the same pattern again and again without the concept of a tridimensional form can be become symbol drawing
Ah user, your studiousness is an inspiration. Keep at it!
Gotta second this guy: You'd probably be better off animating unique head rotations or something (so let them look up in the middle, down in the middle, lead with the top and then the bottom, maybe get a back view of a head turn).
Well, yes, as I wrote: additional tasks. I also intend to try and improve my waists, hands, feet, arms, legs, and flexibility.
But even though I'll be also doing those things, I will every day commit to 28 front and side heads.
i think her eyes are mismatched in the second panel. but i said that yesterday
Working on a character redesign for the comic. He started out as a hoop guy with a skull head, but didn't think it worked too well. I think now I'm going for more of a junkyard guy who's collecting junk in this cave.
I suppose I could repost, having gotten in at the end of the last thread, but really the last two comics were kind of a pointless diversion that I almost skipped
Wip from end of last thread.
AEON, the Arcane, Esoteric, and Occult Neutralization force. In 1945, when it became clear that German Furor's research into the Occult was a legitimate threat after the sudden and suspicious death of FDR, the OSS reach out to the Allied forces to assemble a team and put a stop to it. With the assistance of the French DST, Brittan's MI5, and the Russian MGB, the Wehrmacht never got the boost from the Nazi magic.
Fast forward to the end of the war, the UN is established and the OSS, along with members from the aforementioned Intelligence Agencies got together and formed AEON, and with the alliance of various cults and covens of the world, we keep Magic out of the hands of dangerous people and out of any countries scientists and armed forces.
Doing some shit with fellow artists. I fucked up werewolf guy, but I will re do him on another sheet later.
I kinda want to look up Scooby Doo covers to study then and try to replicate the vibe.
Fuck, sorry about that. The bigger took the picture sideways.
>insert doggie-style joke.
Cleaned it up a bit because I was bored, would have been a lot easier had you not taken it with a phone and with your shadow over it... and not cleaning your lineart.
You shouldn't have. You really went out of your way for it. Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it.
It took like a few minutes, had you a real scan it would have been like a minute.
One thing is that the head of the wolfguy is a little off, for it to be as far to the side as it it, the head should be twisted more towards the camera if you understand what I mean.
an easier way to solve both issues would be to grab the eyes and pull them forward. more cranium, less snout.
eagerly awaiting more of this
also just cause i love to stimulate conversation, how is everyones comic doing in terms of fans? getting more? losing fans? do you even care?
me, I've got 1 fan, he's a cool guy
Compared to the all-time high in mid 2014, we've lost around 10% of our readers. But the number of Patreon supporters is almost set in stone at a really high level.
Thanks, I'll see what can I do.
Oh man, I always feel like a dick when people are trying to help me out in a thread but I have to be off to do stuff IRL; sorry about that everyone.
>The guys they're visiting are basically Normans, right?
Basically yes; I love the Norman Invasion or Anarchy-era knight, I was generally looking at 1100's and early 1200's equipment.
Like I said, I don't mind THAT much if a piece if equipment is too modern for the time period I'm basing it on. This comic's got a High Middle Ages civilization living RIGHT NEXT to an Iron Age Celtic civilization.
Something like the Nasal Helm was what I was initially going for but that left the squishy eyes too exposed. The Kettle Helm solves the exposed eyes problem so I COULD go for that; in that arc he has a helmet made to accommodate his cartoon frog face. Even if the Kettle Helm wasn't invented until the 1300's, they didn't have talking frog knight in the 1100's either.
You can do, user. We believe in you!
I'm planning to have em make a cameo during the "Scandinavian Folklore" story arc
Yeah; had I drawn him with a more "realistic" frog-face, the helmet would have been completely different. Alas, he's a VERY cartoony frog, so what his main concern would be to protect those eyes. Again, it'll depend on how much I decide practicality is important (which I tend to think is very important for characters who don't have magic powers)
Long time no see. It's hard to tell. I think I have at least 30 people giving a shit about my work. Almost certainly not yet 60 though.
I'm not complaining, though. I'm slow as shit, not terribly engaged with whatever communities there are for this stuff, and making something kind of niche anyway. For all that, I'm surprised I've done so well.
Oh, and one last thing
>I can't into Richards.
