Just saw this and I really enjoyed it. How'd you guys like it?
Inb4 >posting on an iphone
Just saw this and I really enjoyed it. How'd you guys like it?
Inb4 >posting on an iphone
I really loved it. Do you have favorite parts or episodes you want to discuss? Any questions or theories you want to share?
Notable problem problem is some of the Bluray releases (from Australia) are a bit washed out for color, while some of the iTunes episodes are too dark. But that's a technical thing.
Also I guess the sound track is coming out soon, so great!
>posting on iphone
Am I'm missing something?
was good
>Top-tier music
>Very little filler and a concrete beginning and end
>Great characters that managed to be fleshed out really well in two hours (especially the Woodsman)
>Those backgrounds
>That classic Americana setting the show was going for
10/10 mini-series
So did anyone ever figure out the Black Turtles
No solid evidence here, but my guess for them was they were random pieces of corruption / poison crawling around in the Unknown. This is based on the dog eating one in the early on and becoming hideous. (Though we don't know if he began aggressive or angry precisely, just... really intense. Or am I not remembering that scene well enough?)
The fact that Auntie Whispers could consume them harmlessly (at least to her mental state) is actually a subtle clue to her being good. It seems to perhaps have made her ugly and unsightly, but perhaps it is telling of her fortitude that she can just straight up eat them. Though why she eats them is another question, to which I can only offer three suggestions: 1) She likes the taste because they are kinda like junk food. 2) She eats them to keep them out of the land and infecting other beings. In might be that she does despite this knowing consuming them will make her further hideous.
Only filename you can have when posting from an iPhone is "image.jpg". Basically the mark of a summerposter.
I always kind of figured they were related to the Beast somehow, but there's nothing concrete to relate them except the shared feature of brightly glowing eyes.
Beast's Song was 10/10 3spook5me tho.
Basically sums up the appeal of becoming an undead of the D&D sort.
I just binged watched this series today and read the comics, they're excellent
It was cheated at the Emmys. Sure it won best animated show but it should've been up for best miniseries as well. I don't think it would've won because it's a cartoon but 1) It was better than Olive Kitteridge and 2) goddammit, it deserved the nomination.
The character anatomy kinda reeks of "calarts" but it was an enjoyable watch. I liked the background art more than everything else to be perfectly honest.
>Only posting the first half of Come Wayward Souls
maximum comfy, just rewatched it because it's so damn hot and i miss the fall. wish there could somehow be more without running the show into the ground, maybe the creator can return to the setting one day.
I interpreted this comic to mean that the turtles were made out of the Edelwood oil. Or maybe it dripped on a passing turtle, but I don't think that's it.
I'm not sure what that means though. Like why are they turtles and what do they do?
I think of Auntie Whispers as a good user of dark magic. Like she gets power from the turtles.
>there's another half
Fuck me, I didn't know.
I see a lot of stuff online about how The Unknown is purgatory, but I'm not totally into that theory. Sure, they got there when they had a near-death experience, but I think there's more than just "it's purgatory". I think it's the place where things go when they're forgotten completely. Sort of like an afterlife of ideas.
1. In Tome of the Unknown the narrator says it's "where long-forgotten stories are revealed to those who travel through the wood". And the Tome itself contains "all that hath ever been forgotten".
2. Pat McHale said:
>[The purgatory interpretation] makes sense to me. But maybe it's not only about life and death, maybe it's also about reality versus fantasy, and about dreams versus wakefulness. The Unknown is literally the unknown. There are stories that were once told, and are gone forever. Words that have been spoken and forgotten. Ideas that have been thought, but lost. And there's plenty of stuff mankind has never thought of, and will never think of. The Unknown is all that stuff. If there is more to the universe than what humans can perceive (and of course there is) then maybe everything that can ever be conceived is floating around somewhere unseen and unknown in some abstract way. So maybe Wirt and Greg get a glimpse of it, and make sense of these abstract concepts the best way they can understand it (goofy cartoon stories).
Source: manuscriptsburn.blogspot.com
This would mean that Quincy Endicott can be there because, even though he was a real person, he was forgotten about. That's why everyone is so old-timey there; we still remember recent people. But not everyone in The Unknown needs to have been real. The people in the tavern are all story archetypes; it doesn't make sense for them to have really existed with titles but no names. I think they're from a forgotten fictional story.
Yeah, I didn't see it as Purgatory so much as a nether zone where the memories of the dead collected and mutated in the presence of each other. Not so much an afterlife as a giant puddle of stories that never belonged together pushed into one place.
yeah I really liked it I just wish it was longer! there's so much world shown in it that we never got to see.
it was way better than that other miniseries CN did for like two seconds, Long Live The Royals or whatever
>Just saw this
party's over
go home
I'm not the OP, but what's wrong with seeing something later and wanting to talk to someone about it?
Meant to reply here.
I want to give Beatrice a peck.
As much as I love theories, I think OtgW is one of those things that you shouldn't look to much in to.
Sara is a baller.
Sara and Beatrice both make such good matches for Wirt, I couldn't choose one over the other.
For real.
It was good. It was damn good. One of the best series on that network imo.
Loved the music, loved the old-timey feel, loved the children's book aesthetic, loved all the Dante's Inferno references. I watch that highwayman scene every night before I go to bed.
i am a mostly straight man but I would love a Wirt bf with all my heart
Where did Sup Forums touch you, user?
