Who ya got senpai

Who ya got senpai

its basically red batman

None really. No gotham = no joker.
Newyork is a shithole but is not gotham

Isn't Gotham based off of NYC though?
Architecture-wise at least.

Why is Joker even called Batman's arch nemesis? Two face and Ra's always seemed more or just as prominent.

I thought Gotham was in Jersey though. Makes sense as Jersey is a fucking shit hole.

Yeah Daredevil seems about right


Gotham is a city in new jersey. architecture wise gotham is gotham, a city founded by insane people, over damned land with buildings made to turn people crazy and shit

It doesn't matter Punisher would have killed him years ago.

Gotham is most definitely based on NYC as it used to be one of Manhattan's old nicknames.

Moonknight, Daredevil, or Wolverine

Daredevil is one of the most "batman-like" characters in the Marvel universe but I'm not seeing why Joker would glom to Daredevil. The whole "why don't you just kill the Joker" meme wouldn't work with Daredevil because he'd just kill the Joker.

One of the reasons Joker vs Batman works so well is that they're natural opposites. Maybe Joker and Punisher would be good enemies but eventually Punisher would just kill him.

>The whole "why don't you just kill the Joker" meme wouldn't work with Daredevil because he'd just kill the Joker.
No he would not. Both characters are fucking catholic for fucks sake.

>killing supervillians

Would he kill the Joker? I thought he wasn't quite as all anal about not killing as other heroes can be but he doesn't actually do it.
He doesn't go out of his way because its bullshit but it's not like he'd pass up a clear shot, especially if one had a hard on for tormenting him.

The thing that gets to me is when casuals go on and on about how Bats and Joker need each other, that they complete each other and can't exist without each other, etc.

I have no doubt Joker believes this, but the opposite isn't true: Batman is just fine without him.


Daredevil is along with spiderman one of the few big heroes of marvel that doesnt really do the killing thing

Daredevil probably since Matt is a firm believer in the system like Batman.

Plenty of Marvel characters that would end him just because.

Punisher, Wolverine, etc...

Doctor Strange

It's based off of New York. The only thing it takes from Jersey is the accent

it is canonically located in New Jersey, though

The punisher doesnt kill supervillians. And when he does they just comeback.

And he'd survive every time, because he sells.

Houston is the new Gotham as it's the only city left that's both huge, filled with crime/corruption, grimy, and not ruined by rich hipsters.

To be honest people talk like the whole "non killing" thing is purely moral, and in universe for many characters it is. In actuality it's just really practical. Nobody wants to have to recreate a heroes rouges gallery every few years because the hero said fuck it and killed em off.

>And when he does they just comeback

They make quips after they die?

What does the Joker do when Matt's secret identity gets outed?

Mail him tons of Dragon Dildos.

Actually kinda. The punisher has just killed minions and generic mob guys

Personally I think it would be Capt. America/Steve Rogers.

> Has his own code of conduct
> Incorruptible (when not mind controlled or whammied in aome way, shape, or form)
> Doesn't kill unless the situation is dire enough to force him to do so

I feel like the Joker would try to sort and degrade Capt. as much as he could, try to ruin his sense of faith in his fellow man, and just fick with him a ton, if for nothing else than what the symbol of Capt. America is for both people around him and to Steve himself.

And naturally he would call himself Benedict Arnold! maybe the name could be workshopped some

> Doesn't kill unless the situation is dire enough to force him to do so
The fact that he kills would pull the Joker away, sort of why he doesn't mess with Superman because Superman wouldn't really be that emotionally affected by taking a life since he's done that before when the stakes are high enough.

Easily the Punisher. The idea of setting those two against each other is scary.

Even when Matt does kill the Joker, it's not like the Hand wouldn't just bring him back for poorly defined reasons.

I personally feel like Elektra would probably kill him and not Matt. He just seems the type that would rub her the wrong way, and since Stick isn't really around anymore. . .

Whoever it is Joker would be more like his Silver/Early Bronze Age version and focus more on kooky capers than mass murder.

>why he doesn't mess with Superman because Superman wouldn't really be that emotionally affected by taking a life

In that case it would be Spiderman.

Spider-Man is too easy and he has enough villains.

I think a better way to do it is to give Joker to someone who doesn't have a lot of real villains.

Plus, Spider-Man has too much fun being himself for Joker to really want to mess with him.

Spider-Man breaks down a lot and has a sense of humor about himself, that's like the opposite of what Joker wants to work with.

He said it himself, that was just easy mode to him.

There's also the fact that Injustice Superman has a very different personality compared to other incarnations of superman, he can't cope with his feelings of alienation and loneliness as well as normal superman so he just cracks down and becomes overprotective instead of understanding his powerlessness and when the people he expects to worship and love him turn on him he just goes full Plutonian.

That good ol Parker luck!

>The whole "why don't you just kill the Joker" meme wouldn't work with Daredevil because he'd just kill the Joker.


>Moon Knight

RIP Jokester.

Punisher vs The Joker in a 12 issue mini-series ending with the world's most beautiful Frankining the world will ever see.

user, if Daredevil would easily kill the Joker, then he would've killed Bullseye a long time ago, and without the horseshit about demon possession.