Don't say tha1, CGGuy! You can very much into Richards!
nothin like a loyal fanbase
yeah sometimes i try to just lurk, also i hear you, I feel bad sometimes asking for readers because i really don't read to many comics myself, just the ones i really like
i'm getting attention from you guys at least, and that feels great
also i fucking adored this page, on like, three levels. at least. three.
thanks dude
>implying I have any fans left to lose
Comicfury tells me I've got 29 subscribers, and I usually get 30-40 uniques on updates, so I figure there are about 35 consistent readers. I just need to grow that figure by a factor of twelve and I might be able to pay my caffeine addiction with the patreon moneys, ha ha.
I suppose I can't complain, since I've never bothered trying to attract readers. Figured I should have a product worth advertising first, and I'm having a hell of a time putting a proper website together. Probably just being a coward - if I actually get to the point of trying to tell the world, I might just discover that even if they knew about it they still wouldn't like it.
Do you already have a patreon? My stats are in the same ballpark.
Nah, I'm judging by the reported readership and Patreon income of various posters here. Also I can't into math, that should've said "by a factor of fifty". Oops.
I have a little over 550 followers on my tumblr, and actual pages get about 35 to 80 notes each (updates with multiple pages tend to be in the 100 - 135 range.) I don't have any kind of tracking so I don't know how many "regulars" I have, but I'd guess about 30.
I tend to have always a good 40-50.
They never comment, and they still check up even thought I said updates aren't coming until wednessday.
It's a little weird, but I'm cool with it.
What's your comic?
About to hit 40 followers on Tapastic and my new pages average around 40 views. Get 2-3 new followers with each update, so pretty pleased so far, especially since what I got so far is kinda shit.
Cute comic you got there, by the way. Reminds me of Regular Show's humor.
Carrion Girls.
ive got about 246 tumblr followers for mine and most my pages get about 25 notes an average now so thats probably my amount of regs
Damn, dude. You deserve way more readers. I've got you linked on my site in a "comics we like" section of the about page but it only helps so much.
Well like I said, I'm not complaining. It's my own dang fault for not marketing it.
I really appreciate that though man. I'd link you back, but, y'know, the whole "can't get around to doing a proper site". I've been meaning to add a link to The Green Knight since february.
Really great, actually. Thanks to Reddit I broke multiple single-day records for my site yesterday and prior to that I had a very good surge in growth thanks to a cameo appearance in a more popular comic.
Things are looking up!
I've always felt like 'fame can wait, i can be popular someday even after the comic is finished'
and now i'm just like... wait, can that happen? does that ever happen? it's not as much fun surely not being able to be part of the now, and anticipating updates with other fans
You gotta accept you may never be popular at all... making has to be more than half of the reward.
fame is the wrong word. i just want interest, and a lot of people enjoying it.
I made this what do you thhink?
awww his bird wife is dead..
that watercolor looks like it was fun to do
Liking the images. Kind of hard to tell what's happening. Curious to see more.
Looks cute and potentially interesting, but I think you could polish up your art/paneling.
It took me a while to realize the bird guy was looking towards the back seat because the background in that panel was so messy. Additionally, I think a panel showing bird dude stopping the car on the road could help improve clarity, because right now that last panel kinda comes out of nowhere.
A few days ago I pitched a "webcomic" that was basically the story of humanity's First Contact with an alien intelligence told through a series of fake screenshots from various real life websites. In that time I've been developing the idea and would like some input.
First and foremost, I can't think of a good title. Right now all I'be got is "First Contact", which is kinda lame and shares an unfortunate similarity to an existing Star Trek movie. Any ideas?
Secondly I've been playing with different ideas for the aliens themselves.
The first idea is a species that shares a lot of surface similarities to humanity, morphologically and societally. Their most prosperous culture has a structure vaguely similar to democracy, there are rough parallels in terms of technology, entertainment, social structure, etc. one of the major differences is that their olfactory senses are much, MUCH more powerful than humans', which leaks into their culture and even language. Due to their advancements in technology (roughly 400 years ahead of our own), their main source of entertainment and global communication is something similar to the matrix; a sort of neurological virtual reality hook up where almost anything is possible called the "Dream". The Dream, however, is heavily regulated due to it's extremely addictive nature.