Sex would be the most awkward thing imaginable.
Of course it would be (at least at first) but I'm 6'5" so like if he shoots too early and starts apologizing profusely I'll just big spoon the fuck outta him, it's all good he's adorable
The song that plays while they roll down the hill near the end is a song made for the series that doesn't show up in any OSTs I looked up.
For those looking for it, it is basically "Little Black Train" by Woody Guthrie. Judging by the scene, it's likely what inspired it and I think they were trying to come as close to it as possible.
>Same general tune
>Singer sounds the same
>Both the trains represent death in the lyrics
>>It's likely what inspired it
Nigga, there's absolutely no question about it, old black train was based on little black train
>You'll never see them travel through different time periods with different story arcs of meeting people living in the afterlife
As much as i would love this, i thought the ending was really perfect.
I loved it, thought it had an old fairy tale grimm creepy vibe to it, since for a while we never knew what the beast looked like. but it all really made it for me in the end with the big reveal.
I remember sitting and when the final credits rolled just admitting out loud how I did not see that ending coming out
>I just wish it was longer!
Nigga, the reason it was so good is because of how short, sweet, and self contained the whole thing was.
You can want more episodes of something without wanting it to go on forever.
Most of them would be filler, hell, the show already had enough filler even with it's two hour run time
Why didn't Autie Whispers just use the bell to to banish the ghost?
>I think it's the place where things go when they're forgotten completely. Sort of like an afterlife of ideas.
So Epic Mickey
It could just be an alternate version of the song. The Carter Family version has different lyrics than the Woody Guthrie version.
It was an awesome mini-series, overall. I loved the backgrounds, the OST, the atmosphere, the animation and the characters.
I don't have time to retread my thoughts here, but I maintain that the Unknown is most like Faerie
I have a problem with the purgatory theory because its not theologically correct. Purgatory is not part of any church's doctrine.
You have to remember that in chrstianity people dosn't die, they have inmortal souls.
I imagine the unknown is a place for sould that are in eh terms with god or people who died and isn't aware they can move o from their material existence.
I wish CN would make high quality, self-contained, movie-length miniseries an annual event, doing something new each time. As much as I'd love to see Wirt's relationship with Sara develop and see him return to the Unknown and see Beatrice again, it's better to leave the series as is.
>Purgatory is not part of any church's doctrine.
Isn't it though? I was raised Baptist so I don't know for sure. But Wikipedia seems to say Catholic believe in it.
I've never been convinced even a little that the Unknown is purgatory. While I don't mind McHale's explanation, I still prefer the notion that is it something like the Faerie lands. That's the vibe I continually see from the animated series and everyone I've shown it too agrees. It aligns particularly well with the world set forth in Changeling: The Dreaming, from Whitewolf Publishing. Wirt and Greg and Beatrix struggle with faerie magic and banality and glamour along the way in a very classic Grimms fairytale style story.
There are dozens of other things that lend to this theory very strongly. While I still just don't see the purgatory angle, special if you consider that the Devil and Death are two very different personifications. But to each their own, as each of these Lies are the Loviest Lies of All.
You are free to not do so if you choose. But I find discussing it continually deepens my enjoyment of it, especially when other people's paradigms and observations elucidate my own.
I remember being happy to learn that the music was original and modeled specifically after American folk music from around the time it aims to emulate. I'm not a music person but that lovely touch of detail is very cool.
Damn! Finally someone else who posts here who thinks that too!
Also I'm so glad in general they didn't leave Wirt in the Unknown. And we need more OtGW fan-art!
Neither is the Rapture, or hell having nine layers, or Hell being where bad people go after their bodies expire for that matter. Lot of bible fanfiction that people think is canon.
I don't know if any church believes in Dante's nine layers of Hell, but the other two actually are doctrine for some churches.
Catholics sometimes claim it's real, sometimes they don't. Same with Anglicans. It's one of the ways you know it's all bullshit. They can't make up their minds.
To me, the Unknown was simply where people ended up when they were lost.
Most of the characters in the Unknown were "lost" in one way or another, and it's the actions of Greg and Wirt that help them find some sort of peace.
I would love to see a spiritual successor to OtGW. Not necessarily a direct sequel, but something steeped in the Americana of other regions.
>The Native American stories of the Southwest
>The nautical legends of the coasts
>Even the urban legends of small, go nowhere midwestern towns.
Wirt is husbando tier, 10/10 would have awkward sex with the lights on just to see him drop his spaghetti everywhere.
so did anyone else hate Greg or was that just me?
No worries, you're not the only one, user.
>Very little filler
there was even filler?
It made me realize I should kill myself
it suffered from the hellboy effect even when it premiered, the discussion was never that massive
It might be the best work of Western animation of the 2010s. It's without a doubt the best Western animated TV in a long time.
you'll notice she's only taking the corruption off the turtles
It's the second most overrated thing on Sup Forums. Plot was pretentious nonsense, It had all of one funny moment, and the adventure time art for the characters was a shit stain on the otherwise pretty backgrounds.
i always thought the people in the tavern were supposed to be actors or something
like, who'd actually allow a known highwayman up on stage and sing about robbing you without arresting him
Was there one named the Lawman?
I thought that they were somehow connected to the figures that man was painting.
i think they were made by the toy maker in there or something
Nice trips though.