>Luckily all my boxes got to the US safely except the last one, which did not contain any of my important plushies or Detective Conan volumes.
>For people who've been asking about how many comics are left: I don't have an exact number, but it's not many now!! 'A' We're in the final stretch, and I'm doing more prep for the book kickstarter soon.
I wish my childhood had been in Japan... School clubs, great video-games, awesome toys, quality candy and of course, sticking my finger on butts.
Isaiah Cruz
Will I finally be able to cum in her big doughy butt?
Adam Wood
Why the fuck is this even a thing?
Adrian Smith
Kids will be kids.
Owen Price
What about the extreme bullying, or the fact that because normal school is so shit you have to go to cram school if you want a decent education?
Evan Perez
Don't worry Mary sensei. I'll make some real babies with you after you become my cum dump
Connor Reed
I'm from third world dude. Shitty schools in Japan are better than good schools here. And bullying is not an exclusivity for them, at least there children being assaulted is not a big issue.
Connor Gomez
Also getting good grades is another reason to be bullied where I'm from in opposition to Japan. Hell, even teacher would bully students they don't like. And the average teacher barely had the knowledge written in children textbooks.
Levi Wright
Why is your nation so garbage, friend?
Adrian Bailey
He probably lives in the Balkins.
Jaxson Gomez
>Mary Sensei is grading tests, thinking of stupid weeb songs, when she takes a drink of water >as she suddenly wonders when she poured it, her eyes get heavy and she gets dizzy, and everything goes black >Mary wakes up to feel a slight chill waft over her body and opens her eyes >she realizes she is dressed in a dog collar and her hands and feet are tied together, and she's COMPLETELY naked >"Mary-Sensei!" >no, no it couldn't be >she looks to her right and sees her students in their underwear, looking proud and sporting boners >"Mary-Sensei, we can't study with you shaking your soft butt in our faces, teasing us all day!" >BIG BUTT SENSEI they chant, BIG BUTT SENSEI >"So as your punishment, we are going to... eto...' >best english speaker walks up >"Facku yuu inda ebaree horr, des" >NO! thinks Mary-Sensei, my one weakness, teacher/student sexual scenarios! >The tiny slant eyed perverts descend on Big Butt Mary with their sensitive shota dicks >Ass, Pussy, Mouth, Nose, no orifice is safe from them >even the girls get involved, and Mary is forced to eat their tiny bentos >At the end, Mary is coated in and out with their Soy-enriched Semen >Mary hates to admit how good it was, but at least it's over >"Mary Sensei, we brought a friend!" >rustle rustle she hears >No... it can't be >NEJIRI HONNYO IS REAL >AND HE'S COME TO RAPE HER TOO >and now she truly knows that that black thing on his face is a mouth, as a long tendril tongue emerges and tastes Mary >UMESSHIII it roars, the beasts is hungry, and it will have Poor Mary in every way >'It's a tradition to feed our english teachers to the beast of the mountains!' chimes in Sexy Pose shota >his massive Rice-based Cock violates Mary's massive butt, and Mary Sensei in shame and release, embraces her destiny >Nejiri's maw opens wide as the students chant in unison and say Goodbye to Mary as she is lowered into the beast's mouth whole to dijest in his Rice Paddy gullet >Mary's fat ass feeds Nejiri through the winter
Brayden Sullivan
South America.
Eli Brooks
Is this written by a woman? If so why aren't there more other female writers who can write women well?
Chase Russell
>or Detective Conan volumes
Wife material
Zachary Myers
I'm sorry to hear that, in the states schools are good depending where you live as well. Like take California for example, the best schools are where mostly white and mix families live with a lot of income. They nearly chastise any bullying that happens. In other schools like in heavy black or Latino areas, bullying still is a thing and no one gives a shit.
Ayden Murphy
It's a time honored Jap tradition
i went to a private school but i'm pretty sure in argentina at least people don't give a fuck about your school grades.
Ryan Gomez
There are. Meredith Gran and Tracy J. Butler, for example.
Justin Gonzalez
I'm pretty sure that is a problem exclusive to Jap kids, user.
Nicholas Scott
they also stick it to yours.
Caleb Wilson
I was about to say "with their height it is easier to do this instead of giving each other wedgies" but then I realized how racist it sounded.
Cameron Scott
No, Mary! Don't let him leave Japanese soil!
Camden Morris
Who cares?
Asher Hughes
Kids do silly stuff because they don't see it with malice. Also it is a thing in Korea and probably some other asian country.
Joshua Robinson
Fuck that series. It should have ended many years ago.
Aiden Gomez
I can't believe it's still going on. With so many murders they must have killed off half the population of Japan by now.
Gavin Reyes
I watched some special on TV and it was pretty interesting even if I barely could understand half of what was said.