The second species is much less human. They are born into a strict caste system that has both morphological and social ramifications. Soldiers are born soldiers, workers are born workers, etc. they're also hermaphrodites, meaning any individual can get any other individual pregnant. As they evolved as herbivores, their society is very heavily agricultural, and wars are far less frequent. Parents do not raise their own young; once born, a child is raised by their community. Given that they evolved on a tidally locked planet, their main sensory organ detects infrared light, although they do have weak eyes that can see in the visible spectrum.
first contact / contact is totally overused, even star trek aside.
you should just make it something you can believably see the media adopting. something stupid like all the 'gates' and other bullshit they invent to sell clicks. some kind of dumb catchy abbreviation .. invayysion or something.
why would anyone with a matrix bother to explore other planets? i guess it would have to be regulated for them to bother doing anything else.
a heavily agriculturally-focused race would have even less excuse to visit other planets. and i take it you mean the DARK side of a tidally locked planet.
>wars are far less frequent
How do you figure? Herbivores can be plenty aggressive, and they'd still have all the reasons humans have for waging wars. If you can't slaughter your livestock and eat 'em in a year with a bad harvest, your only option is to trade or fight for the neighboring tribes' harvest.
Like I said, it's very heavily regulated to prevent society from imploding. You can only use it for a certain amount of time a day, so peoe still have jobs and lives outside of the Dream.
Both species, I've decided, have one thing in common: their technology has advanced to the point where they've essentially "cured" aging, so child-bearing is effectively outlawed, or at the very least, very heavily curbed. One of the reasons the aliens want to explore other planets is to colonize and expand, giving the underclass a right to have children. At a later point in the story, there will be an "arc" where the aliens try to negotiate a right to build small settlements on earth for exactly that purpose.
Yeah, you're probably right. I'm not sure why I assumed herbivores would be less violent.
The Matrix, even an addictive one, is done to death. Just to start.
If you want a fresh spin, make totally fabricated realities implausible and cartoonish. You want a "real" experience, you want something recorded by someone living that experience.
You can get weirder with this by allowing a "game" form where people "pilot" each other around the real world, with the vessels being compensated in cash.
Even if you don't do that, you can imagine what stars in this new media would do. Porn, crazy sport shit normal people can't do, snuff films (either as the killer or the victim).
And your messy complication could be the personalities of the recorders vaguely infecting those of the viewers. You associate the smell of mothballs with some bad shit that happened to you as a kid? Now so do fifty other people.
This would feed better into a story of alien contact. They crave our ersatz experiences, but reactionaries are against the memetic dilution of their own culture. In fact, you can totally forgo physical contact with the aliens able to offer fucked up compensations to people willing to live as entertainers. Physical upgrades or whatever.
Your social media attention whores would be ideal candidates to do fucked up shit for attention, and while the reader would only see our side of it, you'll have better opportunities for thematic parallelism.
>Compared to the all-time high in mid 2014, we've lost around 10% of our readers
Why do you think that is?
my memory's a bit fuzzy but I think that's when I quit reading it because it got all politically reprehensible in ways I couldn't continue to look the other way about.. lot of america-bashing as I recall..
I don't use Comic Fury and I keep forgetting when your site updates so I check a couple times a week. I really want word of your comic to get out there. I'm doing my part, for whatever it's worth.
This is a pretty good idea.
You could even have the aliens "pay" in sims. At first it seem like they're from the home world, but it turns out the sims are from other worlds they've already ruined.
thanks! I'll correct thse for my next strip, my aim is to tell these stories in the less amount of panels
>You want a "real" experience, you want something recorded by someone living that experience
Strange Days. 1995. Kathryn Bigelow.
You could call the phenomenon "life-casting" or something similar.
Also Being John Malcovich and a handful of others I'm sure. Everything's been done, but some things are done less than others or dovetail better with this or that.
As far as I know, it hasn't been mashed up with Childhood's End just yet.
Awright! Did some fixings based on what was suggested on the last thread. I would appreciate another revision.
Alternate version just for fun :^)
I was thinking along the lines of calling the aliens "watchers" or "followers." Sounds like a cliche scifi alien name, but it's also sort of a social media thing.
"Life-casting" is good, but maybe emphasizes live broadcasting or streaming connotations and downplays the recorded and revisited bits. Which you might or might not want, depending on your handling.
new page and im going to add shading to every page now with hopes it makes the art look less flat to me.
ohnoes, carless whispers sink shipspers.