Did you forget how much Joker hated dealing with Terry?

This, the joker wouldn't stand someone that's funnier than him.

Alternate universe.

When's the last time ol' Punpun killed an actual villain? Not a nameless mook or crimeboss, a fucking villain.

Gotham gets based off of different cities depending on who's writing.

Some folks say it's like the seedier parts of New York, others say it's like Chicago, or Vegas or Atlantic City.


He would have fixated on him for exactly thirty seconds through a scope of high powered sniper rifle when he murdered him for his crimes against humanity.

Captain America (Joker would want to test his righteousness and try to break it)
Daredevil (similar to Batman)
Scarlet Witch (Joker is basically a street level Chthon)

Gotham originally is just NYC at night and Metropolis is NYC during the day. Obviously overtime time that idea evolved into them being totally different cities. The only real world equivalent is Chicago for proximity per rough estimated mileage traveled between the two cities, or what have you.

>The only real world equivalent is Chicago for proximity per rough estimated mileage traveled between the two cities, or what have you.

Gotham and Metropolis are right next to each other.

Hey fuck you Jersey is cool. We've got Christie, Wawa and a bunch of weird shit.


It may seem a bit out of left field, but I say Man-Thing. Think about it for a minute.

Isn't moon knight basically crazy marvel batman?
A crazy villain could work as a good foil if done well.

>Kill Joker
lmao maybe if Joker changed his name to "Insignificant Gangster 1536"


Like he killed the Kingpin?

The Joker would be killed in a week by the Punisher in the MU.

>Joker's sole goal is to make Frank smile, just once
It's perfect.

Why do all Punisher fans act like edgy 14 year olds?

>The whole "why don't you just kill the Joker" meme wouldn't work with Daredevil because he'd just kill the Joker.

Correction- he'd try and fail to kill the Joker.

What if joker got hit with the goblin serum?

no Batman no Joker
he'd be the greatest hero Marvel Universe would ever know

Capt America

he stands for justice, the system, and everything optimistic. Generally believes people should be tried for a crime and not just killed.

>Moon Knight
Who comes up with these retarded questions?

>The fact that he kills would pull the Joker away
Why? Cap has failed to kill many supervillains before. He'd never be able to kill Joker unless it was a big event or something.

Wrong board, Sup Forums is other way.

This is only man who knows what's up.

If you go for Secret Wars (and technically the end of Time Runs Out) he does end up killing plenty of villains, but I'm not sure if his Last Days mini retconned that.

-the scope of which then squirts water into Frank's eye, and the barrel of which emits a colorful flag bearing the words "Out of Order".


They would be former partners in the circus fo crime (instead of Eliot Franklin, the CLown)

Are you people so autistic that you think the "not killing Joker" thing is the main point of the Batman/Joker dynamic?

Why are you trying to trick people? He just paralyzed him.

Some edgelords are just too anal about Bit Two not killing marketable characters that bring millions.

Especially hilarious to see Punisher fans who think he's right and gets shit done, when Kingpin is still alive. At least Daredevil dismantled his empire.

Why do you presume xir is a man?

Yes, surely this is exactly what Matt was going for.

What a waste of trips.

Why not? If he wanted to kill him why didn't he just climb down there and do it?


Because at that time he was in the heat of the moment.

He had perfect opportunity and all the motivation to kill him. Later on he couldn't have killed him without making himself a fugitive like Punisher.

>or Wolverine

Welp that rivalry didn't last long

What about Detroit?

Hire goons/henchmen that are either deaf and/or mute.

>ive never read the Punisher: the post



Go to bed, Snyder.

He would probably be D-Grade Spider-Man villain. People in Marvel Universe aren't as stupid as in DC.

Isn't Detroit pretty depopulated? Don't think its big enough anymore.

I've got the perfect answer
>Takes himself way too seriously
>Has a range of cohorts for Joker to put through the ringer
>Very easy to mock


Oh fuck you this caught me really off guard.

A Reformed Purple Man

joker did ... the thing ... because he want to play ... a game with batman
fight with some body... that got the same level of madness ... is so much fun
you knows ?

Oh, but man, they would come up with a wide range of off the wall batshit crazy ideas for new ones to keep up with the "Hollywood" pace.

Dunno how Batman and Spiderman got there without murder.

They literally called it "New York" in early stories before switching to "Gotham". Gotham is New York at night; Metropolis is New York in the daytime.


Instead of trying to get Batman to kill him, his goal is to trick Punisher into killing innocents

Weird NJ

>the Statue of Justice isn't holding a sword and scale in that picture

I always heard that Gotham was Chicago...

Anyway, Punisher seems to make sense at first but now when you consider a Punisher story generally ends when he kills the villain, making Joker kind of pointless

Daredevil and Moon Knight would be the easy answers, but the relationship would have to change in some way

Batman and Joker is a great combination because they are polar opposites in many ways.....Daredevil is not a humorless uptight guy though, and Moon Knight has no problem gutting a motherfucker or two

So, how would you change Joker do contrast them the same way he does Batman?