New episode: The Island
>The baby bears get stranded on a deserted island, where they meet two castaways. When they try to get of the island, they find out that someone is sabotaging their quest.
MEGA for the last 3 episodes:
We Bare Bears
Wow these episodes keep coming out of nowhere. Thanks for the link.
wait what? this show is still updating? does it air fridays now?
link don't work
get some grammar
but yeah it's not working.
Gay and boring.
Thanks friend.
oh okay now it's woikin
That was just a little fucked up.
man they missed some obvious puns with the episode where theyre forced to wear clothes.
>hahahahah men are incompetent and evil and women are perfect and nice
noticing a bit of a pattern
>looking forward to this episode, thinking it might be a more serious one
>it's cubstory and you already know they got to the cave in the end for present time
>just like Loosing Ice was the literal worst of the series and I was looking forward to it the most before we even had a plotline
>baby bears
Fucking trash, pass
theyre cute as fuck!
but yeah there's very little investment
To be fair Fashion Bears had a crazy girl, but yeah there has yet to be a significant male character that isn't mean/annoying/pathetic/black kids.
All the people who willingly hang out with the bears are weirdos, social rejects and amateur athletes.
the bears are way more cute when they have huge eyes and not dot eyes
That fat dude who replaced Ice Bear was the best human in the entire show
He's pathetic though
all these cub episodes dont even sync up, let alone how they go all these places in every single one without hardly eating
wow that woman got dramatic instantly
the chick just straight up forgot them immediately and didn't say anything to the ship crew about it
She was probably dehydrated and delirious. I ain't gon' shit on best waifu for that.
where's best bear
every time
also i havent been around since the break after cellie, how you guys doing?
Panda's Date girl was normal and fun.
The bears treated him like shit though. Even Panda called him a dweeb when Panda is a filthy weeb.
I'm no pussy or anything, but this show is so ungodly cute it makes me feel all fuzzy and warm inside.
i get turned on too when watching the show, user. no need to be ashamed
Shit, fell asleep. Is the episode up anywhere?
I don't like baby bears episodes, but the airplane one was nice.
CN has randomly put the last three episodes online. I think they'll officially air at the end of this month.
>they go all these places in every single one without hardly eating
Maybe this is why they are the nearly the same size, and sometimes appear very small and light for bears. They were constantly malnourished through their early development and would evenly split up what little food they could get so they grew at similar rates despite their species usually being pretty differently sized. Ice bear ended up the most stunted, followed by Grizz and then Panda the least. Panda didn't go as hungry because of his lower relative optimal calorie needs but complained the most anyway because he is a total bitch.
I'd go crazy to fuck the new female too.
I hate how retardedly mad in love they mad him and how fucking weird the girl acted about it, sure be mad about the escape being hidden from her, but it was weird. This show has been weird for like the past 5 episodes.
This story was done by another CN show not that long ago. Like, exactly the same story. Except, the girl was the one keeping them in the island and she wasn't painted as being wrong.
That episode was weird as fuck, like as soon as the hushed a few of those people they immediately went to back to watching the movie and smiling, like they didn't realize someone just hushed them.
It's obvious what you're talking about, that episode was spammed around it's airing time because of the song and scenery.
If this happened while I was watching a movie I'd be pissed the fuck off beyond anything like my seat being kicked or someone on their phone. This shit is horrible.
>he couldn't get it over his bear penis
Anyone have a webm of this? Also the one of Panda's ass after he puts it on.
>Synopsis: N/A
>Air Date: September 1st (Online)
im already comfy just thinking about it
jk its probably a cub episode
>Social Anxiety: The Cal-Arts Cartoon
on The Tumblr Network
at bait o' clock
The bears were covered and the girl was unconscious.
>the girl from the new episode wakes up
>tries to tell the people who saved her about the baby bears
>mentions they talked with other details in a hurry, panicking
>for the first time in the show, this sounds ridiculous and they think she's still partially out of it
I hope its a good Ice Bear episode.
Ice Bear best bear.
Webms when
Ice's smile. So precious.
>We really need to teach him how to talk
Eat grizzly tonight
i like baby bears
Some color issues there
What's going on here?
Panda loosing control of his bladder.
Define eat.
And fucking things up for the other two, as usual...
what was newgirl's name?
I like pouty Pan-Pan.
>that bear cub pile when they get comfy to sleep
>that song
Oh, my heart
>>that song
>>Oh, my heart
fuck off
Sure thing buddy :^)
Not a bad episode, but I really want to see the bears' shennanigans in Japan.
Finally, backstory on why Panda is such a weeb!
also pandas are really "special" in japan
fuck you
Someone needs a bear hug!!! :)
Okay, Now I really want a Japan-centered episode with the bears, eather as cubs or adults. Adults would be preferable though.
Ice Bear should open a cafe in Japan.
worst episode? if loosing ice then pick a second, but state loosing ice as well
best episode?
Made a new /trash/ thread
No, never.
I only find some on Sup Forums and go to them, I will never go to /trash/ for any reason, it's sad to hear the fans on here hang out there so often except for new episode times. It really hurts to know.
Hey man gotta go somewhere with mods like these and the only thing I don't like about /trash/ is the catalog.
charlie eps
chloe and ice bear OR the our stuff one
Loosing Ice was pretty bad for me. Not enough screentime of Ice and the brothers were jerks to him.
it was all so out of character
>he abandoned us!
like.. instantly as soon as they saw him in the restaurant
and he threw their food out within 3 minutes of it being done
sad how bullshit that was
Panda's the weeaboo, right? Why wouldn't he have been the big one instead of Grizz?
I wish I knew what it was referencing, it just looks like an anime-type reference.
It was something from studio ghibi, totoro or something
I don't watch much anime stuff, any of the sort, but I know from basic internet usage.
Why is Panda moving his feet when he's not on the bottom?
getting in the groove