Sasha's wolf legs still look kind of.. detached from her waist, but it's fine
thanks bro
no apostrophe, just hears.
an* angsty
she pounds on the door with the thumb side of her hand? that's..awkward
should probably say 'well-loved', one doesn't generally call oneself 'loved'
struggling with A lame family comma
led her to*
raccoon girl's* trusty amigo
also that word bubble is a bit hard to read.. the text seems a little thick, even compared to the smaller word bubble in the last panel which is easier to read
that said, this is fuuucking hilarious. i love the terrible underwear and long gloves combo
>a angsty
>she pounds on the door with the thumb side of her hand? that's..awkward
No she doesn't. It's really obvious she's rapping it with the back of her hand/knuckles. Are you retarded? Or blind?
Oh wait, you're coldfusion. So yes.
oh jeez i normally knock with the back of my hands index finger knuckle so thats what i was trying to show but im guessing other people dont do that now haha
but thanks for the spell/grammar check though!
Are your humans supposed to have 5 fingers or 4, it changes with each panel
i see it not. Usually when you have a bunch of ocean-wave lines surrounding a spot, to me that implies you're looking down at the impact site. it didn't help that I couldn't see the angle of the door. What i would do is draw motion-lines on the right side of the hand
i see it now*
4 but some hand positions dont look right with 4 so i use 5, its a habit i picked up just switching between the two but i will stick with 5 for future pages
Is every person in this thread Coldfusion to you? Geeze.
i edited everything and even changed the fingers to be consistent im hoping there isnt any other mistakes i missed
You are correct that's totally fine way to knock
1. apostrophe before cause , no apostrophe in intros
4. with _a_ lame family
damn im full of mistakes today
well you're from foreign lands, right? you have an excuse. the flipside is your food tastes better.
im from the uk my grammar just sucks
oh god. so that food thing isnt even true. i'm sorry.
that explains why you were able to capture zeki's cold unfeeling parents so perfectly
Didn't see a sketchbook thread. Made some cat faces, I've been dealing with a strange art depression where drawing feels like a chore, now.
What does Sup Forums think of my little graphic design doodles on the left side?
Have a Tumblr if anyone wants it.
not exactly the right thread for it, but.. meh. the standing-up kitty is cute.
that's a sad kinda depression. why does it feel hard? because the results are certainly coming out.. and this is pencil so it doesn't look like you're wasting a lot.
Should have said "post your art" thread.
Made a thread on /ic/ a month ago. There are more responses I saved, but basically, I took a break for a while. Then I just felt like drawing kitties on night during my security guard shift. So I did.
It wasn't art block, for me... drawing just got tedious for me for a bit.
Managed to finish and properly scan this one. I changed the Werewolf head, but something still feels off.
I decided to keep the eyes simple so it doesn't contrast with his human form, but I think that's what's bugging me.
I'll try to find new alternatives in the future.
>I've been meaning to add a link to The Green Knight since february.
Heh, I've been working on doing the same for your but these past couple of months have been insane for me with job interviews and now preparing to go to the UK. I actually do feel guilty for not getting it done sooner after the help you gave me in writing the end of the first arc
You get about the same amount of views I get too, and I'm also TERRIBLE with Marketing. I used to get almost 200 with each update back when I was going back and forth between /hyw/, my site, and tumblr; but I haven't had the time to do ANYTHING for the latter.
Once I start this new job in the UK I hope my life will be a lot more stable and I'll be better able to balance work, social life, and comic.
Man, I feel depressed when I'm NOT drawing or writing. It the only hobby I have that feels fulfilling.
The more by buffer shrinks, the more anxious I get.
The UK gave us Gordon Ramsey, so the food can't be that bad...
His neck is too short. That's what's bugging you.
Also, the demon on the right is EXTREMELY static compared to everyone else and ruins the composition.
>Also, the demon on the right is EXTREMELY static compared to everyone else and ruins the composition.
Yesss! That's another thing that was bugging me. I wanted an IDGAF vibe with her, but that didn't come out very well. I can try again, why not.
As for the neck, I wanted to make him like he's cowering in fear, but that's another thing lost from brain to hand, so I can try to see if I can salvage it.
It's still a prototype cover, not final, but I want to iron all this shit while I can. Thanks a bunch!
put this up last thread, wasn't sure if many people got to see it, so here I am again. don't mind me~